September 3kg loss challenge!!! welcome back ladies!



  • freeloaves
    I'm not sure how to put in the tracker, but here is the rest. I will do my measurements in the morning as well.

    CW--83 kg
    GW-- 70-71kg

    I'm 5'7 1/2" so I think that is a reasonable goal for me to obtain.

    Wow that's pretty much me! (except I'm still stuck on 93 lol)


    SW: 93
    SepGW: 90
    EndGW: 72

    Measurements will update when I get home but same as before pretty much


    Workouts are 30DS every day (ONE REST DAY OR IF CAN'T HANDLE WITH KICKBOXING TOO) and Kickboxing Tue and Thu (90 mins).
    Perhaps dancing again ... yes. I will drag the bf to that. So Weds, 2-3 hours.
  • shauna121211
    shauna121211 Posts: 575 Member
    Hey! Going to have get my measurements later... busy busy.

    Starting weight: :noway: 176.9 lbs (that was on Sept 1, I've already dropped to 174.8 since then!)

    September Goal weight: 169 lbs <--- Jillian's going to help me get there! :tongue:

    Ultimate Goal weight: 140 lbs :love:

    Exercise goals: September is my month of HUGE goals... I want to finish the 30 Day Shred with no skipped days (6 days down!), I want to run a total of 25 miles minimum but think I can do up to 35 if my knee is forgiving and I also want to complete this: and perhaps this... (it's looking to be a bit much, so may have to push pushups to October)

    Nutrition goals: Trying to cut down drinking to two days a week. I sound so pathetic, but I'm a wino and all my friends drink wine ALL the time... lol, it's looking like 3 days a week is more realistic! :drinker:
  • shauna121211
    shauna121211 Posts: 575 Member

    Neck 13.75
    Chest 35
    Breast 38
    Waist 35
    Hips 41.5
    Bicep 13.5
    Low arm 10
    Thy 24.5
    Calf 15.25 :embarassed:
  • aoifebr
    great!!!!!! welldone.
    how is kettlebell???? wat kind of things do you do with it?? notice any changes since using it??
    oh cool, yeah all my nurse firends say the same thing, cardio at work haha :)

    Hey Bree,

    I typically do a 20/30 min full body kettlebell session at least once a week. It still amazes we how quickly I work up a sweat & how my muscles feel afterwards even though its a pretty short weight session. Have you tried them at all?
  • Leanne3552000
    Leanne3552000 Posts: 395 Member

    Hey Bree,

    I typically do a 20/30 min full body kettlebell session at least once a week. It still amazes we how quickly I work up a sweat & how my muscles feel afterwards even though its a pretty short weight session. Have you tried them at all?

    What is a kettle ball workout involve? I've been doing mainly cardio for a while now but am wanting to branch out into more strength/toning exercises at the gym.

    Looking at some photos taken in the weekend I think I'm starting to regain shape in my face :)
  • srobinson1217
    srobinson1217 Posts: 13 Member
    Got about 35 min of a walk/jog in this morning with my dog! She kinda slowed me up, but still made it about 2 1/2 miles. The kettlebell exercise that I did yesterday I got out of this months issue of Fitness magazine, my legs hurt SO bad today b/c it involved a lot of squats, so working it out!!
  • aoifebr
    What is a kettle ball workout involve? I've been doing mainly cardio for a while now but am wanting to branch out into more strength/toning exercises at the gym.

    Looking at some photos taken in the weekend I think I'm starting to regain shape in my face :)

    Kettlebells are weights with a handle so they are pretty verstile. I find my workout end up feeling like cardio session as I work up a huge sweat, the aim is to get through the set as quick as possible with minimal breaks so you really challenge yourself. I find when I increase my weight based workout I crave healthy food like salmon & veg & feel so much better than after cardio sessions plus I can now see definition in my muscles.

    I did a quick google search this site looks like it covers all the basis on the first page i.e you can see the bell's plus lots of excercises being demonstrated in the middle of the page - scroll to the side to see more. I havent looked at what they are selling so I'm not recommending it. On youtube there are a load of videos where people show their kettlebell sessions, you can see really fit people struggling to complete a session when they push themselves. Some people can burn 400 calories in a 20min session with minimal breaks.
  • k3lly89
    Went to the gym today :) 50 minute workout, I've noticed my tummy looks tighter so maybe I haven't lost actual numbers because of this. Plus my pants fit better which is always nice :)

    Hope you are all having a lovely start to the week
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    Feeling really bloated today, however I did have a 1.5 lb loss on the scale today so that's good! The past few days I've greatly reduced my amount of exercise. Today I did yoga. Tomorrow I plan on having a super sweat session at the gym in the evening. Might also plan a morning run to get the blood flowing before work, or at least a good walk.
  • aegira
    aegira Posts: 204
    Congrats on everyone's highs so far and hugs to those who have had a few lows.
    I've been grounded for the last 10days no exercise allowed and quarantined, doctor thinks I may have whooping cough. I'm waiting on test results tomorrow. I am so bored and want to exercise so badly. It's 10.5 weeks until I fly out :sad:
    I don't believe in quitting I've come to far, so tomorrow no matter what I'm going to starting static exercises, no jumping around just weights, see how I go.
    Have an awesome day everyone :flowerforyou:
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    Got about 35 min of a walk/jog in this morning with my dog! She kinda slowed me up, but still made it about 2 1/2 miles. The kettlebell exercise that I did yesterday I got out of this months issue of Fitness magazine, my legs hurt SO bad today b/c it involved a lot of squats, so working it out!!

