New & recent ex-smoker

moorea26 Posts: 21 Member
Hi everyone. I have used my fitness pal on and off for the past couple of years. I got very serious earlier this year when I decided to finally quit smoking. My biggest fear with quitting smoking was that I would gain weight. I have been logging regularly since the day that I quit in hopes to not gain weight. So far I have been able to maintain my weight and neither go up nor down.

Anyway, hoping to maybe make some virtual MFP friends and cultivate a little support group or something.
- A


  • maeganwhetsel
    maeganwhetsel Posts: 3 Member
    I quit smoking Jan 1st 2021, and now trying to lose weight and stop the snacking I picked up since I quit. Add me for support!
  • moorea26
    moorea26 Posts: 21 Member
    Congrats to us then.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,713 Member
    I have been smoked free since Jan. 2019 ...Congrats on quitting :)
  • Skyler103
    Skyler103 Posts: 121 Member
    I just quit smoking in September. The sugar cravings were unbelievable. And I craved sweets I don't even usually like. I put on 5 pounds afterwards. I've gotten that off and now working on the other 15 I need to lose.
  • danicaheemi11
    danicaheemi11 Posts: 6 Member
    Congrats on quitting , I quit smoking on the 31st Dec 2020 cause I was sick of feeling like my lungs were dying Everytime I had one, i have focused on exercising so I don’t snack or crave a cigarette, add me :)
  • moorea26
    moorea26 Posts: 21 Member
    Congrats on quitting , I quit smoking on the 31st Dec 2020 cause I was sick of feeling like my lungs were dying Everytime I had one, i have focused on exercising so I don’t snack or crave a cigarette, add me :)

    Congrats! I am trying to find the balance. Its so hard. I have been way more active trying to exercise minimum 4 days a week.
  • moorea26
    moorea26 Posts: 21 Member
    Skyler103 wrote: »
    I just quit smoking in September. The sugar cravings were unbelievable. And I craved sweets I don't even usually like. I put on 5 pounds afterwards. I've gotten that off and now working on the other 15 I need to lose.

    I habent gained anything but cannot seem to lose either even though I am trying. Feel free to share any advice. My craving wasn't sweets, oddly it was Asian food. Any kind congrats to you though for quitting. It is not easy
  • Foster68port
    Foster68port Posts: 324 Member
    I'm struggling with stopping. Smoked for 21 years bow, roll my own from tobacco and a filter. I can feel it affecting my health now so now's the time for me to become a quitter.
  • moorea26
    moorea26 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm struggling with stopping. Smoked for 21 years bow, roll my own from tobacco and a filter. I can feel it affecting my health now so now's the time for me to become a quitter.

    It is the time. I too smoked for basically 20 years. I kind of decided it after my bro in law almost died of covid. It was an eye opener.. I decided to use an aid recommended by my Dr. Not Chantix either because that stuff is crazy. I am at 5ish weeks now. The first 2 were the absolute worst. Happy to support your quitting efforts.
  • Skyler103
    Skyler103 Posts: 121 Member
    I used a patch and that helped way more than I thought it would. When I came off the patch, it was bad. I didn't have bad nicotine cravings, but it really messed with my brain. Something about the chemicals in cigs and your endorphins. I wanted to sleep all the time for about 2 weeks.
  • moorea26
    moorea26 Posts: 21 Member
    Skyler103 wrote: »
    I used a patch and that helped way more than I thought it would. When I came off the patch, it was bad. I didn't have bad nicotine cravings, but it really messed with my brain. Something about the chemicals in cigs and your endorphins. I wanted to sleep all the time for about 2 weeks.

    The medication I'm taking causes insomnia and so I've been dead exhausted and still can't sleep. Which cannot help with trying to be healthy and lose weight. So I am going to ween off the meds because I don't think I need them. The patch was no fun either.
  • Foster68port
    Foster68port Posts: 324 Member
    I'm heading docs tomorrow for help with stopping. What's everyone's experience with stopping and weight gain?
  • spruitt417
    spruitt417 Posts: 100 Member
    Congrats on quitting! Had my last cigarette on December 31, 2004 & never looked back. Add me as a friend if you'd like.
  • Back_4_more
    Back_4_more Posts: 92 Member
    I quit 18 years ago. I also had a serious back injury 2 months later and packed on a bunch of weight. Still haven't smoked but can't keep the weight off
  • moorea26
    moorea26 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm heading docs tomorrow for help with stopping. What's everyone's experience with stopping and weight gain?

    Hey there. I have not gained weight but have not lost any either. I am working out a bit and trying to be ultra conscious of mynfiet, hence being here it is hard. I actually bought a bag of Dum Dums and used those for oral fixation and cravings. It helped me.
  • moorea26
    moorea26 Posts: 21 Member
    I quit 18 years ago. I also had a serious back injury 2 months later and packed on a bunch of weight. Still haven't smoked but can't keep the weight off

    I am sorry to hear that. I can't imagine. I am loving knowing we are not all alone in this