Over 40 and sick of lockdown

Hi there, I’m quite new to MFP and I’d like to connect to those in the Uk and see how your all doing through these challenging times , have you joined because the gyms are closed or just generally need some motivation? Even though we’re in lockdown I’m still out working but don’t really see anyone other than my husband and two kids. It’s the little things I’m missing, coffee with a friend , popping up to see my mum and Gran . My Nan is 97 so every day counts and I’ve missed a year of see her. She’s my hero! She a tough old bird. Any way I digress, I’m committed to eating healthy and moving more (trying to ! )
Anyone out there with any tips or advise . It’s not easy keeping the motivation going when it’s Groundhog Day !


  • Paul_Ingy
    Paul_Ingy Posts: 123 Member
    Life is very much like groundhog day at the moment here in the UK isn't it.
    Fortunately for myself I have a decent gym set up in my garage, so I take myself in there daily for some 'me time'. Like you I have only my kids and my wife for company at the moment,.. really missing family. We're all close as a family so its hard not to see everyone.
    You need to make sure you're atleast getting outdoors for some fresh air and a sense of something different in your day.
    Anyhoo, we now 'friends' on here so if you ever want to have a moan, or just a little chat feel free anytime to get in touch. Im here for ya💪💥 x
  • jwills9082
    jwills9082 Posts: 15 Member
    @Paul_Ingy thanks , I will confess I do have a treadmill in the conservatory which I use as often as possible plus my dog gets me outdoors . Thanks for the message of support. I suppose we should think ourselves lucky to have our immediate family at home supporting us too.
    Feel free to moan or chat to me too anytime.
    Keep up the positive attitude, it’s refreshing . 👍😁