    FANTASTIC!!! good on you, great workout haha love it when im faster than my dog :)
    well done on getting out there and also giving your dog some exercise too :)
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    Went to the gym today :) 50 minute workout, I've noticed my tummy looks tighter so maybe I haven't lost actual numbers because of this. Plus my pants fit better which is always nice :)

    Hope you are all having a lovely start to the week

    AWESOME kelly thats sooooo good!!!!
    thats wat i like to hear clothes looser and tummys tighter!!! fantastic congrats!
    the scales arent everything like kelly has seen so get measuring ladies and see if you can tel a difference from now til the end of the month! :)
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    Feeling really bloated today, however I did have a 1.5 lb loss on the scale today so that's good! The past few days I've greatly reduced my amount of exercise. Today I did yoga. Tomorrow I plan on having a super sweat session at the gym in the evening. Might also plan a morning run to get the blood flowing before work, or at least a good walk.

    CONGRATS on your loss hunny!!!!
    thats soooo good!!!! i knew a bit less exercise for you my dear would help. you are soooo motivated and determined you need a break for your body to catch up. keep going with less exercise for abit and when its stops again bump it up a notch!
    cognrats thats an awesome loss!!!
  • Leanne3552000
    Leanne3552000 Posts: 395 Member
    What is a kettle ball workout involve? I've been doing mainly cardio for a while now but am wanting to branch out into more strength/toning exercises at the gym.

    Looking at some photos taken in the weekend I think I'm starting to regain shape in my face :)

    Kettlebells are weights with a handle so they are pretty verstile. I find my workout end up feeling like cardio session as I work up a huge sweat, the aim is to get through the set as quick as possible with minimal breaks so you really challenge yourself. I find when I increase my weight based workout I crave healthy food like salmon & veg & feel so much better than after cardio sessions plus I can now see definition in my muscles.

    I did a quick google search this site looks like it covers all the basis on the first page i.e you can see the bell's plus lots of excercises being demonstrated in the middle of the page - scroll to the side to see more. I havent looked at what they are selling so I'm not recommending it. On youtube there are a load of videos where people show their kettlebell sessions, you can see really fit people struggling to complete a session when they push themselves. Some people can burn 400 calories in a 20min session with minimal breaks.

    Thanks!! I'll kettleball a try tonight if I'm feeling brave!

    Yesterday I decided to study for my exam which I had today instead of going to the gym but when I got home at 10: 30pm I felt so guilty that it would be two days in a row I hadn't exercised so i went for a short run. Going for a run that late was definately not my smartest idea. I got lost and ended up running for 20 minutes then walking around for another half hour just trying to find my way home again! But at least it was good exercise haha
  • aegira
    aegira Posts: 204
    Okay, so maybe this is a little cheat but guess what I'm taking it...1kg loss yaaaaaaaaayy!
    Take that plateau :bigsmile:
    Why a cheat well because nearly everything I'm eating I've lost by being sick :wink:
    But it is a great to get a boost when I've been feeling so lousy. Started little exercises yesterday not to much coughing so tomorrow, I'm going to bump it up a little.

    Have an awesome day everyone remember you're all special and deserve the life you dream of. :flowerforyou:
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    Haha even losing weight when you're sick counts! :laugh: It is nice to get a little boost by being sick just because it makes up for you feeling so crappy and not being able to workout for a few days!
  • k3lly89
    Hi all,

    I hope you have all had an awesome week :)

    I weighed myself this morning and I'm 52kgs!!! YAY! Plus I was still 52kgs at the end of my working day :)

    I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

  • Leanne3552000
    Leanne3552000 Posts: 395 Member
    I had a pretty bad start to the week but have been going better the last couple of days and still managed a small loss of 0.3kg. I have been going for walks and runs rather than the gym a bit this week which has been a nice change but I burn alot more calories when I go to the gym.

    I've also increased my goal weight to 55kg rather than 52. I will reconsider when I finally get to 55.

    Hope everyones weekend is going well xo

    Kelly- congrats on 52kg!! thats great! my old goal weight
  • aegira
    aegira Posts: 204
    Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend.
    Don't forget to have a moments silence for the sadness that changed the world 10years ago. :flowerforyou:
    Weigh in day for me tomorrow, see you then
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    welldone everyone!!!

    how is everyone doing?????
    tell me about your lives! :)

    did everyone have a good weekend???
    i had the WORST food wise weekend of my life, but a great weekend socially and with my bf!
    it was great but now its time to get serious, i cant even put my rings on today :(

    fire in the hole!!!!!!!!:explode: