Anomalies in database

Hi there, thanks for letting me join. My name is Janette and I have just started using MFP. On entering some of my ingredients I have noticed some anomalies, ie Carrots raw 129g = 41 c
and just below Carrots raw 100g = 44 c.

Sorry if this is a dumb question but if someone could explain this to me I would be much obliged


  • mclaughlinjanette
    Thank for taking the time to answer my query, it does make sense and I will be more diligent when making choices . 😊
  • dolorsit
    dolorsit Posts: 92 Member
    Anyone have an opinion on this ? It would be nice to have a single database to which everyone contributes, however I only just took a look at the above, so not sure how good it is either.