How often can you do the same exercise?

So the reason I’m asking is because I’m almost 22 weeks pregnant and though I know I can make some progress in the next 18 weeks (especially since I haven’t worked out consistently in 2 years), I’m not expecting to make a TON of progress. I just want to move and be more active.

There are some specific exercises that make me feel good or that are good for pregnancy and I’m wondering how often can I do them?

For example, glute bridges and hip thrusts are a big deal when pregnant. Can I do these everyday?


  • Speakeasy76
    Speakeasy76 Posts: 961 Member
    MamaOne13 wrote: »
    So the reason I’m asking is because I’m almost 22 weeks pregnant and though I know I can make some progress in the next 18 weeks (especially since I haven’t worked out consistently in 2 years), I’m not expecting to make a TON of progress. I just want to move and be more active.

    There are some specific exercises that make me feel good or that are good for pregnancy and I’m wondering how often can I do them?

    For example, glute bridges and hip thrusts are a big deal when pregnant. Can I do these everyday?

    I don't know if things have changed since I was pregnant 10 years ago, but I thought after 16 weeks pregnant women shouldn't be lying flat on their backs. Has that recommendation changed? Hip thrusts would be okay I would think, though.

    How often you do them would all depend on how intense you go when you do them and how many other exercises you do with them. I know when I was in PT, I could probably do the glute bridges every day because it wasn't weighted, only banded, so I was recovered by the next day.
  • MamaOne13
    MamaOne13 Posts: 66 Member
    MamaOne13 wrote: »
    So the reason I’m asking is because I’m almost 22 weeks pregnant and though I know I can make some progress in the next 18 weeks (especially since I haven’t worked out consistently in 2 years), I’m not expecting to make a TON of progress. I just want to move and be more active.

    There are some specific exercises that make me feel good or that are good for pregnancy and I’m wondering how often can I do them?

    For example, glute bridges and hip thrusts are a big deal when pregnant. Can I do these everyday?

    I don't know if things have changed since I was pregnant 10 years ago, but I thought after 16 weeks pregnant women shouldn't be lying flat on their backs. Has that recommendation changed? Hip thrusts would be okay I would think, though.

    How often you do them would all depend on how intense you go when you do them and how many other exercises you do with them. I know when I was in PT, I could probably do the glute bridges every day because it wasn't weighted, only banded, so I was recovered by the next day.

    Normally after 28 weeks, it’s not recommended to be on your back 🤷🏼‍♀️ But being on your back becomes a lot more uncomfortable before then usually 😂 it’s almost at that point for me now.

    I’m really starting slow, like 2-3 exercises at most per workout since I haven’t worked out intensely in so long. But yeah, glute bridges are easy to recover from so I figured they’d be okay to do more frequently.
  • maroonmango211
    maroonmango211 Posts: 908 Member
    Are you specifically glute focused and are interested in continuing safely with those types of activities for progress or is that the style of exercise you are enjoying the most?

    Bret Contreras (The Glute Guy) actually has a couple Youtube videos specifically made for pregnant women on how they can continue to work the glutes using various exercises and modifications (like thrusts and bridges) and even slightly goes into some NONOs safety wise for as the body changes.

    To note, he is a PT not a doctor so obviously the best person to answer questions about your pregnancy and exercise during it would be your OBGYN. There is a big difference between starting a more vigorous exercise routine during pregnancy and already being an athlete and just keeping up with a lot of the training you've been doing for a long time.
  • MamaOne13
    MamaOne13 Posts: 66 Member
    Are you specifically glute focused and are interested in continuing safely with those types of activities for progress or is that the style of exercise you are enjoying the most?

    Bret Contreras (The Glute Guy) actually has a couple Youtube videos specifically made for pregnant women on how they can continue to work the glutes using various exercises and modifications (like thrusts and bridges) and even slightly goes into some NONOs safety wise for as the body changes.

    To note, he is a PT not a doctor so obviously the best person to answer questions about your pregnancy and exercise during it would be your OBGYN. There is a big difference between starting a more vigorous exercise routine during pregnancy and already being an athlete and just keeping up with a lot of the training you've been doing for a long time.

    I do want to be more glute focused because 1) that’s an area that I want to specialize more in general 2) having a strong back obviously helps with aiding in keeping the lower back strong, which I definitely need help with during pregnancy.

    I’ll have to look into his videos.

    Again, I know that starting anything vigorous is not the way to go for the rest of this pregnancy, but I want to start incorporating more exercises/workouts so it’ll be easier to get back into the groove postpartum.

    My back and glutes are my main focus and so I’m wanting to work those the most.
  • maroonmango211
    maroonmango211 Posts: 908 Member
    Ahh I hear ya. I would also suggest then adding in walking at an incline. As pregnancy goes further and more and more gets uncomfortable, walking still ends up being something that keeps you moving as well as still activates your muscles. At a slight incline either on a treadmill or outdoor trail is known to specifically activate the glutes a little more than flat movement.