Hi! Looking forward to this!

I'm a 40yo mom to 11 kids and had my last 1.5 years ago. I am hanging onto about 30 lbs of pregnancy weight despite the fact that I regularly exercise 15-30 hours a week (I'm a soccer referee for competitive soccer as a side job to my regular job). I don't *like* to run, although I want to be a runner - my legs seems to start to burn pretty quick as my muscles tend to be very tight. A few years ago I ran 2 half marathons - both while I was pregnant strangely enough - but am not at the point that I could do that right now so I'm going to have to build my way back up. I would like to eventually run my first marathon but I have a few foot/IT band issues that tend to flare up and in general I need to work on stretching before doing that.

My main issue is stress eating, over eating (as I don't always realize how many calories I'm consuming), and eating when I'm tired.

I have made several changes over the last couple of years - I was an avid Dr Pepper drinker and no longer drink it, I eat healthier and I started yoga. I've lost probably 23 lbs from my height but am now hanging out at 180 and need to make additional changes to continue to make progress. I am trying to run a fitness test in the next year, but feel I need to lose the additional weight to successfully pass it. - or at least for it to be easier.

So, I want to lose fat (weight), but add muscle, and add speed to my running in the process.

I've been tracking my calories for the last week or so, and have lost approximately 3-5 lbs to get me to 179. I have found that I really have to plan both the exercise and the food (and count the calories) for me to do well...otherwise life gets in the way. I appreciate any support!


  • penguinmama87
    penguinmama87 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Hi! :smiley: I'm a mom of five who just posted. I also quit drinking Dr Pepper not long ago - for some reason a LOT of the moms I know in real life drink it (including my own mother, which is how I started, ha.) I'm starting around 200 but I don't have as good of a habit being active. I was running 5Ks a few years ago, and when I was doing it regularly I found it to be great stress relief. II would like to train for a half.

    I am with you on really needing to plan. At first I was just keeping the worst junk out of the house, but then I would just overeat the healthy stuff, too. So now I actually pack things in serving size containers ahead of time, and that seems to work for me AND stop the kids from immediately demolishing all available foodstuffs!

    Nice to meet you!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Did you say ELEVEN kids?!? And two jobs?!?

    You're already Superwoman! You got this!
  • swobocop8u1
    swobocop8u1 Posts: 6 Member
    At first I was just keeping the worst junk out of the house, but then I would just overeat the healthy stuff, too. So now I actually pack things in serving size containers ahead of time, and that seems to work for me AND stop the kids from immediately demolishing all available foodstuffs!

    Nice to meet you!

    Hi! So glad to meet you! I agree...even the healthy stuff is easy to overeat! I was eating trail mix between games and have realized that I was consuming a ton of calories that way as my portion size was too big so now I have it measured out to 1 portion...and am still shocked when I get to the end of it, LOL!

    I really need to set a goal to run a 5K again...maybe we can support each other. As a soccer referee, you would think that would be easy for me, but running constantly for that long is actually not something that we do in games...we tend to run in bursts and then stop at the next out of bounds so while we may run that much over the whole game, we don't at one time...it is definitely a process. One thing I was reading was to try to run straight for X amount of time...so 30 seconds on/30 seconds off. Then add 15/30 seconds a day and shorten the walking periods. Then, once you hit 4 min. consecutive, you can then add 1 min. of running a day. I'm thinking I might try that. I have to start small because when I try to change too many things at once, I can't sustain it, especially with all the chaos that goes on around here...and I start to feel defeated.

  • swobocop8u1
    swobocop8u1 Posts: 6 Member
    Did you say ELEVEN kids?!? And two jobs?!?

    You're already Superwoman! You got this!

    Awe thanks! I appreciate the encouragement! It is so easy to become discouraged, but I am steadily making progress this time and really appreciate the support!