Punishment for Being Fat

Sometimes dieting feels like my punishment for being fat. Has anyone ever felt that way? If so, what do you do to beat those negative feelings?


  • krazykristen123
    krazykristen123 Posts: 103 Member
    I don't look at it a dieting
    i look at it as rewarding my body
    by feeding it healthy foods instead of crap.
    If you eat healthy being fat will take care
    of itself. same thing with working out. My
    body deserves to be strong (:
  • kathyann84
    kathyann84 Posts: 8 Member
    I do get frustrated to think that I might always have to analyze everything I eat, but my husband reminded me that it's hard now because it's the beginning.

    That said, I do get upset that I have to be more mindful and make sure that I don't over eat so that I can lose weight. It's not always easy to make the right choices, but it gets easier over time.
  • BobbieLee1959
    BobbieLee1959 Posts: 605 Member
    I don't look at it a dieting
    i look at it as rewarding my body
    by feeding it healthy foods instead of crap.
    If you eat healthy being fat will take care
    of itself. same thing with working out. My
    body deserves to be strong (:

  • Shrinking_Moody
    Shrinking_Moody Posts: 270 Member
    Just like everyone else said - it's not punishment - it's treating yourself like a queen by fueling your body properly.
  • domgirl85
    domgirl85 Posts: 295 Member
    I don't diet. I just find better ways to cook things I like and I try new foods. There are a lot of recipes that are really good and healthy. Just have to be willing to spend a lot of time searching lol
  • grimm1974
    grimm1974 Posts: 337 Member
    The way I do it, it really doesn't feel that way. When I was really rushing the weight loss it did. Now that I am just aiming for a 1lb a week loss, it really isn't bad at all. If you can just find healthy foods you like, it doesn't feel like punishment at all.
  • mscrholder
    mscrholder Posts: 38 Member
    You all's comments are eye-opening. I definitely needed the encouragement and fresh perspective. Thanks a ton!!
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    I think of in an opposite fashion, fat is punishment for a bad diet.
  • recbutterfly
    I agree that what we are doing is not just "dieting", but trying to affect LIFESTYLE changes, with positive reinforement from friends as we go along. I gained my weight the same way as everyone else: poor diet, lack of exercise, and normal changes in metabolism with having babies and aging. A dozen of us at work are doing this together, and suddenly, the junk snacks have disappeared (though some advocare has appeared) and we are all in it together. I feel SO much better for making this commitment to myself. I want to set a good model for my patients (I work in healthcare) and for my family. I have lost the taste for alot of the junk, and with changing how I look at food, my whole family is benefiting. My husband who is not on this has also lost more weight than I have.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    I don't look at it a dieting
    i look at it as rewarding my body
    by feeding it healthy foods instead of crap.
    If you eat healthy being fat will take care
    of itself. same thing with working out. My
    body deserves to be strong (:


    Definitely this .....
  • deannakittygirl
    deannakittygirl Posts: 228 Member
    I do NOT diet. I chose to make a lifestyle change. I make better choices now. I don't choose "diet" foods like sugar free things. I eat the real deal and make room for special treats. I read food labels and find many things don't pass the test into my basket. if you make healthy choices you can eat a ton without starving. I don't believe in free days or cheat meals, I refuse to feel guilty for having a special something. I log everything the good bad and ugly. if I make a less than ideal choice at a meal I watch the rest of day or workout more. so no it is not punishment to me. I feel so much better when I eat right -physically and mentally!
  • TravisBurns
    TravisBurns Posts: 353 Member
    I look at it like that sometimes. Like I need to make myself pay for letting myself get to the way I am. But it gets easier with every pound down.
  • HildeDanmark
    HildeDanmark Posts: 65 Member
    I think of the things I've learned in documentaries like Forks over Knives and I realize that eating less and better is making a choice to be healthy and live a long and enjoyable life. I don't want diabetes, heart disease, or cancer (which I know isn't cause by weight but can be exacerbated by it). I want to look and feel fabulous and thank goodness there is a way to do that :)
  • Mdafonte
    Mdafonte Posts: 7 Member
    Yea, I'm not considering it "dieting" either. I'm just counting the calories and making sure I eat the right portion. If I'm starving though, I will feed my body. But if I'm eating just to eat then I have to be wise and just say no. I feel great though so it's a reward in itself (=
  • TzuZen
    TzuZen Posts: 0 Member
    mscrholder wrote: »
    Sometimes dieting feels like my punishment for being fat. Has anyone ever felt that way? If so, what do you do to beat those negative feelings?

