Women 200lb+, Let's Keep On Fighting This February!!!



  • jencook69
    jencook69 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all! I'm back after a few years and a few other attempts at losing weight. I am now 51 years old and 5'9" and a January 8th trip to the doctor I weighed in at an all time high of 288. I am determined to make this a lifestyle change and not just another diet. I did follow keto for the first 28 days of this journey (not the super strict.. all organic) but using foods I already have in my kitchen... plus lots and lots of veggies and healthy fats. As of this morning I am weighing in at 260. I am still watching my macros.. however I do have the occasional pasta or bread. The only foods I am strictly keeping out of my diet are soft-drinks and fast food. My main eating goal is to watch my calorie intake, and meeting my daily calorie deficit. I have not been exercising regularly, which is something I really need to work on. I am one of those that weighs every morning, but I do realize that this is not a linear process. (my scale has been going up this week and as far as my diet... it's been spot on...). Trying to keep focused on the light at the end of the tunnel. Good luck to you all on this journey. Feel free to friend me.
    SW 01/08/2021 288
    CW 02/12/2021 260
    Feb goal is 250
    UGW 170-180 (hopefully by September or October)
  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    @AlexandraFindsHerself1971 i LOVE blood oranges. I've bought a bag every week since they appeared on my grocery store shelves, LMAO. I'm picking up a grocery order tonight, I'll be so sad if they're out of stock. I asked them to sub cara cara oranges if the blood oranges are out, so at least I'll have something, but I love me some blood oranges. I used to have a coworker with a tree and she'd bring in bags upon bags of them during the season.
  • JojoInTheForks
    JojoInTheForks Posts: 134 Member
    @AlexandraFindsHerself1971 @goal06082021 Okay, this is a total side bar, but I am also in love with blood oranges. When I was 18, I was an exchange student in Belgium and participated in the Carnival of Binche. It's a whole celebration but the most fascinating to me was the parade where these "gilles", which are dressed up performers really, parade through town with baskets of blood oranges and throw them at the crowd! Seriously! There would be squished up oranges in the streets on the buildings...we were drenched in orange juice and so sticky for the train ride home!! But we had a bag of blood oranges to snack on!!
  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    @iloveeggnog that sounds like an awesome time, it's so cool that you got to experience it. I just Googled "Carnival of Binche" and apparently the 2021 celebration is this weekend, so, good timing! For anyone else curious, the Carnival of Binche takes place on the weekend prior to Ash Wednesday. I love mid-winter celebrations, especially the ones that basically boil down to "let's just go absolutely hogwild for a few days right before we gotta turn down for Lent." I did a semester abroad in college and was in St. Petersburg for Maslenitsa, which is Russia's pre-Lent party that involves, like, a LOT of butter. "Maslenitsa" basically translates to "Butter Week." Can't use butter during Lent, against the rules, and it won't keep for six weeks (somehow, I feel like you could just put it outside and it'd be fine forever, February in St. Petersburg is cold AF) so we gotta figure out something to do with all this butter. The answer is "a terrifying quantity of pancakes" and "butter sculptures."
  • sarah12277
    sarah12277 Posts: 212 Member
    I don't think I've ever tried a blood orange. May just have to at some point.

    I found out a good friend of mine goes to the gym that's closer. I accepted her invite last night to try it before I signed up. Pros/Cons vs my work gym but acceptable that I signed up afterward.

    Of course when I was waiting for my friend, another friend saw my post asking about the gym to find out she wanted to start going herself. We almost signed up for one closer to her maybe 4 years ago and after some honest questions we didn't sign up and then later I signed up for my gym. Another round of tough questions to find out what she's going for and think she's actually ready. She didn't seem to like the one we almost did, and neither do I having seen a few others now, so asked pointed questions to see if she'd be up for my gym. She was. So unfroze the account. HA. We'll be waiting to start until after she gets her second dose of the vaccine so I have a month to figure out schedules for both gyms. I got the cheapest membership on the new one and figured out my fitness reimbursement. Ultimately I thrived the most in the past going daily but hadn't gotten back to that point yet so having both will certainly help that. I'll just be conflicted if they're wanting me to show things etc. So I need to plan it out first and see if that will help. I haven't been going with friends in the past (other than walking outside) so this is a new strategy to figure out.

    Weigh in today showed a much lower number than I had expected so hoping it doesn't scare away lol - 226.6
    I have such hormone swings that sometimes the new numbers go away quickly after being seen. Lately the weight has been melting after about a month stall. So I'm in a good spot right now.
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member

    Friday Weigh-in

    Feb 5: 206.4 - Down .4 lbs.
    Thoughts: I'll just keep pressing onward. I plan to up my water intake, but other than that, I don't plan to make any other significant changes this week.

