Pregnant and still trying to lose weight

Good afternoon,

My name is Sarah and I live in Edmonton. I am very overweight and 9 weeks pregnant. I want to continue to lose weight while going through the pregnancy, however the cravings are getting the best of me. And I have been going out to eat instead of cooking at home. I have been very nauseated and not motivated at all. This will be my second child and I already look like a have gained like 15 lbs.
Anyone else on here and prego?


  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    I may be off-base here, but have you talked with your doctor about wanting to lose weight while pregnant? I always thought that was not advised. Not gain a lot, sure, but LOSE? That doesn't seem okay, but I'm not a doctor...
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Even if you are overweight, you shouldn't try losing while pregnant. Focus on getting healthy food (lots of fruit, veggies, dairy, lean meat). Any weight gained is for the health of your baby, worry about losing it after you give birth!

    Congrats to you!!
  • theresamommyof4
    theresamommyof4 Posts: 206 Member
    What Katie said.

    My last baby, I had gestational diabetes... no fun. I was way more overweight than I needed to be. I basically cut out almost all sugar, except for my daily fix of Dove Dark Chocolat Covered Almonds, and ate my fill of whole grains, lean meats, low fat dairy fruits, veggies and nuts & I still lost weight. When I went into it, I weighed 220 and when I gave birth I was at 216.

    If you eat HEALTHY foods, and walk every day, you will be better off at the end of your pregnancy. I didn't diet at all, just made a lifesyle change. Now the key is starting it now, and not stopping after the baby is born. If you continue to eat well and you breastfeed, you'll be good to go!
  • DontThinkJustRun
    DontThinkJustRun Posts: 248 Member

    I must say that weight loss will still be here after you have your baby. I know that weight loss can be done during pregnancy, but your focus should be on a healthy pregnancy and maybe minmal weight gain.

    I lost 70 lbs before getting pregnant and still had 50+ to go. I didn't focus on weight maintenance or losing durning pregnancy and gained 50 lbs! Sure it sucked, but I still managed to lose it all and the rest. Please please please talk to your doc and see what your options are for the sake of your baby.
  • You should not be attempting to lose weight while pregnant without speaking to your doctor first.
  • I know it's tempting to WANT to lose weight during pregnancy....heck I did too because I was halfway to goal when I got knocked up!! But no OB/GYN is going to encourage it. Just focus on eating health and only gain 10-15 lbs and then I promise you that little bit of weight will be gone weeks after the baby. I ended all my pregnancies either the same weight or down by just eating healthy. COngrats and good luck!!
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    i weighed more than i wanted to when i got pregnant and after i was done nursing (which was 12 months after baby was born, so 21 months of not being able to lose weight) i finally decided to lose weight. i was a little more than i wanted to be after the baby was done nursing. so not only did i have the lbs i was over before i got pregnant but all the excess baby weight. it wasn't advisable to i just didn't lose any weight until i thought it was safe. you want a healthy baby, so i would just eat very healthy and be active during the pregnancy and not worry so much about actual weight loss or dieting.
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Oops, I sent the reply before I was done. Here is a link to a very helpful, encouraging blog.

    Everyone one here is trying to eat healthy and excercise while being pregnant. You should check it out. Congrats again on the baby.

    I don't think you should try to lose weight while pregnant, but if you eat right, and excercise you won't gain to much and it will be a lot easier to lose after the baby's born.
  • coatsie79
    coatsie79 Posts: 187 Member

    For very overweight women who make a decision to watch their diet and exercise during pregnancy they can actually end up losing, especially in early pregnancy.

    Your focus however should be eating the right things and exercising in order too have a healthy pregnancy, rather than being concerned with seeing the numbers on the scales go down. I'm sure that this is your priority anyway :smile:

    Good luck and all the best for a healthy and happy pregnancy.
  • In wouldn't try to lose, I would try to maintain. I was 258 when I got pregnant, and thanks to the nausea, didn't gain much weight until the end of my pregnancy. The best thing you can do is eat healthy and try to maintain your weight, trying not to gain more than 10 - 15 lbs. Concentrate on keeping yourself and your baby healthy, and worry about weight loss after you give birth.
  • krysydawn
    krysydawn Posts: 231 Member
    I totally understand what you are talking about. Its hard to not want to continue with your journey while you are pregnant. No one wants a 9 month binge.

    When I got pregnant with my son, I was dieting at the time.. and had lost a good 15 - 20 lbs. I was 235 when I got pregnant. I ate healthy and didn't OVER eat. You are Nourishing for two, not physically eating for two. If you make the right choices, you will be fine. Because of these choices that I made. I lost 15lbs my first trimester. (NOT TRYING TO).. My Dr didn't even blink an eye over it because I was already very over weight. When I gave birth, I was 243... thats 8lbs over my pre-pregnancy weight. And my son was a very healthy 8lb baby. So in a since, I gained only baby. :D lol

    In a nut shell, I wouldn't try and "lose" while pregnant, But I would do everything possible to continue on your HEALTHY lifestyle journey. It will be much easier to lose the weight after you have your baby, if you stay healthy for your pregnancy.

    Good luck! And a Happy, Healthy Pregnancy to you! :)
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    If you are over weight you doctor may give you a plan to use to lose weight. I was advised during my pregnacy to lose the extra weight so that I could have a healthy baby. Talk with your doctor because everyone is different but please don't pack on tons of weight this early. It's not healthy for you or baby.
  • Well, loosing weight in your pregnancy days is not considered to be very safe.Even then if you intend to loose weight than you must consult your doctor at first place.However you can also consult online by visiting
  • No it isn't advised to lose weight while pregnant. If you are concerned, ask to be followed by a nutritionist.
    Just continue to eat healthy and remember that just because you are pregnant it doesn't give you the excuse to "eat for two".
    I lost 10 lbs this pregnancy bust that's because I have gestational diabetes and had to drastically change my diet and I'm on 2 different types of insulin and I see a nutritionist at every diabetic clinic appointment.
    Every morning I have to pee on a ketone stick to make sure my body is getting the nutrition it needs to keep the baby healthy.
  • I have talked with my Dr. I was told I wasn't able to activley lose weight....that means no crazy work outs and don't not eat properly.
    I was told I can do light work outs (don't overheat the body) and to change the foods I am eating. I am only to gain a total of 11 lbs my whole pregnancy.....however I gained 8 the first month and now have just lost 2. So I am trying to just do better.
  • missikay1970
    missikay1970 Posts: 588 Member
    I am really glad you spoke with your dr - no one should attempt dieting to lose weight while pregnant. drink tons of water and do alot of walking - dont' focus on the scale - just eat healthy things that your baby can thrive on. GL and congrats on your pregnancy!!!!! :smile:
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Good afternoon,

    My name is Sarah and I live in Edmonton. I am very overweight and 9 weeks pregnant. I want to continue to lose weight while going through the pregnancy, however the cravings are getting the best of me. And I have been going out to eat instead of cooking at home. I have been very nauseated and not motivated at all. This will be my second child and I already look like a have gained like 15 lbs.
    Anyone else on here and prego?

    Talk to your doctor, I've never heard a doctor suggest losing weight during pregnancy except for someone whose was morbidly obese and her size actually put her health and the baby's in jeopardy. Mostly I've heard of doctors suggesting weight stabilizaiton, not weight loss. However, even this was suggest only by maintaining current exercise levels or adding moderate "exercise" when none existed before (like some walking) and eating healthy, but not by food volume restriction. If you're hungry you eat, just don't eat cake (or 2 loaded pb&j's with 2 cups of milk and a pack of twizzlers, which was my downfall of choice).
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I am only to gain a total of 11 lbs my whole pregnancy..

    Pffft. I agree with your doctor on the first point. Work out regularly, eat well, don't try to lose. But your body is going to do what it's going to do. As long as you're eating and moving appropriately, you really have no control over how much you gain. So relax and enjoy this time! :)