Can't get back on track after summer

Hi, I started counting calories and changing my diet in March. I lost 18 pounds in 4 months which I was very happy with. Then once summer hit, I had trouble withstanding the onslaught of barbeques, lunches at the hotdog stand, drinks on the deck etc etc. I told myself I could take the summer "off" and now I am regretting it.
I have gained 4 lbs back, but the worst part is that I just cannot get back to healthy eating and counting calories. I know exactly what I am doing wrong but its like my willpower disappeared over July and August.
Help! Any advice?


  • MooseWizard
    MooseWizard Posts: 295 Member
    Feeling like I may be in the same boat. Lost most of my momentum, but still have 30lbs to go.
  • karanmwk
    karanmwk Posts: 85 Member
    I am having the same struggle! I'm in need of some advice too. Hope you get back on track soon! :)
  • TwilaG
    TwilaG Posts: 134
    I am in so the same boat. I am not giving up. Keep trying you will get back on track and so will I.
  • jamaka1
    jamaka1 Posts: 411 Member
    as nike says 'JUST DO IT" I had a few celebration myself recently & have not been working out religously as B4 & this morn was the first for a few weeks that i truly started back. U can do it:flowerforyou:
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    I've found that with myself, no one can help me want to stay on track. Something just has to "click" inside and make me just be disgusted with myself, haha! It always motivates me to purposefully make myself wear something too small for a day. The discomfort and embarrassment always give me the right nudge. ;)
  • karanmwk
    karanmwk Posts: 85 Member
    ...and I was at 20 pounds lost a couple of months ago...been heading in the WRONG direction!
  • candb
    candb Posts: 238
    You just have to do it. I hate to say it, but it's not going to get any easier with Halloween candy, Thanksgiving, and Christmas baking coming up. Set yourself some mini-goals and anytime you want to cheat think about whether that choice will help you get closer to or further from your goals. It takes 21 days to make a habit so be consistent and it will be easier in a few weeks.
  • cnsmith2
    cnsmith2 Posts: 539 Member
    Can't see your diary so I'll ask... do you fill out your diary every day or is that what you are having trouble with? If you don't fill out your diary, you should make it a priority to do so. Seeing the numbers represented to you could "shock" you into getting back on track.

    If you do still keep track of everything... take a look at your biggest weaknesses or think about maybe smaller things that you could change. Perhaps after you've made a small change here or there or set some smaller short term goals, they will help you to get back on track and keep motivated.

    Nothing like being able to see your weight go down a bit to jump start that interest.
  • Dandersonjr32
    Wow, exactly the same here but worse. I was able to pack on about 30 pounds this summer because of a shoulder surgery and the fact that I LOVE barbecue.

    I joined this site to help me get that weight back off and get back into shape. Any of you who want to be friends, let me know. I have a 12 week program to lose my weight and get in shape, decrease my waist line, increase my strength, and help me feel better.. I will be happy to share it with any of you.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Take advantage of the cooler weather to get out and move!

    If that doesn't you have a bathing suit photo from the summer that you aren't happy about? Paste that on the fridge to help get motivated!

    Remember, its always a slippery slope...if you let things get away now, you won't have any willpower when the holiday season rolls around and you're faced with tons of bad foods...
  • ConnieMaxwell
    OK Folks, this is true for a lot of us. I found that if I start in the early morning logging into the food tracker, I can get going. If I wait until later in the day, I have eaten things I knew I should not have eaten and I find it's :too late: to be on track. Start tracking as so as you have your first sip of coffee, tea or water or whatever you drink in the morning to get moving. Think about what you are going to take for lunch today (stop eating out, summer's over) and snacks and if you have a minute before you run off for the day, log them and see what shape your calories are for the day. Then it feels like you have a plan rather than no plan for the day. Look at exercise: just a 5 minute walk in the stairway of your building a couple times a day can be logged as extra exercise I find that VERY motivating. And for me now that football is on, Monday night football at the little pub around the corner from my house is my motivation to stay on track all weekend, so I can splurge Monday night. Sad to say I had a bad weekend as far as eating so tonight, it is 1 lite beer and a salad while watching the game and I tell myself to do better next time. Hope that helps, we are all in this together. Good Luck
  • msaap
    msaap Posts: 89 Member
    I know that feeling. What I did was start setting short term NSV goals. My first was to work up to drinking 8 glassed of water a day. It amazed me that the more water I took in, the less hungry I was. Then I started to reduce the amount of sweets I ate, next it was adding in more fruits and vegetables, until I was finally on a healthier track. Once I started eating right, I added in exercise. For me, I decided there was no point for me to exercise if I was just going to eat junk all the time. This worked for me and you have to find what works for you.
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    I've been struggling too, although I did end the summer 6 lbs lighter than I began it. I find that being part of a challenge really helps. Others on the challenge are very supportive and share their own struggles and successes. I rhighly ecommend joining a challenge. :smile:
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    Can't see your diary so I'll ask... do you fill out your diary every day or is that what you are having trouble with? If you don't fill out your diary, you should make it a priority to do so. Seeing the numbers represented to you could "shock" you into getting back on track.

  • michellemariescott
    Thanks for the advice and motivation. It was interesting hearing that other people found summer dieting challenging. I had originally thought that summer, with all the fresh fruit and veggies would be easy, but I hadn't anticipated the temptation of bbq's, hotdogs and beer.
    I have started counting calories again today for the first time in a long time and I am already shocked by how much I consumed today! Hopefully this will get me back on track.