Hey Howdy Hi

Hi friends!

I'm new here. I've only been on the quest to lose weight the past week or so. This is the first time I've actually tracked my food/exercise, so we'll see how this works out. I overeat, mostly out of boredom, so I'm trying to keep my mind and body active these days. Ultimately, I'm trying to lose 100 pounds, but have a shorter term goal of just fitting into straight sizes. I want to look good in clothes.

Things aren't going so swimmingly, yet. For the past three weeks I've been doing an hour of Zumba twice a week and a toning class for an hour a week and I've actually managed to gain ten pounds! I don't know what's going on! I'm even eating less and the scale is going the wrong direction. I'm hoping, after another week or so, things will change.

Anyway, nice to meet you all and I'm happy to be here. Have a beautiful night!


  • lori8431
    Hang in there, I am working out like crazy and scales dont seem to be budging but clothes are fitting different..plus I feel better.
  • debclif
    debclif Posts: 74 Member
    Good luck, tracking food is a real eye opener! Get the phone app if you can too!

    It is great that you set shorter term goals! Make sure you have rewards for yourself too!

    I am going to reward myself every month for logging on everyday. If I log on everyday for a month, I get a mani and a Pedi! I believe tomorrow may be my first month! YAY!

    If you bored just drink water, you will feel fuller when you eat too!

    Good luck! Everyone seems pretty supportive so far. See you around!
  • YoungGma29
    Hang in there. You are doing some good things. Make sure you weight & measure your food initially. Don't eyeball it. You will be surprised. Plus make sure you log everything. It truly IS an eye opener.
  • englishinpeach
    If anyone wants to add me as a friend, please do. I think I'm going to need some support here.
  • melvac
    melvac Posts: 333 Member
    Hi and nice to meet you also, Tracking what I eat was a real eye opener for me when I first started I couldn't believe how the cals added up or how much I was shoving in my mouth. Make sure you put down everything including the sweetner or cream to your coffee hot sauce or ketchup, they all add up very quickly. I am in a 90 day challenge right now what I have learned is to eat every 2 to 3 hours, what this does is keep your metabolism up so you burn more plus you don't get to hungry and break your diet completely.
    Hang in there, take it a day at a time keep up the activity you will get results. This site is wonderful you can ask any questions and you will probably get a lot of answers but that is good cause aoll the info is good...