Ketosis>500 Calorie Diet! Only Supporters!

DISCLAIMER: After some extensive research last night, in addition to what my Bariatric/Dietician supplied me with, I now can honestly say, its BEST for ME! Especially taking into consideration being obese and some health issues, so with that in mind I care a less what those who argue/debate over a low calorie diet, deeming that it puts the body into starvation mode, ect.... well based on information i have looked up, it surpasses that. The benefits basically outweight the cons, and yes i admit there are some cons, but a "ketosis/low cal" diet works and is needed for some in different, special circumstances. So for people with second hand, lack, inaccurate and opinionated opinions, you can voice them to another post, PLEASE!

Also, while on this ketosis/low cal diet, i supplement with amino acid supplement, B12 injection, prescribed multivitamin, Calcium, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Potassium, and personal choice of cod liver oil or a fish oil daily. So, while under a phyisicans' direction, I am not lacking any needed nutrients while on this low calorie diet.

This topic is intended for those inquirng minds, any support, any success stories, etc..... and any questions.

*Again, Im on this diet because its needed for ME, with consideration of my health issues. So it works for me and as my inbox has been flooded, works for others TOO!


  • Dragongrl
    Dragongrl Posts: 186 Member
    My only question is WHAT DO YOU EAT? Meat only? Or shakes or something? I think my stomach would eat itself 'cause I don't have a gallbladder.
  • rockylucas
    rockylucas Posts: 343 Member
    I just want to send you a little note to wish you luck. Many people will probably read this and want to spout their negative opinions, however it sounds like you know what you are doing and are taking the steps to do what is best for you. For the majority of people this is not a healthy long term diet, however as you have stated for many people a physician will recommend just this type of diet on a short term basis depending on other health circumstances.

    I am currently completing my practicum placement at a surgical weight loss center at a local hospital. I am not certain if you are pre-bariatric surgery (you had mentioned a bariatric dietitian), however for many of the patients who start the program here, they do go on a short-term calorie restrictive diet so that they can lose a portion of their weight pre-surgery. This reduces the chances of complications during and after surgery, and improves the overall outcomes after surgery.

    If what you are doing is supported by and under the direction of a physician, then simply ignore any negative comments from the "expert wannabes" that you will find on this site :)
  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 765 Member
    Yup I'm interested too - what's a typical day for food/drink?
  • lilsunshinecc
    lilsunshinecc Posts: 32 Member
    I dont have a gallbladder either, sadly. And was constantly back in forth in hospital with abdonminal pain after eating, for bile blockage/build up due to not having a gallbladder. To answer your question I eat 3 healthy filling meals, like breakfast egg whites with spinach, lunch and dinner, chicken or fish and a veggie.....and i drink plenty of water.
  • alisia709
    alisia709 Posts: 5 Member
    Nope! You're doing what is best for you. Good luck! (:
  • dutchess48
    I'm actually doing the hcg diet, just waiting on my drops to come in the mail. It's the 500 calorie diet as well. I love it and have done it before. Thanks for the thread I hate seeing all the negativity on the other threads. Good luck!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    This is not something anyone on MFP should be giving advice about. This is something that should only be discussed with a doctor since for most people it is very unhealthy.
  • scottlikescake
    Good luck to you keeping the weight off when you go back to eating properly, not only will you feel ill on a daily basis you will actually make yourself really ill eating 500 calories long term. It's not sustainable you will put all the weight back on when you eventually slip back into your own eating habits. I give it a week maximum you will feel thoroughly tired and miserable. Don't do it. I'm not a 'hater' I care about other human beings I don't want to see people making themselves sick for vanity.
  • lilsunshinecc
    lilsunshinecc Posts: 32 Member
    Girl, i hate it too.... because like this site isn't meant for that i'm sure... so why knock what other do that works for them. If you are against it, continue doing your thing and allow others to their thing as well. All the best for what works for everybody whether 500 calories or your recommended! I was reading on the HCG as well, where are you wating for yours to come from? Like a site or something?
  • Page2777
    im not gonna be negative i will be honest i couldnt do it but good luck to you hope it helps you reach a healthier fitter you
  • anberlingasm
    This is not something anyone on MFP should be giving advice about. This is something that should only be discussed with a doctor since for most people it is very unhealthy.

