Hi (Looking for friends for mutual support)

I've been active on here for 3 weeks and doing great. I have been miserable for years now. I thought it was a mental issue. They put me on different medications and they were all awful. One of them I didn't realize was actually making me worse and even though I've been off of it since May of last year I still dont feel as good as before I started taking it. I had a sleep study done and they said I had 55 episodes an hour. So now my physiatrist is telling me all this has to do with Sleep Apnea. I dont know if I completely believe her.. I still think the medication did irreversible damage including giving me horrible anxiety from caffeine that used to be my life blood. BUT instead of moping about it I figured I'll take her word for it and lose weight to get rid of my Sleep Apnea. I can't take to a CPAP machine. It gives me panic attacks and after months of working with a therapist and horrible night of no sleep I ditched it. Since then I've decided to go full speed with weight loss. My highest was 385 back in summer of 2019 and lose some weight but didn't really take it seriously. In November of last year I was down to 320 when I decided to take this extremely seriously so that I can live life again. Since then I've dropped down to 384.5. In the last 4 weeks I've lost 15 1/2 pounds! I work out on my treadmill I bought at the beginning of the month twice a day for 45 minutes at a time. It leaves me exhausted because my sleep is so rough but I push through it. I'm miserable through out the day because I can't do the 600mg of caffeine a day that once allowed me to live life. However, the weight loss makes it worth it hoping that when I drop below 200 maybe my apnea will be so low I can actually get a good night sleep! That's my goal!
I could really use friends that update their newsfeed and comment on mine. Having the positive support and seeing others succeed really helps me through this really rough and hard time. I'm down 100 pounds so far from my highest.. I can't wait to lose another 100!
