Just starting out!

Hello (:
I've only been using this site for two days now and think its AMAZING!! I am finding myself super hungry at times and need some motivation getting my butt off the couch and out exercising!! Any one else out there new to this? Or know the ropes and can offer some helpful tips?
Thanks so much! -Siobhan-


  • kelley_lynn
    kelley_lynn Posts: 133 Member
    are you eating just 3 meals a day.??? . maybe break them into even smaller meals, and eating every few hours instead..
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    I've been on here for a little over a month, and I've lost 8lbs! You can feel free to add me if you'd like, and I also have a support group if you're interested in something like that. Welcome to MFP!
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    It will take time to figure out meals that are very low cal but keep you full enough for your day. My first week or so sucked!

    The motivation part? Maybe you can buy yourself some new running shoes, or workout clothes/gear to start with. I find that it motivates me to get out and use it. Keep it out where its staring you in the eye all the time, whispering "use me!*

  • Thanks so much! Yes I'm eating three meals a day and keeping track of it all.