Eating at Night

A few people I know, including myself, have trouble with snacking at night. I'm fine right through out the day to about 9 PM then I feel the urge to snack, and usually on junk food. Does any one feel my pain? Or have any suggestions?


  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 847 Member
    Me too, only thing I find is to not have the crappy foods in the house & make sure there is better options. Rasberris, strawberries, grapes. Anything to curb the urge. I feel your pain.
  • springtrio
    springtrio Posts: 429 Member
    Save your calories for night time? I personally try my best NOT to eat after 5pm...but once or so a month, I cave in. Can you eat lighter thru the day and save them for night time?
  • AimingHighWeighingLow
    My brother offered me T5's which reduce your appetite at night! But they also give you lots of energy apparently. I refused....I use good ole will power.

    You could always go to bed at 9pm if you don't have will power :)
  • butterfly0589
    butterfly0589 Posts: 167 Member
    I feel ya, all I can suggest is don't buy junk in that's what I did n it's helped tons xxx
  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    same here. I have a young baby and when he needs feeding at 3am and im hungry I have a bowl of cereal or fruit if there is some
  • summerkissed
    summerkissed Posts: 730 Member
    Try getting some sugar free sweets! Works for me :) And I still get that little sweetness in my mouth but not the calories, Low Joule Jelly is another option, I make mine with blueberries in it as well! And if I eat the whole dam bowl its only 50 cals!
    Also now that im so close to my figure competition I drink peppermint tea after dinner, seems to get rid of the cravings!
  • sexyminxinthemaking
    i defo feel your pain im the worlds worst for bingeing at night but over the past two weeks i have fought the urge evrytime i feel like eating late i just stop and think about the weight i want to loose and then i put my workout dvd on and i excercise instead, its worked for me i can finally start to see the flatter tummy and stuff so i think the eating late at night was holding me back :)
  • KindleBlossom
    My advice would be to eat a lot of fiber- rich foods for dinner and drink lots of water (bonus points for a soup course!). That way you'll feel full straight through to bedtime. When I get hungry right before bed, sometimes extra liquids are just the thing to curb it- a little hot tea with soymilk (and it's relaxing, too!). Good luck!
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    Just save some calories and eat something when you know your going to be hungry.
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    If I get after dinner munchies my fall back is half a cup of frozen berries and a bit of yoghurt - less than a 100 cals, and it gives you fibre and protein, so most of the time it does the job.....if not just go to bed ;-)
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I come on here or involve myself doing other things so I don't get the urge to snack from boredom. When I used to watch tv in the evenings I used to want to eat as well. We didn't have tv all summer as it broke, and I got completely out of the habit of sitting there snacking mindlessly. I would say, don't watch tv in the evenings, get up and do something that occupies you physically instead.
  • LH2011
    LH2011 Posts: 176 Member
    I'm an evening snacker always have been always will be and I don't intend to change :laugh: its the one time when kids are in bed I can acutally sit and have something to eat and enjoy it totally un-interupted . I just save calories during the day I alway have my treat a bar or some biscuits and then fruit or a yoghurt.
  • kysassyblonde1
    I am a terrible night time snacker, but I just dont buy anything that I would binge on, I always keep skinny cow icecreams because they are low calorie and satisfying. Yogurt works for me as night time snack and I love Doles yogurt bites they come in several flavors but the apple is my favorite and only 90 calories. I use this as time to eat a few of my exercise calories back!!
  • KRB28
    KRB28 Posts: 248 Member
    I used to be a big snacker, especially on chips. Any kind I would eat them. I hardly snack now after dinner (but we do eat dinner a little later as we have an 8 month old). But one snack I do like to snack on is Cheecha Puffs. They come in all different flavors and is 90 cals for 2 cups, they are crunchy and salty like chips but without all the cals. I only eat them once in awhile, but if I do crave a nighttime snack they are what I choose.