    Nobody is giving advice, it's about sharing stories and opinions. I for one am interested, although it's not something I think would be right for me.
  • lilsunshinecc
    lilsunshinecc Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks for your "opinion", i have been on it for a month with success, and have a few people i know personally who have/is curently on the same "life style" and havent put the weight back on while following a 1,200 calorie or recommended daily calorie intake after the low calorie phrase. But again to each it own..... I value my phyisicians direction on the matter..... ;)
  • lilsunshinecc
    lilsunshinecc Posts: 32 Member
    No i dont plan to do it for the rest of my life. However, there are many, many, many people that have inquiring minds about this, so I'm not giving medical advice on it, however i'll gladly share my story throughout the phrase.
  • lilsunshinecc
    lilsunshinecc Posts: 32 Member
    thanks for the response ;)
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    im not gonna be negative i will be honest i couldnt do it but good luck to you hope it helps you reach a healthier fitter you

    Same. Whatever works for you, works for you...but how long are you going to do this for? For a short term kick I can see it being helpfull, but longer term? I'm not sure and I certainly don't think I would have the sticking power - so, go you! If this is what you need then do it.

    But - I would beg of you that the minute you feel unwell, your hair or skin suffers etc. go back to your doc.

    Also - and this is an aside and only from my own experience - I would start to learn food values and portions NOW. This diet is cool, for you, but it's not teaching you how to eat 'normally' and you won't be on 500cals forever. Start learning about food - calorific values and portion control. It will really help.
    Good luck.
  • dutchess48
    Good luck to you keeping the weight off when you go back to eating properly, not only will you feel ill on a daily basis you will actually make yourself really ill eating 500 calories long term. It's not sustainable you will put all the weight back on when you eventually slip back into your own eating habits. I give it a week maximum you will feel thoroughly tired and miserable. Don't do it. I'm not a 'hater' I care about other human beings I don't want to see people making themselves sick for vanity.

    This is a PRO thread, please remember this!
  • 6heatherb6
    6heatherb6 Posts: 469 Member
    All the very best to you and your family :flowerforyou:

    I've just been on an ordinary 900'ish calorie diet and it's worked for starvation mode or any other such thing..

    Truly...well done you!!
  • woo1324
    woo1324 Posts: 168 Member
    I hope this doesnt come across as negative because i totally support your decision like you said its right for you and better than being over weight ,, just my story though i did this the first time i lost weight i was eating 500-800 cal and excercising for 2 - 4 hours a day i lost 42kg or in pounds 92lbs in 9 months i went from 99kg (218 lbs to 125lbs) so did it work well yes while i was living that lifestyle but as soon as i started trying too have a normal life it came back on and came back on quick even though i was only eating 1200 cal and doing 40 min intensive excercise for 6 days a week ,, i eventually jumped back up nearly 18 kg with that and became so disheartend i completely gave up and now am bigger than i have ever been on the positive side though what might have happend if i didnt do it i could have ended up massive the fact is i did get a restart on my weight so thats a plus ,,, the thing is i used to tell myself i would never be one of those people that will put it back on i used to think as if i would give up what i worked so hard for but i did and this time im being really careful not to slip back to what i used to do

    your not me though and this could be the best thing for you and i really hope it is weight loss is always better than weight gain :) good luck
  • lilsunshinecc
    lilsunshinecc Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks, for awhile now on the diet, I have been learning on portions and "normal" healthy habits.... since was never acustomed to it before....
  • monkeybutter
    I hope that this works out well for you :) what works for one won't work for all and I wish you all the best xx
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