Anyone use Huel?

I’m 5 ft 7 , female , currently about 190 Ibs,
I’ve skipped breakfast for years and it’s done more damage than good .
I’m insulin resistant and now I’m on metformin by my dr:
I used to workout a lot - kettlebells , running , weights but piled on the weight after a rough time 5 years ago. I’ve struggled to loose it since .
I started running during the pandemic, I ran 4x a week 3 miles but hurt my knees and haven’t been back.

I bought Huel last week to replace breakfast and lunch snd have a normal dinner but I haven’t stuck to it.
I would appreciate advice from those who have incorporated Huel into their weight loss journey.
I’m pretty much starting from scratch, all I know is I get sugar headaches snd I also get headaches if I don’t eat consistently , I have 60 pounds to loose and I’m at a loss for where to begin .
I’d appreciate any tips .


  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    edited February 2021
    Fat loss comes down to calories in > calories out. Your body burns a certain amount of calories in the course of a day to keep you alive. If the amount of calories you take in in the form of food is less than the amount you need to stay alive, your body cannot do otherwise but to dip into its emergency energy stores (i.e., your excess body fat). It can't just not pay its energy bill for the day.

    I have not personally used Huel or other meal-replacement drinks like Soylent, but I am familiar with the concept. If it works for you, that's great, but many people don't get a sense of satiety from drinking liquids. What happens for many people is they drink their 400cal meal replacement shake but don't feel full, so they end up eating some or all of the meal they were trying to replace anyway, and end up overeating.

    It looks like Huel is about 200cal per scoop, from a quick Google search. They recommend 2 scoops (400 cal) for about a pint of water (14-17oz), which I imagine is the ideal "serving size" for a meal replacement, if that's how you're using the product. If you're replacing two meals with Huel, that's 800 calories that you're drinking instead of eating.

    Also from a quick Google search, your maintenance calories hover around 1990 cal per day (you didn't say how old you are, I put in 29 years as a guesstimate - it's slightly higher if you're younger, lower if you're older than that), let's round up and call that 2000 to make the math easier. To lose 1lb per week, you'd want to net 1500 calories per day or so. Food intake minus exercise burn equals net - if you're not currently doing much in the way of purposeful exercise, that will be food intake minus zero, so you'll take in 1500 calories' worth of food and Huel per day and your body will have to make up the 500cal difference from its emergency stores. I don't know what "a normal dinner" means for you, but on a 1500cal/day budget, minus the 800cal worth of Huel, that leaves you with 700 calories for dinner. That's pretty average, basically any dinner recipe you can look up will clock in around there or under it.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,919 Member
    Well you already bought it so use it, but liquid diets aren't sustainable long term for many and it teaches you nothing on how to control food intake. The key in keeping weight off after reaching goal is eating the AMOUNT of food and macros you need to sustain it without adding weight. That's where calorie counting comes in. So unless you're willing to live off 2 shakes a day plus dinner, it's VERY LIKELY you'll regain once you start eating solid foods.

    That said, as mentioned above, it's CICO. However you achieve that is personal preference.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • blackbarbie511
    blackbarbie511 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for the replies . I’m not loyal to any method - obviously I’m having issues sticking the meal replacement shake so I’m happy to try anything.

    I calculated my caloric intake if I want to loose weight . It needs to be 1700kcal daily .
    I don’t weigh or measure my food currently so I don’t know my current intake .

    I agree @ninerbuff , there’s a possibility of regain once I stop , so I’m willing to try with or without it . I’m loyal to what will work for me rather than a brand. I do have a few bags in my pantry so I can use it up as I go along .

    Yes @goal06082021 , it’s 400kcal a shake, 200 per scoop and I have a few bags in the pantry. I guess I like that it helps me estimate my daily calories otherwise I have no clue .

    I guess it’s not ideal for me to be drinking 800kcal a day! That’s a lot of calories just from a drink. I will try and incorporate it once a day max until I’ve used it up and see if I feel better without it.

    For a 1700 kcal day, I’m thinking

    400 kcal breakfast - either Huel ( to use it up) or poached eggs/ toast

    400 kcal lunch - salad / protein / 1/4 avocado
    500kcal dinner .

