Anti-psychotic meds and weight gain.



  • MonaRaeHill
    MonaRaeHill Posts: 145 Member
    tried to add you as a friend, MFP isn't finding you, can't even email you. settings maybe set at private?
  • MonaRaeHill
    MonaRaeHill Posts: 145 Member
    I am in the same boat as you.
    I have gotten off all but one of the medications I was on, for two-three years after my injury. It took me all last year and the year b4, to do the withdrawal piece. I had at least two setbacks during the whole process, I fell and broke a toe, as well as a finger (on two different occasions) because of the lowered blood pressure caused by the last one I am on (it's a nervine, for chronic nerve pain). It's been a pretty rocky road, thus far, but I am ready to give it another go.....hoping that starting in the spring this time, will trick my historical DNA, into ramping up my know.......because of the two starving months in the NE.......think they are April/May........anyhow, my 'add-friend' button, doesn't seem to be working, so maybe you can add me.........need all the friends I can get, at this point!
  • Djlfcfkjg
    Djlfcfkjg Posts: 3 Member
    Hi i have big problem. Im 165.34 pounds and 5.479 feet.

    I use antipsychotics, haldol and azolar. Im bad for my weight. I want to be like i was 8 years ago. That was 121 pounds.

    Pls tell me some good advice. I m always hungry. All my life is such a mess. Dont have a job, boy, nothing.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    edited February 2021
    Djlfcfkjg wrote: »
    Hi i have big problem. Im 165.34 pounds and 5.479 feet.

    I use antipsychotics, haldol and azolar. Im bad for my weight. I want to be like i was 8 years ago. That was 121 pounds.

    Pls tell me some good advice. I m always hungry. All my life is such a mess. Dont have a job, boy, nothing.

    What weekly weight loss goal did you choose? It is common for us to choose the most aggressive one, 2 pounds per week. Since you only want to lose just over 40 pounds, a pound a week would be a more appropriate goal.


    Also concentrate on foods you find filling. Run a report on fiber.


    Do you hit your fiber goal regularly? If not, gradually add in higher fiber foods. (Adding fiber too fast can cause unpleasant effects.)

    Understanding satiety: feeling full after a meal

    ...Tips on how to feel fuller

    So how can we best try to enhance these feelings of fullness to help us control how much we eat? Here are some top tips for helping you feel fuller:
    1. Foods high in protein seem to make us feel fuller than foods high in fat or carbohydrate, so including some protein at every meal should help keep you satisfied. Foods high in protein include meats such as chicken, ham or beef, fish, eggs, beans and pulses.
    2. If you are watching your weight, opt for lower fat versions, using leaner cuts of meat, cutting off visible fat and avoiding the skin on poultry as this will help reduce the energy density of the diet, which can help to enhance satiety (see below).
    3. Foods that are high in fibre may also enhance feelings of fullness so try to include plenty of high-fibre foods in the diet such as wholegrain bread and cereals, beans and pulses and fruit and vegetables.
    4. Alcohol seems to stimulate appetite in the short-term and therefore drinking alcohol is likely to encourage us to eat more. Alcoholic beverages can make you forget about your intentions to eat healthily by making you lose your inhibitions. Alcoholic drinks are also calorific, so you should cut down on alcohol consumption if you are trying to control your weight.
    5. The ‘energy density’ of food has a strong influence on feelings of fullness or satiety. Energy density is the amount of energy (or calories) per gram of food. Lower energy density foods provide less energy per gram of food so you can eat more of them without consuming too many calories. Low energy density foods include fruit and vegetables, foods with lots of water added when cooking such as soups and stews, and lower fat foods. Click here for more information on energy density.

    Read more:
  • jdbly3373
    jdbly3373 Posts: 26 Member
    edited February 2021
    When I started taking medication for bipolar I gained a lot of weight. Now, I am doing my best to lose weight for my health's sake. Since I gained weight I find it hard to climb the stairs, my feet hurts when I stand too long. I cant run. I will not accept being fat because it is not healthy.

    I totally agree. Not being able to move and everything associated with that just isn't accceptable. Some cause you to gain even if your diet remains the same. I always gain on antipsychotics especially Resperidal. I gained 120 or so lbs in 4 or 5 months on that medication. A few months ago I was put on it again and gained 5 lbs in a few days in the hopsital. On Haldol I gained 40 or so lbs in a few months. The only one that takes away my appetite is Geodon but it wasn't effective for me. Now I'm just on a mood stabilizer and antidepressant.