Feeling myself starting to slip

Hello friends,

I've lost 34 pounds and have 18 to go. Something happened yesterday that led to feelings of depression. I have a self-destructive streak when I get down. Im noticing urges to overeat and not track. I want to catch this before it gets out of control. Hearing from others who can relate will help me.

Has this happened to anyone else? What did you do to veer back on your healthy path?


  • penguinmama87
    penguinmama87 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss so far!

    I deal with this too. The fact that you've noticed it is really huge and IMO means you're most of the way there. You can choose to be more intentional about it now that you know that this is what happens when you run into a bit of a roadblock. What are your other coping methods? I would focus on those self-care items, get enough sleep, stay plenty hydrated. If you adjust to maintaining for a week or so rather than focusing on losing, that would be preferable to just throwing in the towel for a week, too.

    For me when I'm feeling down I know I need to get outside, call someone on the phone, see a friend if I'm able to do so. I curl up with a favorite book or a feel-good movie. I make sure what I'm eating tastes good but isn't something likely to trigger overeating.

    Everyone deals with hard times and it doesn't make you weak because it affects you. It's totally, completely normal.
  • aubintex
    aubintex Posts: 29 Member
    Thank you so much! Your tips are super helpful and encouraging. It also helps to hear that someone else can relate.

    I think I need a thing to look forward to. That will help.
  • Arralethe
    Arralethe Posts: 222 Member
    I have long-term depression and anxiety, and I confess it's been so hard this past year to stay afloat. I only started back with my weightloss in January this year, and yes, I had put on 50 lbs in 12 months. Mainlining chocolate and sitting on the couch did for me.

    Now I'm back to plan though, I find that the following helps:-

    1. Breathing exercises. when you feel overwhelmed, or the urge to binge/overeat hits you, take five minutes to breathe deeply and slowly. Breathe into your belly/diaphragm for the count of 4, hold for 4, exhale for 4, pause for 4. Even if you don't do yoga, this pose is good for the sympathetic nervous system: https://www.yogajournal.com/poses/reclining-bound-angle-pose/

    It basically allows me to pull my body back from fight-or-flight impulse and helps me regain some control/balance.

    2. Plan your food the day before and put it in your tracker. If you know already what you have budgeted for, you're less likely to "freestyle" your way into high calorie territory.

    3. Keep up with your exercise, whatever you've been doing so far, or start something new. I'd recommend dance or yoga, they're both so uplifting!

    4. See your doctor if your mood is low for more than a week or so. They might recommend trialling some medication, or maybe talking therapy, whichever is more appropriate for you.

    5. When the self-destructive urge hits, cut yourself some slack, but try and divert it - painting your nails, adult colouring, knitting, crafting can all help to occupy the hands and mind, and gives you something pretty when you're done that you can feel good about.

    If you don't already, keep a mood journal. It can really help identify any particular triggers so you can avoid them in future, as well as helping you work through your feelings.

    That's pretty much all I got, apart from to say you're doing marvellously. You know you're worth the effort, so don't let your lying brain chemistry get the better of you.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    -I keep a daily self care journal, so that I remember how to take care of myself without gorging on french fries and cake and so that I put my feelings into writing, rather than trying to eat them
    -I practice yoga and meditation to try to calm my crazy mind
    -I eat up to current maintenance once in awhile. I try to plan this before I get down, but sometimes life sneaks up on you
  • aubintex
    aubintex Posts: 29 Member
    You guys are amazing! Thank you so much for the support and the great ideas!
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    Thanks for the thread and the thoughtful suggestions. I relate also. In the self care category, along with good sleep and good nutrition, I would add moderate/cut alcohol. When I’m down and craving and feel a IDGAF attitude coming on, it turns out much better if I avoid drinking. I can face reality that another treat won’t improve anything (and might make me feel worse), and I’m better able to sit with the craving and wait it out.

    Really excellent suggestions above about planning food you enjoy, too. And also that your awareness is an important start.
  • MsCzar
    MsCzar Posts: 1,042 Member
    For the past few days, I've been experiencing diet fatigue with some sort of inexplicable anxiety running in the background. I don't want to lose precious ground - but rather than fight an uphill battle, I'll go up to maintenance calories for a while. For me, the challenge when taking a calorie deficit break is to resist all-out binging and keep exercising as usual. Going up to maintenance levels occasionally really helps me reset and assess how far I've come and where I want to go.
  • JohnBarth
    JohnBarth Posts: 672 Member
    In the past, I've seen this type of challenge myself. I almost wonder sometimes if it's the fear of success. We know how hard we've worked to get to where we're at, and for me, I think at least to some extent, I'm worried I won't be able to maintain those efforts on a longer term basis.
  • aubintex
    aubintex Posts: 29 Member
    ahoy_m8 wrote: »
    Thanks for the thread and the thoughtful suggestions. I relate also. In the self care category, along with good sleep and good nutrition, I would add moderate/cut alcohol. When I’m down and craving and feel a IDGAF attitude coming on, it turns out much better if I avoid drinking. I can face reality that another treat won’t improve anything (and might make me feel worse), and I’m better able to sit with the craving and wait it out.

    Really excellent suggestions above about planning food you enjoy, too. And also that your awareness is an important start.

    This is a great point. I haven't been drinking much but did have two beers last night. It definitely didn't help matters. I will not drink again until I get past this
  • aubintex
    aubintex Posts: 29 Member
    JohnBarth wrote: »
    In the past, I've seen this type of challenge myself. I almost wonder sometimes if it's the fear of success. We know how hard we've worked to get to where we're at, and for me, I think at least to some extent, I'm worried I won't be able to maintain those efforts on a longer term basis.

    This is a good point. I actually think it's good to struggle along the way so that we do have coping strategies when we get to maintenance.

  • aubintex
    aubintex Posts: 29 Member
    An update for everyone who posted. I am ending the day better than I started. The support here helped a lot.

    I stayed within my calorie allowance today. I'm also realizing that this might be a sign that I need to increase my daily intake. I've been eating 1000 calories for a while and now that I'm getting closer to my goal, I don't think I can sustain it as a 5'11" person. I am hopeful that increasing to 1200-1300 will help me get over this slump.
  • AndreaTamira
    AndreaTamira Posts: 272 Member
    Eating at least 1200 cals is definitely better. You'll get the nutrients you need easier that way, and probably feel less fatigued. - You'll lose the weight, too! 1200-1300 cals sound well under maintanance for you.

    Good on you for coming to that decision.

  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    Yes yes yes!
    Been there, done that, suffered the consequences.
    Now when I feel that cycle coming on, I really try to focus on the affirmations
    "I am loveable and worthy of care."
    "I love my body, and I take care of myself by eating mindfully and logging honestly"