    Upcoming Week's Goals:
    1. Drink 96oz of water daily
    2. Include vegetables with my lunch and dinner meals
    3. Commit to eating 3 balanced meals a day - Lunch has been a real challenge due to work (even though I work from home) πŸ˜‘
    4. Exercise (strength and cardio) at least 4 days this week for 30 minutes
    5. Consume at least 1,300 calories daily
  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    @sarah12277 your post made me miss my old gym buddy, LOL - she's on another continent, so even without COVID, that would be a no-go for us right now. I was the more experienced gym-person at the time, so she asked me to teach her how to gym and she followed my lead wrt training plans (such as they were, it was really...well, not so much the blind leading the blind, but maybe the severely nearsighted leading the blind, LMAO). My husband has also been a sometimes-gym-buddy, but he wasn't interested in strength training as much as I was, so when we would go together he would just find a treadmill or a stationary bike and do some cardio while I puttered around the resistance machines and free weights doing my thing. Point being, don't feel like you have to do the same things as your friend(s) while you're gyming together, unless what they're doing is what you want to do.
  • jennordhavn
    jennordhavn Posts: 88 Member
    Hi everyone. Jumping in a bit late this month. Happy to have found this thread/group. A little background on me:

    48 yo, 5’4”
    Had WLS (sleeve) 8/2018
    HW: 310.6
    SW: 291.9
    LW: 208.2
    1/1/21: 219.2
    CW: 209.4
    Feb GW: 204.8
    Mar GW: Under 200 by 3/27 (my bday)
    UGW: 174

    Jan 1st I recommitted and started focusing on protein first, tracking, limiting carbs, and drinking liquids. I started Jan 1st at 219.2 and ended Jan at 209.8. I’ve only lost 0.4 in Feb so far.

    My goals for Feb are as follows:

    1. Track every day.
    2. 1,200-1,300 calories per day.
    3. 55-70 G protein per day.
    4. Under 50 net carbs per day (I’m actually adjusting this as I got some lab results and my cholesterol is the highest it’s ever been despite my 100 lb weight loss. So I’m going to incorporate some healthy carbs such as oats and fruit. I’m also going to reduce saturated fat by switching from heavy cream to half and half and using lower fat cheese. Will also eat more fish).
    64 oz of water/decaf liquids.
    Lose 5 pounds for Feb.

  • Angief05
    Angief05 Posts: 102 Member
    Today is weigh in day.
    I started Jan 1st at 265 lbs
    Jan 15th - 260 lbs
    Feb 5th - 252.9 lbs
    Feb 12th - 251.4 lbs

    I forgot to post yesterday as I was rushed in the morning.
    So a loss of 1.5 lbs this week.
    I am very happy with that. I still have not started regular workout program. I get extra exercise in when I can, and I always pass my daily step goal.
  • jennordhavn
    jennordhavn Posts: 88 Member
    1. Track everything βœ…
    2. 55-70+ G protein βœ… (62 g)
    3. 50 - 75 net carbs βœ… (63 net)
    4. 1,200 - 1,300 calories ❌ (1,313)
    5. 64 oz water/decaf liquids βœ… (78 oz)
    For the month:
    6. Lose 5 pounds ❌ (0.4 so far)

    I adjusted my net carbs range to incorporate some healthy carbs like oatmeal.

    SW: 209.8
    CW: 209.4
    GW: 204.8
  • IsETHome
    IsETHome Posts: 386 Member
    Decent week with the gym (closed today do to weather conditions). My weight is slightly above the starting weight for Feb. My body seems to love to be at 204 lbs.....it surged up to 208 this week, but came back down again, might have been a cycle water retention thing. Focus on counting everything and keeping under 1400... so overall a good week. I was able to wear boots yesterday, that have been too tight on my legs for awhile, so that was nice to be able to wear them into work. Unfortunately, my lunch & snack has almost capped me for the day already, so I will need to be low cal tonight, unfortunately. Gearing up mentally to be very disciplined next week. Have a lot of stress going on at work (as a supervisor), and trying not to get that to impact me to much.
  • speyerj
    speyerj Posts: 1,369 Member
    edited February 2021
    Name: Jane
    Age: 55
    Height: 5' 9"
    SW: 286.5 (6/3
    GW: Maintenance below 165

    Weight tracking:
    Feb 1: 166.6 😯 - oops! Lax logging and too many carbs this weekend!
    Feb 6: 164.4 😐 - Okay weight today, but weekly average for the week is higher than last week.
    Feb 13: 161.6 😍
    Feb 20:
    Feb 27:

