FASTING? need help?

hi guys,

i am doing a 24 hour fast for Trocaire, starting tonight after dinner

so i know i will be drinking LOADS of water :laugh:

but is there anything i can do to help my body along, i usually eat little and often, will this affect my weight loss or what? is it bad that i am doing the fast, its just its for charity and i used to do it in school every year, so thought i could help out again :smile:

here is my donation page if anyone would like to donate a euro/dollar/pound :smooched:

(ps, the money goes straight to the trocaire website, it never sees my pocket :blushing: )


  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    hi guys,

    i am doing a 24 hour fast for Trocaire, starting tonight after dinner

    so i know i will be drinking LOADS of water :laugh:

    but is there anything i can do to help my body along, i usually eat little and often, will this affect my weight loss or what? is it bad that i am doing the fast, its just its for charity and i used to do it in school every year, so thought i could help out again :smile:

    here is my donation page if anyone would like to donate a euro/dollar/pound :smooched:

    (ps, the money goes straight to the trocaire website, it never sees my pocket :blushing: )
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    OK so here is an example of the RIGHT reason to do a fast. To help others.

    Kudo's realta!

    IMHO, fasting can be done for any number of reasons legitemately, but the one reason I don't think it should be done is for weight loss. So good for you lady!

    Anyway, while uncomfortable, I don't think 24 hours of fasting will have any serious medical consequences (assuming you are healthy to begin with). Just keep drinking the water and add a few vitamin supplements in there and I think you'll be fine.

    now I'm going to go check out your trocaire page and see how I can help.
  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    thanks so much Banks :blushing:

    i really appreciate your support

    i am working tomorrow, so my hands will be kept busy and away from the fridge! lol i will be starting after dinner tonight, so from about 7pm until 7pm sat, i think i should be ok, lots of water and just get on with it as its such a great cause, unfortunately some people have no choice whether they want to fast or not, so im glad i can do something small to help

    thanks everyone :drinker:
  • DBranchaud
    DBranchaud Posts: 827 Member
    Try drinking herbal tea...or is that not allowed?
  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    awh thanks, never thought of that :blushing:

    and i LOVE my herbal tea :drinker:
  • cettefille
    Your fast includes being able to drink?

    I sometimes fast for religious reasons, and the fast is nothing to eat or drink from sunrise to sunset, so I just make sure I eat a good breakfast and drink lots of water in the morning before I begin my fast. Then after I break my fast I allow myself a bigger (higher in calorie) meal than I would normally eat. I'm not exactly sure how your particular fast works, so I'm sure my input probably doesn't help... sorry.
  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    i appreciate all input,

    it says on the trocaire website that you can have water and/or fruit juice, but i think i will stick to water, as fruit juice is kinda food in my opinion :blushing:

    im doing it for charity and they say i can have water :drinker: otherwise id be v.moody! lol
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Wow - that's great Realta! Wish I had some extra $ to donate :cry:

    My only advice, besides the water thing, would be to go a little easy when you break your fast. Your body hasn't had food for 24 hours, so start with lighter stuff, toast, fruit, and let that settle for an hour or so then move on to more substantial fare. Easier on the tummy and digestive system! Let us know how much you raise??!! :drinker: :drinker: Way to go!
  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    Wow - that's great Realta! Wish I had some extra $ to donate :cry:

    My only advice, besides the water thing, would be to go a little easy when you break your fast. Your body hasn't had food for 24 hours, so start with lighter stuff, toast, fruit, and let that settle for an hour or so then move on to more substantial fare. Easier on the tummy and digestive system! Let us know how much you raise??!! :drinker: :drinker: Way to go!

    thanks so much, yea i never thought about that, i was planing to have a nice yummy dinner ready for me, maybe i will have some snacks and a light meal tomorrow evening instead

    thanks for the support :flowerforyou:
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    I used to do a 30-hour famine in high school every year. There were never any adverse effects. You should allow yourself to have fruit juice though, it helps to regulate your blood sugar. 24 hours isn't as long as it seems. If you keep yourself busy it'll be over before you know it :flowerforyou:
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    I would do the water and herbal tea...............just my opinion.

    Fruit juice does not regulate the blood sugar, it will give you the see saw effect of your blood sugar going up and then down when the sugar rush is over..............
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    I would do the water and herbal tea...............just my opinion.

    Fruit juice does not regulate the blood sugar, it will give you the see saw effect of your blood sugar going up and then down when the sugar rush is over..............

    we were always specifically instructed by professionals in health care to drink fruit juice throughout the day. If regulating blood sugar is not the reason then I don't know what it, but I am just sharing my personal experience.
  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    thanks guys

    i will try a little OJ, if i feel weak, i appreciate all your support

    just waiting for hubby to come home so i can have my last meal of the day! lol :laugh: :laugh:
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    thanks guys

    i will try a little OJ, if i feel weak, i appreciate all your support

    just waiting for hubby to come home so i can have my last meal of the day! lol :laugh: :laugh:

    ooooh what'cha gonna have? lol better make it good :laugh: :wink:
  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    i am having beef mince, my own recipie, i add tomato purree, herbs, veggies, and cajun spices,

    i find some of the pre-made sauces not great, and they have lots of salt!

    i will have carrots, peas and butternut squash fries too

    yum :laugh:
  • MisoSoup79
    MisoSoup79 Posts: 517
    Eating a little yogurt before and after your fast might be beneficial, especially if your stomach bothers you during your fast. The live bacteria in yogurt helps your digestive tract recover from being emptied (also good for if you have suffered a lot of diarrhea and vomiting due to illnesses). It's probably not a medically recognized practice, but I have always found it helps me.

    It's awesome what you're doing, BTW! :flowerforyou:
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    I would do the water and herbal tea...............just my opinion.

    Fruit juice does not regulate the blood sugar, it will give you the see saw effect of your blood sugar going up and then down when the sugar rush is over..............

    we were always specifically instructed by professionals in health care to drink fruit juice throughout the day. If regulating blood sugar is not the reason then I don't know what it, but I am just sharing my personal experience.

    The fruit juice will temporarily bring the blood sugar up until the sugar is burned, then it will go down again, the same effect as a candy bar would have................

    The only way fruit juice will help to keep blood sugar even is to have a bit of protein shortly after drinking the juice (like nuts, cheese, egg) or the blood sugar will dip..........

    I have found with fasting, it is best to stick to frequent sippings of water or herbal tea very often through out the day................
  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    thanks guys

    3...2...1... GO!

    so i had my lovely dinner and for dessert a Creme Egg (counted it into my calories!)

    let the fast begin! :drinker:

    roll on 6.30pm saturday evening! :laugh:
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    thanks guys

    3...2...1... GO!

    so i had my lovely dinner and for dessert a Creme Egg (counted it into my calories!)

    let the fast begin! :drinker:

    roll on 6.30pm saturday evening! :laugh:

    Good Luck!!! :drinker: :drinker:
  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    i have to go to work now, im not a morning person anyway, and now i cant have breakfast! :noway:

    so, i hope the customers are nice to me today or else! :laugh: