500 Calorie Diet



  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    i am not here to critisie you guys,i probally would have 3 weeks ago tho, with the your body needs more cal routine,as i have been stuck on a plataux for a month now and my dietition told me to drop down to 800 cals a day and NO more even with lots of exersice that i do everyday for a few weeks, so i did and yay it is moving it AT LAST!
    The only concern i have tho is what you are eating i have not looked at your diarys but it is hard tring to stay under the 800 cals a day as i love 3 "proper" meals a day! my diary is open so please do nose in them for any food ideas i would love to do the same to yours!! lol
    good luck with your weight loss but i would not stay on it for too long in one go tho!

    ALSO to all the moaners out there....
    did you know people who have gastric banding,bypass surgery ect have less than 800 cals a day and they do just fine!!!! just a thought you guys...
  • trud - post lapband surgery, the dietary guidelines are 800 calories per day for the first 2-3 years after surgery with an increase to 1000-1200 thereafter. after gastric bypass surgery, the recommendation is 800 calories per day for 1-2 years post-surgery with the same subsequent increase. as i recall, the world health organisation classifies a caloric intake of under 800 per day to be a starvation diet. you also generally need to reach a certain point of morbid obesity to qualify for the surgery, with the view that a severely restricted diet for a certain period can be sustained with such surplus body fat.
  • ...you won't find much support for a 500 calorie/day diet on this site...
    i agree, how can ur body function with so little food. would ur car run with no petrol, would ur laptop work with no charge. Its a crazy thing to do, what happens if you do loose weight then u have 2 start eating properly, u will just put it back on. While ur doing it and starving ur body ur body will go in2 starvation mode and just keep hold of everything u do eat. look at this. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090110170157AAtraVx
  • LemonSocks
    LemonSocks Posts: 238 Member
    Under-eating for a long term period can cause irreparable damage. Hair loss, brittle bones, bad skin, your brain will stop functioning properly. In essence, your whole body will begin to shut down. Imagine you only have so much electricity to power your house. The first thing you'd do is shut of anything unimportant. Then you'd lower the power on anything that's vital to conserve what little energy you have left. That is what your body will do.

    I'm am not saying this definitely will happen to you, but it's highly probable. Will you really be happy being thin, but with thin, lank hair (if any hair), barely able to stand up for more than a few minutes at a time.

    And on the other end of the scale very often people put on all the weight they lost and then some on top of that. Don't damage your body for quick, temporary weight loss. It isn't worth it. Not only that, I was recently looking at someone's diary that who is on a low calorie diet and their consistent low calorie diet meant they ended up binging on all kinds of junk food periodically, which is really difficult to avoid if you deprive your body.

    I do say this purely out of concern, not to be one of the 'haters'. Slowly increase your calorie intake (maybe 100 calories extra a week) and it'll do you wonders.
  • I did the 500 Calorie diet for 31 days! Lost 20 lbs in 31 days! No drawbacks! It taught me how to eat. It's been a month and a half and have NOT gained, but have lost 5 more lbs without being on a diet. It taught me to eat portion control and healthy habits! I am now going to the gym and working with weights! I loved the diet.... thinking of going on Round 2 of 500 cal diet. Keep up the good work and listen to YOUR body... not anyone else's :):smile: Good luck!
  • KellyBurton1
    KellyBurton1 Posts: 529 Member
    Im not going to say anything negative to anyone, let them do what they want. Everyone is different in what they can do and cant. I personally cannot live on 500cals nor do I want to. My body would give out all together but thats me. When I first lost my weight I didnt track no calories but I ate good and excerise and lost 70lbs in 8 months cause I had alot to lose. But now it gets really harder for me. Every so many pounds I go down I have to change things up and sometimes that wouldnt work either. I could go for a long time without losing because I know my heart wasnt all into it either. But because of that I never gain because I've learn good eating habits as well. Youll know what works for you and I wish you luck..
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    just my two cents. i am recovering from anorexia nervosa, restricting type. having spent a very long time restricting my intake to 500 calories (and much lower), i can vouch for the serious damage it does to your body. my heart was a few beats per minute above cardiac arrest, i had severe electrolyte imbalances, my bloods were dismal, my bones are fragile, my period is still screwed up, my brain didn't function properly. it took a fortnight in hospital with daily ECGs, forced tube-feeding and supplements to get my heartrate into the normal range. so no, i really don't advise this.

    Thank you so much for posting this. I find these threads *so* upsetting, and those who support this practice are beyond irresponsible.

    Best of luck with your future journey. I know how much courage it takes to face down AN. xx
  • Best of luck with your future journey. I know how much courage it takes to face down AN. xx

    thank-you, lovely xoxox and you! while i'm not pleased that you understand why threads like these are so upsetting (as i wouldn't wish that on anyone), it is reassuring that others find them problematic. it really irks me to see anyone encourage another person to follow a suicidal diet. all the best <3
  • nicehormones
    nicehormones Posts: 503 Member
    I guess my question is this:

    Do you think you can go the rest of your life only consuming 500 calories? Probably not. At some point, your body is going to freak out and stop losing weight. Once it realizes it isn't being given enough food to complete basic functions (like growing hair, digesting food, and insuring organs are functioning properly) weight loss will slow down or even stop.

    Also, I don't see how only eating 500 calories can be long term sustainable. I really don't. Unfortunately, once you begin eating a normal amount of calories again - you will likely see a weight gain. Most people will see ALL the weight they lost come back and some people will see that AND even more.

    Be careful with such a restrictive diet. There are many downfalls to consuming such a small amount of food in a day.

    I wish you the best.

    I agree! It's all about making life changes... Eat and exercise like the weight you want... Eventually you will be just that. You'll screw your metabolism up way bad otherwise... Trust me, I've done it.
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    i know a few people who were on a 500 calorie a day diet....

    one was an infant baby that i was babysitting for, she was SO SKINNY....like 10 pounds. But, she did keep getting big, i don't know why since she was eating only 500 calories

    one was myself when i had tonsilities and i couldnt' eat anything. Not only did i lose from not eating, but i also burnt calories from crying because i was having so much hunger pangs that it brought me to tears.

    another one was this concentration camp suvivor, i mean cmon look at them, they were all so slim. She did lose some teeth and hair, and pretty much all her muscles, but hey if it worked for her, it can work for anyone
  • PlumeriaTattoo
    PlumeriaTattoo Posts: 21 Member
    I did the 500 calorie HCG diet. Twice. I lost 30 lbs each time, and gained it all back as soon as I tried to add carbs back into my diet. I lost a LOT of hair. I lost a LOT of muscle. My skin looked bad. My metabolism slowed to a crawl. And now I feel like crap because I gained all that weight like it was nothing. I gained it all back within 6 months each time, and believe me...I was not eating a bunch of calories or binging on carbs and sugar. I just tried to eat normal, mostly whole foods.

    I am struggling now to gain back strength and lose the weight that came on me so easily after a very low calorie diet. I learned my lesson, but everyone is different and we all have to learn our own ways what will work or not work for us. But there is no way I'd do a super-low calorie diet ever again. Even if the weight stayed off, the other side effects make it just not worth it for me. I'd rather be healthy and strong, than thin.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    Best of luck with your future journey. I know how much courage it takes to face down AN. xx

    thank-you, lovely xoxox and you! while i'm not pleased that you understand why threads like these are so upsetting (as i wouldn't wish that on anyone), it is reassuring that others find them problematic. it really irks me to see anyone encourage another person to follow a suicidal diet. all the best <3

    I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to imply I'd battled AN - I can see my phrasing gave that impression. But I am very close to people who have, and have also worked with people as they've gone through it. I just know it takes huge amounts of courage and dedication.
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    You probably need to find another place to ask that question than here.

    Surely, you can not be serious.
  • msiamjan
    msiamjan Posts: 326 Member
    This has been in my past; but both times when trying to maintain the losses, I ended up weighing more than I started. Both times I was on medically supervised programs. I'm not giving advice, just you asked for actual experiences. My goal now is to teach my body to lose weight on a sustainable diet in hopes that I'll be able to ease more comfortably into maintenance. I think I probably screwed up my metabolism with my past practices. Now I want to do what I can to rev it up. Good luck, however you choose to proceed.
  • That's a h0rrible idea :(
  • Sophie983
    Sophie983 Posts: 119 Member
    Im on 600 cals. Open dairy. Check it if you want. Haters hate. It works for me.

    Hating? Seriously?
    You look very very young. I guess your goal is to be thin. It would be nice if your goal was to be healthy as well.
    Nobody is being mean. We are mostly worried that people are doing so much damage to their bodies.
  • LisaMarieee
    LisaMarieee Posts: 176 Member
    Under-eating for a long term period can cause irreparable damage. Hair loss, brittle bones, bad skin, your brain will stop functioning properly. In essence, your whole body will begin to shut down. Imagine you only have so much electricity to power your house. The first thing you'd do is shut of anything unimportant. Then you'd lower the power on anything that's vital to conserve what little energy you have left. That is what your body will do.

    I'm am not saying this definitely will happen to you, but it's highly probable. Will you really be happy being thin, but with thin, lank hair (if any hair), barely able to stand up for more than a few minutes at a time.

    And on the other end of the scale very often people put on all the weight they lost and then some on top of that. Don't damage your body for quick, temporary weight loss. It isn't worth it. Not only that, I was recently looking at someone's diary that who is on a low calorie diet and their consistent low calorie diet meant they ended up binging on all kinds of junk food periodically, which is really difficult to avoid if you deprive your body.

    I do say this purely out of concern, not to be one of the 'haters'. Slowly increase your calorie intake (maybe 100 calories extra a week) and it'll do you wonders.
  • Serious? Can't be.
  • If it works for some, fine...But, I don't know one person who has kept the weight off after going back to eating regularly. :( Oh, and I should add, it's putting the body in jeopardy. Organs, blood, muscles etc, are meant to be nutritionally fed. Sorry, it's the 'shortcut' that won't bring permanent results.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    Impatient and desperate people do this. Don't be shocked when Thankgiving and Christmas comes around that you gain a lot of it back.