    Fitness goals:
    Weigh daily: 7/7
    Log your food consistently: 6/7 - I was really disciplined this week and the scale shows that!
    Run 4x week 3/4 - Snow and ice kept me from running the second half of the week
    Body weight exercises 3x week: 1/3 - I've lost momentum for the floor exercises.:(
    10,000 steps/day: 7/7
    45 active minutes/day: 5/7

    Did so much better with controlling snacking this week thanks to faithful logging. And the scale came back down. Monday I was up at 167.1 - a weight I hadn't seen since just after Christmas. Goes to show you how easy it is to get off track, but also how easy it is to course correct if you catch yourself soon enough. We got a bit of a snow storm up here in the Pacific NW - unusual for us, so I've been procrastibaking to pass the time. Made Rosemary Shortbread yesterday, and today, a Dutch Baby for breakfast and No Knead Bread for tonight's dinner. This afternoon I am taking a virtual class on how to make chocolate croissants! So excited. This is something I have never made before. I'll freeze some and give some away, but I am also planning to have one for Valentine's Day breakfast tomorrow. Happy Galentine's Day ladies! ❀
  • uyister
    uyister Posts: 154 Member
    February 2021 stats
    38 years old
    Height: 5' 7"
    SW (6/9/2020): 330.0 lbs
    Month SW (1/30/21): 244.4lbs
    Goal weight: 180 lbs
    Weigh-in day: Saturdays
    2/6: 241.8lbs (-2.6lbs)
    2/13: 244.6lbs (+2.8lbs) πŸ™„πŸ™„ - Been having a preview of TOM all week but, finally started today!!
    2/20: lbs
    2/27: lbs
    Total month loss: lbs

    Weekly and Monthly Goals:
    * Keep logging in MFP βœ”βœ”βœ”
    * Stick to my 1200 calorie limit even with exercise calories disabled in MFP βœ” - Got that only a couple of days this week.
    * Stop drinking water ~15 minutes before meals and no drinking water during meals βœ”βœ”
    * Continue the T-25 workouts (Beta cycle week 5 finished yesterday) βœ”βœ”βœ” - Start week 1 of the Gamma cycle (more weight training) on Monday
    * Do either a quick yoga, stretch, or walk (Reps to the Rhythm or Up to the BEat Fit or Cize - Crazy 8's) workout in the evenings in addition to my morning workout βœ”βœ”βœ”
    * Add in swimming 2x a week βœ” - Got 1 day this week
    * Get as much sleep as possible πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€ βœ”
    * Make it to 60 days of meeting my step goal and get a new badge from Garmin!! βœ”βœ”βœ” - I made it!! Got the 60-day badge and now, I am going to see how long I can keep the streak going!!
    * 05yh8vn5bucg.png

    Mid-year Goal:
    * Get below 200 lbs (Hopefully by the end of May) - We'll see

    I have been easily irritated all week. Partly due to TOM trying to start and not starting till today!!! πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ˜‘πŸ˜Things are settling back down now though. I did stop going to the gym on campus because one of the employees keeps coming in and will not sanitize his hands upon entering or leaving and I feel obligated to go and sanitize the doorknobs etc. I finally decided to ask the other students that are actually on campus, if they would mind me taking a few weights home and returning them at the end of the term and no one objected. So, now I have sets of 3 and 5 lbs dumbbells as well as a 10 and a 15lb kettlebell in my apartment for my working out. πŸ˜€πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚

  • emmclean
    emmclean Posts: 297 Member
    @uyister I've had a significant increase in those sorts of friend requests too, agree with @goal06082021 that they're likely bots. Those overtly "sexy" images are so rare on profile pics here, it shows that they don't fit the profile of a real MFP user. The ones I've got have been out of the blue too, never seen them on the message forums - certainly not here. Clear fakery to me.

    @_Joistick hello fellow Ireland resident! I'm in Dublin. Welcome to this hugely supportive thread - the posts here keep me motivated and encouraged, I hope you find the same :)

    Glad TOM is over, been all over the place this week! Got back into some step exercise today, even though it felt like I was running on empty - I nearly tripped over the step three times because I wasn't lifting my feet high enough - the knowledge that I moved my backside today is worth it. Happy Galentines ladies! <3
  • Got some rearranging of the library done last night and I like it much better. Still need to do some clothes folding, but we're having kind of an elaborate dinner and I can always fold the clothes tomorrow.

