What's a safe late night snack?



  • Elanesse100
    Elanesse100 Posts: 30 Member
    The best Late Night Snack is sleep ;)

    I agree. My response to the main question is that best late night snack is no late night snack.

    I do a couple of things for weight loss, but one of the things that I swear by is not eating at least 3 hours before I go to bed. If I'm under the 3 hour line, then I don't eat. This ensures that your body is done digesting food and nothing can be converted to fat. Plus, as Tony Horton would say, the best time to starve yourself is when you are asleep! Then eat a good healthy breakfast within 30 minutes of waking up.
  • I guess it depends how many cals you've got left. Yoghurts are good or i've recently discovered Hartley's low calorie jelly pots which are under 10 cals each.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Again...nice suggestions everyone...but it DOES. NOT. MATTER. Make a smart healthy choice. That's about the only good advice regarding it.
  • Elanesse100
    Elanesse100 Posts: 30 Member
    Bottom line is, it does NOT matter. Eat what you want that gives you the nutrients you need and keeps you in line with your calorie goal...that's all you need to do. Nothing is going to magically destroy you by eating it at a certain time.

    I disagree. One time? no, but take it from someone who loved eating full meals at midnight and going to bed 30 minutes later, it all goes to fat because your body doesn't have time to digest it before turning off for the night.
  • I munch some carrot sticks, or drink some fizzy flavoured water, its got hardly any calories but the fizzyness fills me up. Usually if its late enough i just forget about it and go to sleep :)
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    The best Late Night Snack is sleep ;)

    I agree. My response to the main question is that best late night snack is no late night snack.

    I do a couple of things for weight loss, but one of the things that I swear by is not eating at least 3 hours before I go to bed. If I'm under the 3 hour line, then I don't eat. This ensures that your body is done digesting food and nothing can be converted to fat. Plus, as Tony Horton would say, the best time to starve yourself is when you are asleep! Then eat a good healthy breakfast within 30 minutes of waking up.

    I almost always eat something pretty close to bedtime...I've lost 18lbs in the last 2 months. It truly.... doesn't matter. Do some reading on it...here...read this: http://www.livestrong.com/article/447011-eating-late-weight-gain/
  • Bottom line is, it does NOT matter. Eat what you want that gives you the nutrients you need and keeps you in line with your calorie goal...that's all you need to do. Nothing is going to magically destroy you by eating it at a certain time.

  • WiiFitFan
    WiiFitFan Posts: 156 Member
    Air popped popcorn is great night time snack, especially if you had a light dinner.
  • Bottom line is, it does NOT matter. Eat what you want that gives you the nutrients you need and keeps you in line with your calorie goal...that's all you need to do. Nothing is going to magically destroy you by eating it at a certain time.

  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Ben and Jerry's...
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Bottom line is, it does NOT matter. Eat what you want that gives you the nutrients you need and keeps you in line with your calorie goal...that's all you need to do. Nothing is going to magically destroy you by eating it at a certain time.

    I disagree. One time? no, but take it from someone who loved eating full meals at midnight and going to bed 30 minutes later, it all goes to fat because your body doesn't have time to digest it before turning off for the night.

    Your body does not 'turn off' for the night...
  • JamesonsMommy
    JamesonsMommy Posts: 771 Member
    Just go with a greek yogurt or something like that. I keep some of the Oikos sround for such occasions.

    The Oikos is the best greek yogurt i've tasted. If possible i would stay away from sugars.. (this includes fruits) One of my favorites is a piece of string cheese or a rice cake with a wedge of laughing cow spread on top :) If you are a milk drinker down an 8oz glass :)
  • adross3
    adross3 Posts: 606 Member
    My rule is....Low Carb and Eat Everything Else

    Date : F% : F lbs : H2O : Muscle : Bone : Weight
    7/4 :.. 24.1 : 46.3 : 56.6 : ..70.9 : ....8.1 : .....191
    8/29 13.6 : ..24.3 : 60.5 : ..73.0 :.... 9.6 : .....179.
    9/9 12.8 :.. 22.68 : 61.2 : 73.4 : .....9.4 : ....177.4.
    (F% -11.3): (Flbs -23.62) : (H2O +4.6) : (Muscle +2.5) : ( Bone +1.3 ) : (Weight -13.6 lbs)
  • @ Splasheh

    I honestly have to say that you do not need to be on a diet from your picture. You are far from fat, and you are far from average build. Someone has to stop you before you go to far and one step away from anorexia. Losing weight is all fine and good for when you have weight to lose, you look your ideal weight and size.

