Is Fasting ok?

I am really hoping someone can clarify something for me. I care about hitting my macros everyday, but at the same time there are days I just am not hungry. Is it ok not to eat and not reach my macros during those days when I don’t feel like eating?


  • MissBraeBee
    MissBraeBee Posts: 40 Member
    Well, I tried intermitent fasting before and I was told you have to eat at least your minimum calories(average male is around 1700 and female is 1200 I believe) just be careful about that, maybe if you arent really hungry, I would say try a liquid meal replacement or a protein shake? Hoping someone can answer better then me to make it more clear!
  • jennacole12
    jennacole12 Posts: 1,167 Member
    I guess it depends what your goals are, if they are to lose I think it is ok but I would make sure to at least hit my protein target. Also, if you do that every now and again figure out if it makes you eat over your macros on the subsequent days... if that is the case I would stick to my macro target +\- 5g.
  • wowisforstuds1238
    wowisforstuds1238 Posts: 77 Member
    Thanks. Yeah It doesn’t happen to me like ever, but I also don’t want to feel like I’m force feeding myself when I simply am not feeling hungry. I am just hoping if I don’t get my macros for today it’s not a big deal. I’m sure this will pass, I may be hungry tonight lol just so far today I haven’t felt hungry and didn’t want to eat. In regards to working out I agree, but I also just started back at the gym so my workouts aren’t really extreme. Just novice lifting and cardio every day.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,778 Member
    Thanks. Yeah It doesn’t happen to me like ever, but I also don’t want to feel like I’m force feeding myself when I simply am not feeling hungry. I am just hoping if I don’t get my macros for today it’s not a big deal. I’m sure this will pass, I may be hungry tonight lol just so far today I haven’t felt hungry and didn’t want to eat. In regards to working out I agree, but I also just started back at the gym so my workouts aren’t really extreme. Just novice lifting and cardio every day.

    The rare lighter-eating day (light on both calories & macros) in response to reduced perceived reduced hunger? Not going to be a problem. (If it were me, I'd consider what might have triggered it, if anything: Could be useful to have a theory.)

    I think the thing for a person to watch out for would be getting a little jolt of reward if the scale is down next day (from fewer carbs/less sodium so a little less water retained, plus lower digestive contents), then letting that reward become a seduction to feel less hungry for more days, more often. I'm not suggesting that you, personally, are at any risk in that regard. I'm just suggesting generically that for someone who *was* at risk for dysfunctional eating behavior, that could be putting one toe on the slippery slope.

    No, I'm not saying that I think sensible planned fasting periods are "dysfunctional eating" within an overall pattern of adequate average calories (sensible weight loss rate) and overall adequate nutrition. That would be silly.

    BTW, I feel exactly the same way, even during weight loss, about having the rare day where one eats much more than usual, because of feeling more hungry than usually. That has the same slippery-slope potential, off the other side of the path: See limited consequences, start doing it more often . . . etc. Ditto for being under minimum macro goals on the rare day, at sensible calories. Nutrition is important, but bodies don't reset at midnight.

    Sensible nutrition/calories on an overall basis, as averaged over a short span of days, is fine.

  • Theo166
    Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member
    I am really hoping someone can clarify something for me. I care about hitting my macros everyday, but at the same time there are days I just am not hungry. Is it ok not to eat and not reach my macros during those days when I don’t feel like eating?

    It seems your question is about hitting macro targets, not fasting.

    This depends a bit on your personality. For me I'm ok with going under some days, and a bit over on other days. However, if you are missing a macro consistently, you should examine both your targets and your go-to daily foods.

    When I kept missing my protein target I read up, adjusted my macros, and added protein powder to my kitchen.
  • lgfrie
    lgfrie Posts: 1,449 Member
    Probably better to look at it in terms of calories than fasting. You should really try to eat all your calories each day. Or macros, if you prefer to look at it that way. One day of not being hungry and undereating won't kill you, but that shouldn't be habitual, because it isn't good for you. WHEN you eat the food is irrelevant as long as you're eating the food and getting proper nutrition. Eat it all at noon if you want. I eat between noon and 7:30 and that seems to be fine for me. I wouldn't worry about the schedule, but getting your proper nutrition and caloric intake is worth keep up with.
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    Basically like others have said -- if you occasionally aren't that hungry and eat below your cals, even very little, that's okay, although if you have a much larger weekly deficit than planned I would think twice about what is going on. If this is something that is a common occurrence, and you are regularly having days where you have no desire to eat anything, even if you have not planned them into your week (one day fasts over the course of a week is a version of IF, so something different), I would question what is going on. It doesn't seem healthy to just not want to eat anything for a whole day, such that I might question whether this is related to weight loss in some way (some idea in your head that it is better not to eat if you aren't feeling like you absolutely have to) or if there might be a health issue.
  • bubus05
    bubus05 Posts: 121 Member
    Highly debated subject. I am doing it myself once a week a 36 hour fast and for me it works wonders. I am pretty comfortable doing it but it took a while to get used to it, and I probably wouldn't recommend it to someone who has never done it. I count my calories on a weekly base more or less, and it definitely helps to keep the numbers down. On my feast days though I certainly make up for the lost macros and calories to be sure.
    Fasting is fine IMHO, but needs to be controlled, one has to understand the body's reaction. Before I started going the distance i did some massive research on the subject to learn, you have to know what you are doing otherwise it
    can get dangerous.
  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    Nobody here disagrees with fasting, the key is making sure that people are meeting their needs for nutrition and calories, that's all. Many people can do that while incorporating either some form of IF or longer fasts.