    (Tandoori shrimp, chicken pakora, onion pakora, tamarind chutney, mint chutney, saag, raita, rice, naan.)
  • kali31337
    kali31337 Posts: 1,048 Member
    Name: Kali
    Age: 33
    Height: 5'7
    SW: 232.2 (1/15/21)
    GW: #1 Under 200 #2 280 #150ish

    Weight tracking:
    Feb 5: 220.9
    Feb 12: 216.6 <--had a really good week & TMI WARNING: have been dealing with some constipation for the last couple of weeks that finally started moving
    Feb 19:
    Feb 26:

    Fitness goals:
    Weigh daily
    11,000+ steps 6x week
    Meal prep as much as possible
    C25K 3x a week
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,326 Member
    Gong Hei Fat Choi ζ­ε–œη™Όθ²‘ Last night we got take out Chinese food in celebration of the Lunar/Chinese New Year. What we should have done was go to the grocery store to stock up for snow. However we have enough to get by. We had just come to the end of the meals I had planned and the related groceries. So no planned meals or related groceries around. We had over 6" and still snowing. It started last night and didn't stop and it was on top of a small snow a few days before that.

    It was a busy week and I got only a few days of exercise, my calories were low except for last night and still within my calorie goal counting exercise yesterday (a small walk).
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,326 Member
    This is the 3rd day of snow here and I mean snow. We have had over a foot which is a lot for us. Typically ever 5-10 years we have a big snow and usually have snow every other year but we had a few big snows last winter too. We didn't stock up for this one but were able to find makings for spaghetti last night and chicken broccoli cheese rice casserole tonight. It is supposed to start to rain soon. My husband picked up some Dove hearts in anticipation of Valentine's day planning to get flowers and truffles later. So we are fine for Valentine's day. We will get a nicer take out dinner later to celebrate. We went out to walk this morning for a short walk in the snow. I asked my husband to get out my cross country skis (his were ruined when we moved to Texas). I went for a small trek on them. I do that anytime we have enough snow in the city. Felt good.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,326 Member
    @wanderinglight a few years ago we got adopted by a Norwegian forest cat. We got him a house and heat pad and fed him but soon he worked his way into the family and was an indoor - outdoor cat. He was one of my top 2 favorite cats ever. I am 67 and have known quite a few. Good for you for saving Patches. She is adorable. My son is in Houston with the same freeze you are experiencing. We didn’t stock up like you did and we are going on our 3rd day of snow.
  • Went to see my mother and adult sons today (they live with her) and take Eldest Boy his birthday present. He's studying welding and looking to see if he can get an apprenticeship soon. So his shirt says " WELDER/ Everyday using the hands of a surgeon/and the genius of an artist/ I fuse metal together/with electricity and fire/ to build the world/What do you do?" He liked it very much. I made him chocolate chocolate chip bread this morning, and told him he could have it for a cake, or just have it. He thinks he will just have it.

    It was really weird baking. I haven't baked very much at all this last year because homemade goodies are something I can't stay out of if I have them around, and therefore I haven't made them at all.

    We had pizza from the local place I grew up with, and that was a nice thing, and I had two pieces and was satisfied with that. And I left the rest with the boys. Someone will eat it, but not me.

    Dinner was beef stroganoff, and pan seared zucchini chunks with a little butter, salt, and pepper. I am now full and happy, sipping tea, and thinking about hosting a tea party for my mother and aunt when my aunt visits at the beginning of May.
  • jennordhavn
    jennordhavn Posts: 88 Member
    1. Track everything ❌
    2. 55-70+ G protein ❓
    3. 50 - 75 net carbs ❓
    4. 1,200 - 1,300 calories ❓
    5. 64 oz water/decaf liquids ❌
    For the month:
    6. Lose 5 pounds ❌ (0.4 so far)

    I tracked breakfast and snacks but didn’t track dinner. My bf and I stayed overnight at a hotel. We ordered a wedge salad, orzo salmon pasta, zucchini cakes and a slice of cheesecake which we shared. I also had one diet cran pineapple juice with vodka.

    SW: 209.8
    CW: 209.4
    GW: 204.8
  • KMC55
    KMC55 Posts: 100 Member
    uyister wrote: Β»
    Hello ladies.

    Just a little bit of vent/warning....

    I have denied a lot of friend requests lately and if you are one of the casualties, sorry not sorry.

    It may not be the best way to decide to accept or deny requests, but, if your profile pic is trying to slap me in the face with your booty or c***, then you will be denied and or removed from my friend's list.

    I just do not have the patience to move beyond the pic and know the real person and do not want to be slapped with those types of images when I open my app.

    I am going to take a hiatus from even accepting any new requests for the next little while.

    Ok. Thanks for listening.

    I completely agree, why in the heck do people put that as a profile pic??? Same with the guys that I have no idea how they even found me?? It isn't a dating site!!