Daily calories... confused???

Evening guys,
Ive been on here over a month.
Put in needed details, exercise goals ect... no matter what i put in Profile it comes up w’ 1500 cals... im not losing!!! Im staying inside that daily! Nothings different how can I change it???


  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member

    What rate of loss have you selected?
    What are your starting stats (height, starting weight, age, sex)?
    What is your current weight?
    Are you weighing your food with a food scale and using accurate database entries?
    Have you recently changed or increased the amount of exercise that you do regularly?
    How are you estimating exercise calories burned, and are you eating them back?
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Did you happen to put that you are male? It won’t let males go under 1500 calories.
  • slatkabundeva
    slatkabundeva Posts: 17 Member
    1500 is decently low for the average person. My main guess would be you aren't accurately measuring, are you using a food scale or measuring cups? I know it's annoying but it can make a big difference.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Did you happen to put that you are male? It won’t let males go under 1500 calories.

    Wondering the same....that's the default minimum for a male.
  • standy73
    standy73 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi sorry havnt checking in this chat for while :-|
    Im female:-D as Im a fan of Jillian Michaels she explains BMR & AMR
    But our MFP imput details accounts for that. If i say im ‘sedentary’ -
    no activity! Itll put me at 1200 as Jillian says who could live off that.. 1400 should be the minimum for anyone but even my details set to ‘a little active’ lets me have 1450 cals but then at daily completion my 5 week outlook puts me heavier... cant win