    While this was posted 9 years ago, I feel it’s relevant to me. Others have posted how they cope or just don’t see this as an issue.

    It’s an issue for me. I feel like I’m hoodwinking myself. I feel punished. Period.

    I’m finally seeing this as being the real issue I have around food. I actually eat fairly well. I get a lot of fiber and I don’t eat much fast food, donuts or junk food. A lot of veg, lean meats, whole grains. I’ve been weighing food for years and still do. I get in to trouble at night when I snack.

    I feel like I’m being punished when I make a plan to have a reasonable snack.

    What I am doing differently is focusing in one one habit to change at a time. Right now I’m on a 62 day streak of doing at least one class (5 minute classes count) on the peloton digital app - this is the $12.95 US / month app. I don’t have a real “peloton brand” bike. I’ve logged 3700 minutes for 2021 so far.

    The next habit to crack is getting 7.5 - 8.00 hours of sleep per night. I’m hovering at 6.75-7.00 hours most nights. Get that one in the can is especially important as I think having better rest will enable me to have better evening willpower to crack the night time snacking piece which keeps me stuck where I am. I’m aiming to start that in March (next week) while maintaining my daily “some kind of workout” habit.

    I think the stepwise progression will work better for me than trying to do it all at once like I’ve done more times than I can count.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I try to flip it:
    Instead of thinking that "dieting" is punishment for being fat, I consider "being fat" the punishment for eating too much and/or the wrong things. Conversesly, "being thin" is THE REWARD for eating less and making good food choices.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Depends on your POV. Half glass full or empty? Also is your approach to diet too restrictive to enjoy? You can still lose weight and enjoy eating what you like. You just have to be responsible on the AMOUNT you consume.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • Speakeasy76
    Speakeasy76 Posts: 961 Member
    TzuZen wrote: »
    mscrholder wrote: »
    Sometimes dieting feels like my punishment for being fat. Has anyone ever felt that way? If so, what do you do to beat those negative feelings?

    While this was posted 9 years ago, I feel it’s relevant to me. Others have posted how they cope or just don’t see this as an issue.

    It’s an issue for me. I feel like I’m hoodwinking myself. I feel punished. Period.

    I’m finally seeing this as being the real issue I have around food. I actually eat fairly well. I get a lot of fiber and I don’t eat much fast food, donuts or junk food. A lot of veg, lean meats, whole grains. I’ve been weighing food for years and still do. I get in to trouble at night when I snack.

    I feel like I’m being punished when I make a plan to have a reasonable snack.

    What I am doing differently is focusing in one one habit to change at a time. Right now I’m on a 62 day streak of doing at least one class (5 minute classes count) on the peloton digital app - this is the $12.95 US / month app. I don’t have a real “peloton brand” bike. I’ve logged 3700 minutes for 2021 so far.

    The next habit to crack is getting 7.5 - 8.00 hours of sleep per night. I’m hovering at 6.75-7.00 hours most nights. Get that one in the can is especially important as I think having better rest will enable me to have better evening willpower to crack the night time snacking piece which keeps me stuck where I am. I’m aiming to start that in March (next week) while maintaining my daily “some kind of workout” habit.

    I think the stepwise progression will work better for me than trying to do it all at once like I’ve done more times than I can count.

    I definitely think making small, sustainable changes is the way to go in terms of lasting weight loss, so I think you're headed in the right direction.

    I know for me, changing my mindset was HUGE in being able to succeed. There was a time when I did resent people who didn't seem to have this struggle with weight that I had, even if I didn't really recognize it at the time. I did resent at times that I had to "watch what I ate" and never comfortable with myself. I know this isn't exactly the same thoughts you are having, but once I could get past that negative thinking and focus on positive changes, it was so much easier for me. I've accepted that I'm a person who will probably never be able to "eat intuitively" without going up a size (or 2 or 3), and that's ok. I think being on this support page also helps me realize I'm not alone in this struggle, and there's some comfort in that, as well.
  • littlebabekitty
    littlebabekitty Posts: 392 Member
    I felt that way before. I was not at a good place. I ate emotionally. Food was like my coping method. I also lacked self love. but I now see it differently. I realized eating unhealthy was a way to punish myself because i was unhappy with myself and my life but now I'm eating healthy and doing things to take care of myself because I love myself and I know my body is the temple of God.