Cycling Fitness using MFP

I'm over 60 and seeking to get back into racing fitness. I cycle, road and gravel. I run 10Ks and 1/2 Marathons. Over the last year, Covid being part of the reason, I have gotten out of shape, weight and fitness. I was using MFP in 2018-2019, when I was at my peak racing fitness and weight. I have recommitted and am now on a 29 day streak with MFP as well as with my training, both running and cycling. Would love some friends who are cycling enthusiast so we can encourage each other along!


  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    Do you have an indoor trainer?
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    I'm a 60 YO keen cyclist (nearly all road, off road mainly by accident!).

    I'll send you a friend request.

    PS - you might like to contribute to this very free-form cycling monthly challenge thread.
  • rgec58
    rgec58 Posts: 19 Member
    I do have an indoor trainer. I use to use my Cervelo with a Kenetic trainer. I eventually caused too much wear for the bottom bracket. Sold that bike and now use an inexpensive spin cycle with Wahoo sensors. My bike is an Ibis Hakka MX, a swiss army knife bike, gravel and road. I have two sets of wheels, gravel and road. I was racing crits and road before Covid. I also race gravel, which is my favorite. Thanks, sijomial, for the link, I will check it out.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    I guess I fit the profile.

    I'm 63 years old. My last race was Ironman Mont Tremblant in 2018, then I missed all of 2019 due to injury rehab. Last year I began rebuilding fitness, only to have all my races cancelled. I threw in the towel and my fitness suffered. My winter goal is to drop 15lbs to get back to a better racing weight.

    I'm now six weeks into a base building program and looking forward to two trips to Florida: One for cycling from Miami to Key West in Feb, then another trip to race the Challenge Miami sprint distance triathlon in March. After that, its back to business to build for a 70.3 race in June and Ironman Chattanooga in September.

    As far as cycling, I ride a Felt IA10 triathlon bike. My workouts are all done indoors these days using a Cyclops fluid trainer. My coach puts my workouts in Training Peaks and I download them to my Garmin or simply write 'em down. My workouts are all power based. Since I have Vector pedals, I don't really "need" a smart trainer, but I"m thinking of moving up to a Wahoo Kickr and getting a Zwift subscription anyway .

    So I"m not a pure cyclist, but I fake it once in awhile. ;)