Binging/those last few pounds

I've been working hard on weight loss during the pandemic, and last month finally got to where I wanted to be and suddenly all the rules went out the window, and for the last month I've been binging on anything I want, to the point of uncomfortability. I've put around 5 pounds back on, and feel terrible in my body - doesn't sound like much weight but when you're as short as I am it looks like more!

Wanting to get myself back in check and lose those few pounds again but really struggling, the more gross I feel the more I want to eat to make myself feel better! Psychological factors are at play I'm sure, and going back to calorie restriction feels like an impossible task right now, though I know I'll feel better if I can just convince myself to keep my eyes on the prize. And of course I'm so disappointed in myself for undoing all my hardwork.

Anybody else been there? What helped you get re-movitated?


  • tapwaters
    tapwaters Posts: 428 Member
    You may want to talk to a therapist or dietician -or both- to deal with the underlying issues that are causing the binging. If you don't work it out, maintenance is unlikely.