    The issue is that some people make claims for fasting that aren't supported by evidence and that some people advocate for using fasting in a potentially harmful way. Both of those will get called out (appropriately, IMO). But if someone is just using fasting because it makes them easier for them to hit a calorie goal or if they're fasting for spiritual/religious reasons . . . that's never an issue here.

    That may be so, but I got more disagree's then grains of salt in the shaker thus far. *It's all good* ;)
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    Poobah1972 wrote: »
    Nobody here disagrees with fasting, the key is making sure that people are meeting their needs for nutrition and calories, that's all. Many people can do that while incorporating either some form of IF or longer fasts.

    The issue is that some people make claims for fasting that aren't supported by evidence and that some people advocate for using fasting in a potentially harmful way. Both of those will get called out (appropriately, IMO). But if someone is just using fasting because it makes them easier for them to hit a calorie goal or if they're fasting for spiritual/religious reasons . . . that's never an issue here.

    That may be so, but I got more disagree's then grains of salt in the shaker thus far. *It's all good* ;)

    I'm also guessing several of those disagrees came from folks who read the thread you created about this (I did not hit the disagree button, FTR)
  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 641 Member
    I heard someone refer to "intermittent fasting" (IF) as meaning, you're just not stuffing your face all the time. That made me laugh but I tend to fast b/c that's the way I eat--morning coffee holds me for a long time; I'm just not hungry. Then I eat most of my calories, most days, within a relatively short window, like 6 to 8 hours. And I sometimes just forget to eat when working on something engaging, so my morning fast stretches out longer than usual. I get really hungry when I forget to eat, but I find that b/c I don't overeat anymore, my stomach is satisfied with a normal meal and I'm back on my usual pattern. I've been this way when thin and when overweight. I was doing it long before IF became a thing. I suspect that it is more natural, following the pattern of one's body signals--which works great if tempting foods are not around. I can't ignore tempting foods and now that my kids are out of the house, those foods are, too. If I really want something, I go buy a signal serving. And b/c I'm lazy, I often choose not to go b/c laziness trumps craving. My whole point in this long essay is, find what works for you. Keep the wisdom of others in mind and catch yourself if you start repeating their mistakes--or find yourself repeating your own. Good luck.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,073 Member
    Poobah1972 wrote: »
    Nobody here disagrees with fasting, the key is making sure that people are meeting their needs for nutrition and calories, that's all. Many people can do that while incorporating either some form of IF or longer fasts.

    The issue is that some people make claims for fasting that aren't supported by evidence and that some people advocate for using fasting in a potentially harmful way. Both of those will get called out (appropriately, IMO). But if someone is just using fasting because it makes them easier for them to hit a calorie goal or if they're fasting for spiritual/religious reasons . . . that's never an issue here.

    That may be so, but I got more disagree's then grains of salt in the shaker thus far. *It's all good* ;)

    I'm also guessing several of those disagrees came from folks who read the thread you created about this (I did not hit the disagree button, FTR)

    yes, that.

    or who disagreed on purpose in responce to provocative "I bet I get disagrees!" statement.

    I did not disagree here - but I will disagree with posts I feel give incorrect information or make unfounded claims or extrapolations (it works for me so everyone should do it! )

  • wowisforstuds1238
    wowisforstuds1238 Posts: 77 Member
    Thanks guys! Yeah I got my appetite back later that night, but I was just curious. I appreciate all you guys post and opinions. Very novice in my journey to regain my health here and just wanted to make sure that if I go 1 day here or there not feeling hungry that it’s not a big deal. What I didn’t want to do was feel like I’m having to force feed myself just to hit my macros when literally my body was telling me I wasnt hungry. That make sense? And in those times on those days I feel that way, I just needed to know I’m not the only one that gets like that sometimes.