    My problem is snacking so I need to find snacks < 200 kcal.
    1x Apple/cheese
    1xApples / reduced fat pb.

    Will order kitchen scales

    I have a 10 kg kettlebell and 4kg dumbbell set snd I can do some body weight circuits 3-4x weekly .

    I get headaches from sugar highs and From inconsistent eating so I’m afraid to try intermittent fasting or Omad. I need to keep my carbs low as I’m on metformin.

    I’ve tried carnivore for 2 weeks, keto, Omad etc. And always fell off.

    I guess i need to master the basics first which is eating to loose weight and regular exercise.
    I’m happy to hear any suggestions you may have .


  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    The kitchen scale will be the biggest help to you, I think. Make sure you're weighing everything to really nail down your calorie intake. I found it helpful to just be honest with myself and log for the first few days to a week, without worrying about being under or over my budget. For one, to get into the habit of doing it, and for two, to see how much I was actually eating, before worrying about how much I should be eating, so I had something concrete to look at and decide what my next steps would be. Like, "oh, I snacked more on these days when I just had cereal for breakfast, maybe I should have more protein in the morning," or "oh, this lunch was like 900 calories, maybe I should have packed a smaller portion," things like that.
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,464 Member

    For a 1700 kcal day, I’m thinking

    400 kcal breakfast - either Huel ( to use it up) or poached eggs/ toast

    400 kcal lunch - salad / protein / 1/4 avocado
    500kcal dinner .

    My problem is snacking so I need to find snacks < 200 kcal.
    1x Apple/cheese
    1xApples / reduced fat pb.

    Will order kitchen scales

    I have a 10 kg kettlebell and 4kg dumbbell set snd I can do some body weight circuits 3-4x weekly .

    I get headaches from sugar highs and From inconsistent eating so I’m afraid to try intermittent fasting or Omad. I need to keep my carbs low as I’m on metformin.

    I’ve tried carnivore for 2 weeks, keto, Omad etc. And always fell off.

    I guess i need to master the basics first which is eating to loose weight and regular exercise.
    I’m happy to hear any suggestions you may have .



    This looks like a good plan!
    Use it as a guide, not concrete.
    Looks like you’re on your way!
  • blackbarbie511
    blackbarbie511 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you so much, scales will be here tomorrow and I’m doing a pantry inventory now.

    I have lots of
    quinoa ,
    Cous cous,
    brown rice

    2 x whole chicken
    8 x chicken thighs

    Can chickpeas
    Chopped tomatoes

    Frozen berries
    Greek yoghurt
    Green beans
    Frozen spinach
    Peppers .
    6 eggs

    I’ll try snd get these into some sort of 400kcal meal and I’ll stop skipping breakfast.

    I’ve decided 200 kcal Huel ( one scoop) and a boiled or poached egg or something else with some vegetables.

    The ultimate crunch will be to stop snacking when stressed during the day.
    I think maybe I’ll start a blog as I don’t do well without accountability.

    Thanks xxx

  • vanmep
    vanmep Posts: 410 Member
    I started off by just logging what I ate for a few weeks without trying to limit anything. It was very informative and helped to build some understanding of what my plan could be. It was easier for me to make baby steps than to turn my whole life upside down with new foods and habits.
  • watts6151
    watts6151 Posts: 905 Member
    Huel is a good meal substitute IMO
    But I’m slightly biased as I’ve known James the co founder for a very long time
  • blackbarbie511
    blackbarbie511 Posts: 8 Member
    I actually like Huel esp the coffee one and it’s a tool to help me control calories but my overall eating habits are not good and I’m worried I’m using it as a blanket . I’m sure it fits in well with someone with an otherwise healthy eating plan and good relationship with food.
  • blackbarbie511
    blackbarbie511 Posts: 8 Member
    I’m willing to incorporate it and see how I fare, for me it will make a good breakfast substitute or half a shake (200kcal) if I’m hungry in between meals instead of eating an unhealthy snack. I’m playing it by ear to see .