dark circles and hair loss

sometimes I feel like I lose a LOT of hair. Like a lot. I can just pull it out from the bottom at times. And I feel like my eyes are constantly dark circled. I'm a college student--but get like 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night, but still end up with this. Is this a sign of malnutrition? Anyone else experience this?


  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Yes, it is. You need to eat more, and get to a doctor pronto. Print your food and exercise diary to show the doc.
  • this has been coming and going for me for a couple of years, it's stress-related in my case ;x
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    it can be! Are you eating under 1200 NET cals per day? If so, you are malnourished. If its not your diet, then it could be some underlying thyroid or other problem. Go see your Doc?

    good luck :flowerforyou:
  • fallenangelloves
    fallenangelloves Posts: 601 Member
    I've been losing a lot of hair too... Now albeit I have had a baby, surgery and a tremendous amount of stress in my life, plus a 33 pound weight loss... I have been told that sometimes it can take 6 months for your body to adjust. But like you, I am concerned and plan on going to the dr for a physical soon!
  • jamja
    jamja Posts: 190
    Be safe...get your blood work done.
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    Are you on any medication? That can do it, as does stress. Are you keeping yourself hydrated? Have your doctor check your thyroid.
  • hawaiiprinzezz
    hawaiiprinzezz Posts: 8 Member
    I found out I have Celiac Disease because I was losing hair and was extremely malnourished although overweight. I would at least look up the symptoms of Celiac and talk to your doctor about it if it seems to fit. The good thing is, my hair came back as soon as I went Gluten Free.
  • rachelrox81
    rachelrox81 Posts: 26 Member
    Make sure you're taking your vitamins too! You might need to take calcium as well. Cutting out all soda make a big difference. And as for the hair, if you tie it back a lot you may notice more hair loss when you take your hair down or shower. If your hair is long its easier to notice hair loss as well. Remember, your head sheds approx. 100 hairs a day and it's more noticeable on long, dark, or tie your hair back because then it comes out all at once from being tied all day.
  • honu18
    honu18 Posts: 294 Member
    netting 1,200 or close to it most days. I wasn't for a long time, but recently(past few weeks) I've done my best to do so. I do have it up a lot as well. I do take vitamin supplements (including calcium) and have been hitting the numbers I need for nutrients mostly, at least I thought. Thanks :)
  • shelbym87
    shelbym87 Posts: 122 Member
    Make sure you are taking a vitamin and eating enough daily. I lose a ton of hair in the shower. Like a lot. I was told by my doctor blondes lose a lot of hair and it was normal. I also have dark circles but it has nothing to do with the amount of sleep I get, it's genetic in my case.
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    it can be! Are you eating under 1200 NET cals per day? If so, you are malnourished. If its not your diet, then it could be some underlying thyroid or other problem. Go see your Doc?

    good luck :flowerforyou:

    You could be eating 5000 calories a day and be malnourished if you're eating the wrong foods. It's more about nutrients than calories, though it does help to make sure you are taking in enough calories to fuel yourself as well.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    netting 1,200 or close to it most days. I wasn't for a long time, but recently(past few weeks) I've done my best to do so. I do have it up a lot as well. I do take vitamin supplements (including calcium) and have been hitting the numbers I need for nutrients mostly, at least I thought. Thanks :)

    If you are eating enough calorie-wise and getting the right nutrients, then you still should see the doctor. It might be nothing, no big deal, and you can just get used to sweeping the bathroom floor more often. But hair loss can sometimes be a sign of a serious condition, especially if it's not something you experienced before. Please call tomorrow morning and get an appointment.
  • Make an appointment with your Dr asap. If you are eating and sleeping enough then you need to find out what else could be causing this. It is definitely not normal. Even if you think it is just stress or malnutrition, I would still advise you see a Dr.
  • I've lost a LOT of hair in the past few months. I did go to the doctor about it -- as a matter of fact I went to both my endocrinologist and my gyn. They both agreed that it was a combination of "shocks" to my body that happened at approximately the same time -- 30 lb weight loss, major surgery, and surgical menopause. I'm taking biotin supplements (gyn's advice) and using Rogaine (endo's advice.) No regrowth yet, but the shedding has slowed down. Keeping my fingers crossed that new growth will start soon.