I'm hungry already! Lol.

Hi, having failed miserably to lose weight 4 months ago after a first attempt, I'm back on the site and looking to make some friends. It doesn't help that my Mother's ust walked through the door having bought pizza for dinner. Maybe I'll start tomorrow, but none the less, it will happen! Lol,



  • knjantz
    knjantz Posts: 40 Member
    Hang in there Chris! I failed several times too but I feel like I finally found something that is working for me. We too are having pizza tonight...football night its a must right? I just make sure I eat healthy the rest of the day and work out extra hard to burn the calories. Do you use the food and exercise tracker on here? That will help to see how hard you need to bust your butt to burn off the pizza. I found that if I was depriving myself I failed because I would get so hungry for something I really wanted I would just eat, eat, eat everything! I have had much better results doing it this way. It might not work for everyone, everyone is different and needs to find their own 'thing'. We made moderate changes, instead of hamburger we use turkey burger or 97% lean hamburger, wheat and fiber pasta, veggies as side dishes, lots and lots of grilled chicken, etc. but we still eat out too and still enjoy- we just log it and work it off. I also find that drinking about 10-15 glasses of water a day with a slight amount of fiber in about 5 of them keeps my belly feeling full. I have been losing about 6 pounds a week. You will get there. Do not give up! You can do this :)
  • Do you know, that's actually quite a good tip I didn't think of... with the fibre in water because of course it keeps you full. What sort of product do you put in the water, like cereal fibre?

    Well done for the weight loss. I'm definitely learning that moderation is key and keeping it a lifestyle rather than a quick fix. :-)

    I do use the food tracker but exercise tracker I tend to use a running application that has gps etc, so perhaps I'll start entering those details on here to keep thing's accurate.
  • Peque1130deleted
    Hi, having failed miserably to lose weight 4 months ago after a first attempt, I'm back on the site and looking to make some friends. It doesn't help that my Mother's ust walked through the door having bought pizza for dinner. Maybe I'll start tomorrow, but none the less, it will happen! Lol,


    One of the many benefits of living alone is this! I dont have to worry about someone walking in with 'bad' foods or having to cook for someone who doesnt need to lose weight. Thing is, at work, I am the only one currently trying to lose wieght, so yesterday, as I eat my lenti soup and chicken, a co worker walks in with McDonalds....and boy did it smeel great!! BUT, I saw my diary and saw that even though it was not a lot, I have lost a few lbs...after that, I couldnt smell the fries anymore...

    I really want/need to lose this weight, and I know there will be people out there that wont understand why I won't have just 'one fry', but I know what my goals are and I will try oh so very hard to reach it! Don't give up, you will learn to walk away from those foods and reach your goal. You will be A-ok!
  • Some good words of advice there. I'll take that on board. Now what to have for lunch today, gosh I'm hungry! At least there's nobody around with pizza hey lol
  • Expatgirl
    Expatgirl Posts: 33 Member
    Metamucil Sugar Free Berry Burst
    A glass of that really fills you up.
    Instead of chips I'll munch on Life Cereal.

    I'll race you! I've got 30 to go.
    I hope we both win!