Looking for Motivation and Support

Hi Everyone,
I have been struggling with weight and health issues for my whole life. It has gotten to the worst point, and long story short I am forcing myself to make a change. I deal with mental health issues along with it, and that contributes to my binge eating. I have slowly been trying to make changes. I try to walk when I can, and I try to eat meals and snacks at a set schedule and stay under my calorie allotment. At my huge weight (530 currently) it is hard to make changes especially physically. I have lost 40 pounds sense August so trying to stay positive about that. Anyways, I guess I'm reaching out because I don't have much support. I do have a therapist, doctor, and am trying to get a nutritionist. I am wondering if anyone out there has any suggestions for online support? Any suggestions for blogs, vlogs, or other things along those lines to motivate me? Any suggestions for YouTube channels to look at? I guess I am just looking for any type of support I can find because I don't have any and I'm really struggling keeping up the progress I have made. Thanks.


  • mcmahansheilaw
    mcmahansheilaw Posts: 7 Member
    This is one of the threads on the community boards. Sorry for the caps, but that is the way it was written on the thread feed: "NEED A HELPFUL AND MOTIVATIONAL GROUP? JOIN OUR "LOSE 1 POUND A WEEK AND KEEP IT OFF, 2021!" Keep working at your goals, meeting with your therapist and doctor, and celebrate victories no matter how small!
  • holly_roman
    holly_roman Posts: 116 Member
    I am active and always here to talk and provide support. We can be MFP friends. 😀 Keep it up. You are doing awesome!
  • anahita2107
    anahita2107 Posts: 5 Member
    edited March 2021
    If it helps, feel free to add me as a friend.
    It's a huge challenge but with some moral support and dedication it's definitely doable. We're all in the same boat, trying to achieve the unimaginable. In my case it's going to the doctor and not getting the same advice for all possible ailments...lose weight :p !
  • WaterLily82
    WaterLily82 Posts: 165 Member
    I’ve struggled with my weight all my life, too. It’s so hard to break life-long habits!! And exercising makes me feel like I’m dying! 🥵😩😂 But I’m doing it because I HAVE to. Good job on losing 40 lbs 🎉 Feel free to add me as a friend. We can all use as much moral support as we can get so we can crush our weight loss goals and live a long and healthy life!! ❤️