Hello hello

mjrc2 Posts: 121 Member
Hi y'all,
My name is Magan. This site helped me lose a little weight a few years ago. I got sidetracked with saving for a home and moving 200 miles away from everyone and everything I knew to start a whole new career right before the pandemic hit 😷😵. Now I have the home, and the job is ok, but I haven't socialized face to face hardly at all in the past year. Food has become a source of comfort and I need to refocus. I'm here to do that and get/ give support and comradere. Mfp is good for that.
More about me:
I have a long commute so I regularly prep cook and batch cook.
I do most of my cooking from scratch. I love to garden and I love my veggies, especially the ones I grow myself.
To each his own, but I don't do restrictive diets at all, I'm a devout calories in/ calories out gal. I weight my food and keep my diary open.
I'll accept any friend requests!
I live in rural Maine, so at the moment most of my exercise is just shoveling snow and lugging and splitting firewood, but I love to hike and paddle board.
My hobbies include gardening, netflix, reading, cooking, volunteering at the local animal shelter, home repair and improvements, fighting fascism, racism and the patriarchy.
Have a great day!
Cheers 🥂
