insanity workout

Has anyone tried this and stuck with it the full 60 days? Tomorrow, if my friend remembers the dvds, will be my day one. I am excites to get started but am scared that I will be so sore after the first day that I won't stick with it. I want to prove myself wrong though. So does anyone have any tips Or info on how it was for them? Thanks


  • jkcools
    Be intense; but take your breaks when you need them. INSANITY Workouts are very intense. Good Luck.
  • BBCTiffyB
    BBCTiffyB Posts: 114 Member
    I agree with jkcools!

    If you need breaks, take them! And MODIFY if you need to! Don't risk your form. =)
  • aprilhelmreich
    aprilhelmreich Posts: 40 Member
    I have completed my first month today and I felt sooo good today doing the workout. I finished it all and had so much energy and really could tell the difference form the first week. The first week I was really really sore. But by the time the second week came I wasn't sore anymore and I haven't been sore since that first week- and trust me I push myself like crazy

    I will add that I broke my arm right by my wrist 2 months ago or so so I don't do as many of the push ups cuz Its still not 100% back to normal

    Have fun with it. Enjoy Shaun T's body LOL

    Add me if you would like support to complete it!