Weight loss stalled

Hi A well worn topic I know but having read through the reams of comments I’m still not much closer to figuring out the best way to deal with my stalled weight loss. I’m 5.5, started at 67kgs and wanted to lose 8kgs. I set daily calorie intake to 1200 and lost 4kg in 5 weeks - then nothing for 3 weeks now. I know my calorie intake is pretty accurate as I’m using M&S diet meals and snacks or weighing food specifically as I wanted to be sure. I make sure I do an hour of activity every day (walking, Pilates, dancing, kickboxing) I try to avoid using any exercise calories gained on a daily basis just in case I go over some days (so i do eat into them occasionally but never the whole amount) so bearing in mind my base calories I should still easily be in deficit. I have 1 evening where I have take away pizza with the kids, but balance this by eating lightly during the day. I tend to have another evening where I allow myself a couple of drinks or a treat but again measure this all out and balance it with eating lower during the day or lighter on other days. This does mean a couple of days I do go as low as 1000 cals to help with this but no more than a couple. It just helps me keep going to be able to join in with the family and not feel I’m missing out all the time so as a system it works for me mentally. Looking at some discussion groups this seems a good method anyway as it includes some heavier calorie days to keep the metabolism up but I’m not sure. I’m perimenapausal and started hrt about 10 days ago so I’m aware hormones may not be helping here but I still have to work within that so anything I can do to help kick start the loss again would be welcome as I’m losing motivation. I know I need to up my water and fiber which I’m now looking at. Other than that the options I’ve seen suggested are: 1) up your calories and eat normally for a few days/a week then go back to 1200 (just worried that will just prolong things and not work as it seems counterintuitive). 2)Drop tour calories and exercise more (which I will struggle with). 3) keep going the stall will naturally break soon. Any help and motivation would be much appreciated. Thank you!


  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,548 Member
    So you lost 4kg in 8 weeks. That's still 1/2 kg per week and pretty good for your weight and size. This is probably the maximum you can actually expect. Did you chose to lose 2lbs/1kg per week? This is likely far too aggressive for your. A loss of 1kg per week means you need a calorie deficit of 1000 calories per day. You don't write how old you are, nor how active. But if you're anywhere near me then your current maintenance calories might be around 1800. Take 1000 off and you're at 800. See? Doesn't work. Btw, don't eat 800, or 1000 only as it's too little and unhealthy in the long run.

    Thus: set a realistic goal and stick with it. Weight will every now and then go up again. If you stick to your goal and not overeat regularly then this is not fat but water weight fluctuations - and those are totally normal. For everyone, and especially for women.
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,349 Member
    I'd wait it out a few more weeks. Especially since you mention hrt, any hormonal changes can cause water retention, which will mask fat loss on the scale.

    Not eating enough can also cause water retention by the way (stress on the body). It's not clear how much you are actually eating, but 1200 calories sounds low as a goal. I'm 5ft5 and I'm eating way more than 1200 calories a day, and still losing weight (slowly). You are already at a healthy BMI, so being too agressive with your deficit can backfire.
  • Monroe07
    Monroe07 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi thanks for the reply. I’m 46. I do around an hour of specific exercise a day as mentioned and around this I’d say at the moment I do a mixture of pottering around doing domestic stuff and computer work at a desk at home. So I have the setting at lightly active. Yes I did set the weight loss desired at 1kg per week but am aware it’s not good to go too low so haven’t dipped below 1000 calories. I get that things tail off closer to desired weight etc but after three weeks would love to see any downward movement. So just wanted to see if there is anything I can do to make this happen. Don’t understand why, even if I’m only 500 cals a day below maintanance why im not losing something. But I get your point that overall, over the 8 weeks I’ve done ok so maybe I have to view it that way and hope it continues to trickle down over the next 8 weeks. Thanks
  • Monroe07
    Monroe07 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi so thanks for the prompts, looking back at my diary I’d say I’m actually averaging out 9700 per week. This is spread out with most days being just under 1200 and two days being around 1700. Lightly active plus an average of an hours exercise a day (varying in intensity). So on this I wouldn’t get a 1kg a week drop but then people are suggesting that that is too much weight to lose at my point anyway. But as I said I’ve had nothing for 3 weeks so would just like to see the scale ticking down bit by bit which I would hope is reasonable even on these calories? But am I wrong? Is this more of a maintenance mode. If so then I’ll really struggle to maintain long term.
  • Monroe07
    Monroe07 Posts: 21 Member
    Oh wow. That’s really useful thank you. I only weigh once a week as I wanted the impact of seeing something tangible come off. Looks like I just have to be a bit more patient then and keep going. Thanks again.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,701 Member
    That last few usually are the most stubborn and you may just want to expect less. Sometimes it takes a couple of months for the last few to go.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,548 Member
    Monroe07 wrote: »
    Oh wow. That’s really useful thank you. I only weigh once a week as I wanted the impact of seeing something tangible come off. Looks like I just have to be a bit more patient then and keep going. Thanks again.

    Yes, patience is key. As is consistency. And not getting frustrated about the speed. But you know what? 9kg isn't that much overall even if it might sound like a lot at the moment. <3
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    @lietchi displays the most important fact about weight control: The variations in your weight day-to-day are typically larger than the amount of weight you can gain or lose in a week. It's best to weigh daily when you get up after the toilet in your underwear and monitor the trend over several days.

    Weight loss requires a consistent deficit over many weeks to months. For many, weight maintenance requires just as much care. There are no shortcuts, and your sustained weight loss will be at most 2lbs per week. (More often 1 lb or less.)

    Cardio workouts are helpful for keeping your metabolic rate up and burn a few extra calories (which you can eat back with care).

    Best of luck!