Midnight Sweet Tooth

I must confess, for some reason in the middle of the night I find myself laying in bed and suddenly craving something
sweet and to be honest sometimes I sneak myself a bit of icing to feed the urge, but then I want more.....does anyone
else deal with this? Any suggestions? Ive tried making tea, ive tried drinking water, or some juice....but it just dosent
satisfy me like say a popsicle or something would. Help!


  • CindiBryce
    Sleep. Shut your eyes and stay in your bed!
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    Me too but I think I'm going to get like those mini milky way or three musketeers and freeze them then when you take it out its going to take longer to eat and last longer than one not frozen. You wont want more than one or you'd be up all night trying to eat it.
  • kschhr
    kschhr Posts: 103 Member
    Sleep is good, like Cindi said.. but maybe you should just save some calories from your day so you CAN have a popsicle in the middle of the night. Even better, make your own popsicles from juice and molds. :) Grape juice ones are always really tasty.
  • CindiBryce
    Me too but I think I'm going to get like those mini milky way or three musketeers and freeze them then when you take it out its going to take longer to eat and last longer than one not frozen. You wont want more than one or you'd be up all night trying to eat it.
    Empty calories are no good. How about frozen grapes?
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    Have you tried fruity herbal teas like Wild Cherry Berry or Raspberry Zinger? I sweeten them with some Stevia and they are very satisfying for sweet cravings.

    You could also try one or two squares of dark chocolate if you have the calories to spare. I let it melt slowly in my mouth and it takes 15-20 minutes to dissolve. A single Dove Dark square is 42 calories.
  • Danaf86
    I do sleep, but sometimes I just cant sleep till I get that sweet something.....yes I have tried fruity teas as well. I usually use
    splenda for that. I was thinking of getting sugar free hard candy to suck on here and there....that might be ok, right?
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    Me too but I think I'm going to get like those mini milky way or three musketeers and freeze them then when you take it out its going to take longer to eat and last longer than one not frozen. You wont want more than one or you'd be up all night trying to eat it.
    Empty calories are no good. How about frozen grapes?
    sounds good but I eat grape all day I would need something different and my point was just something hard to eat I would get tired of trying to eat it and spit it out. If its not easy to eat for me I give up