Just had a baby!

Hello lovely faces,

So 4 weeks ago I had my second beautiful baby girl. I started off my pregnancy at my heaviest at 19stone 8lb and have ended my pregnancy surprisingly lighter at 18stone 2lb (lots of bad morning sickness and food aversions) and need to desperately sort myself out and get fit and be a positive remodel for my toddler who is 2 year old and picking up bad food habits.

So basically I have always been on the bigger side, but put on a substantial amount of weight 6 years ago in a previous relationship due to being unhappy but managed to lose 4 stone going from 18stone to 14 stone and was actually quite happy in myself and the way I looked. Flashback to 5 years ago when i met my now husband and through being content and 2 children down the line I've managed to gain it all back.

So I'm looking for friends to motivate me and keep me on track because through exhaustion and looking after 2 under 3 I'm finding things very hard.

Help help help please.


  • tapwaters
    tapwaters Posts: 428 Member
    Congratulations on your healthy, happy baby! I have a little girl who's about to turn 3! My husband and I are going to try for a second starting this June. I'm trying to get to the health/fitness level I was at for my first before trying for my second.

    You've got this!
  • cassy19fairy
    cassy19fairy Posts: 5 Member
    Hey, girl! I have 3 littles myself, and they are all girls. They are all really close together. The first 2 are 14 months apart. The youngest just turned one, so they are ages 4, 2 about to be 3, and 1. I had lost about 23 lbs before I found out I was preggo with my last one. I had worked so hard and was so upset about the possible weight gain that could happen, and sure enough.....BAM! I had gained all the weight back plus some a whole year after having her. I recently decided to kick my own 🍑 back into shape. I just started at the beginning of March, and want to lose at least 50 lbs.

    I know how easily overwhelming life can be. The thing that helps me push forward IS my kids. You have to think of WHY do you want to lose weight? YOU are important and so are your goals. Always take time for yourself. Feel free to add me as a friend or shoot a message any time.
  • judyrae777
    judyrae777 Posts: 10 Member
    You can do it! Also, a cup of herbal hot tea in the afternoon or mid morning has really helped as an appetite suppressant.
  • Lhenderson923
    Lhenderson923 Posts: 102 Member
    Hi! I just had my son two months ago and am trying to lose the last 20ish lbs. Three years ago I had lost (and maintained) 60lbs using MFP but I gained 50lbs during my pregnancy! I’ve been eating a minimum of 1800 calories a day, usually closer to 2000, and so far my milk supply hasn’t been noticeably impacted. Feel free to add me!