    Please stop trying to lose weight, otherwise you will just end up making yourself ill.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Bottom line is, it does NOT matter. Eat what you want that gives you the nutrients you need and keeps you in line with your calorie goal...that's all you need to do. Nothing is going to magically destroy you by eating it at a certain time.

    I disagree. One time? no, but take it from someone who loved eating full meals at midnight and going to bed 30 minutes later, it all goes to fat because your body doesn't have time to digest it before turning off for the night.

    Your body does not 'turn off' for the night...

    QFT. Where did this myth about eating late at night makes you fat come from?! As long as your getting your macros and the right number of calories, it really doesnt matter when you get them. The people who eat late and night and put on weight are the ones who eat their daily calorie count during the day, THEN snack and night, and blame the late night part, when it's simply that they are over their calories for the day.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Bottom line is, it does NOT matter. Eat what you want that gives you the nutrients you need and keeps you in line with your calorie goal...that's all you need to do. Nothing is going to magically destroy you by eating it at a certain time.

    I disagree. One time? no, but take it from someone who loved eating full meals at midnight and going to bed 30 minutes later, it all goes to fat because your body doesn't have time to digest it before turning off for the night.

    That is scientifically and biologically untrue. Your body digests food, stores and retrieves nutrients, creates and burns fat and does all of it's other functions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Does your heart stop beating while you sleep? Do you stop breathing? No? Where do you think the energy to do that comes from if your body "turns off for the night?" If you have to eat 1500 calories a day to lose weight and you eat all 1500 calories at 11PM and immediately go to sleep, you will still lose weight.
  • well hell that all made me hungry! I agree though, stay in your calories and eat whatever your little heart desires.
  • kfriedm1
    kfriedm1 Posts: 6 Member
    When you're craving chocolate, I love Vitatops. They are only 100 calories and they have a ton of fiber. They taste soooo good...like brownies!
  • Elanesse100
    Elanesse100 Posts: 30 Member
    Bottom line is, it does NOT matter. Eat what you want that gives you the nutrients you need and keeps you in line with your calorie goal...that's all you need to do. Nothing is going to magically destroy you by eating it at a certain time.

    I disagree. One time? no, but take it from someone who loved eating full meals at midnight and going to bed 30 minutes later, it all goes to fat because your body doesn't have time to digest it before turning off for the night.

    That is scientifically and biologically untrue. Your body digests food, stores and retrieves nutrients, creates and burns fat and does all of it's other functions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Does your heart stop beating while you sleep? Do you stop breathing? No? Where do you think the energy to do that comes from if your body "turns off for the night?" If you have to eat 1500 calories a day to lose weight and you eat all 1500 calories at 11PM and immediately go to sleep, you will still lose weight.

    All I am following is the P90X Nutrition Guide. When the people who put that together tell me to eat my last snack 3 hours before I go to bed because undigested carbs turn into fat, I believe them. I would assume your body slows down at night, because mine certainly does. My body does not work as hard as it does when I'm walking around working, or as hard as it does when I eating a meal. Your body slows down. That is my point.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Your metabolism is running constantly 24/7. It does not speed up and slow down at different points of the day. Meal timing has been thoroughly debunked by scientific study after study. Keep in mind P90X is a program that is almost 10 years old, and the information presented is outdated. Your metabolism burns at the same rate, whether you are sleeping or awake. Your body stores and retrieves fat 24/7, every time you eat, regardless of what time it is. Do you really think you use all 500 calories from a meal instantly? It's stored away as fat and released as needed.