
Hey guys! Just wanted to post an open discussion/forum for those that are considering trying to lose body fat while maintaining muscle or even building some muscle! I started my journey 8 weeks ago now at 24.9% body fat and am now at 16% and have gained muscle and strength along the way! I’m always open for advice, however don’t mind helping others out if you need it!


  • RashadLavelle
    RashadLavelle Posts: 46 Member
    I'm looking to do the same. So far I maintain my resistance training with hypertrophy, and my proteins are about 0.8 grams per kilogram of bodyweight. So far, i haven't loss muscle nor gained too much. Just maintain what I have which was what my mission is.
  • age_is_just_a_number
    @conourfrank96 : Could you provide with some details of your weight and measurements and your body composition approach?
  • mennakhalil2018mfp
    How please?
  • conourfrank96
    conourfrank96 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey guys, sorry for the late response. Didn’t realize I had anyone ever respond. Since the start point which was just off of a bad injury, hadn’t excercised in months and eating whatever. I completely started the program fresh I went and got my Resting metabolic rate test done at the army wellness center here on base as well as did the bod pod. So I found out my calories and where i was at first.

    Then came the work, 45 mins cardio 7 days a week with a push pull legs split. 3 days on, rest day with the exception of the cardio and then 3 days on again.

    Eating 100G carbs, 50G fat, 180 protein on low carb day which is Thursday and Sunday, and “high” carb days are 200G carbs 50G fats 180 protein. My macros won’t be relative to others but that’s what I do. As well as drink 1 gallon of water a day. Litterally carrying around a milk jug full of water.
  • sflano1783
    sflano1783 Posts: 117 Member
    Hey guys, sorry for the late response. Didn’t realize I had anyone ever respond. Since the start point which was just off of a bad injury, hadn’t excercised in months and eating whatever. I completely started the program fresh I went and got my Resting metabolic rate test done at the army wellness center here on base as well as did the bod pod. So I found out my calories and where i was at first.

    Then came the work, 45 mins cardio 7 days a week with a push pull legs split. 3 days on, rest day with the exception of the cardio and then 3 days on again.

    Eating 100G carbs, 50G fat, 180 protein on low carb day which is Thursday and Sunday, and “high” carb days are 200G carbs 50G fats 180 protein. My macros won’t be relative to others but that’s what I do. As well as drink 1 gallon of water a day. Litterally carrying around a milk jug full of water.

    Are you doing fasted cardio 7 days a week??
  • conourfrank96
    conourfrank96 Posts: 3 Member

    I personally do not do my cardio fasted and that’s not to say that’s not a method that can work or doesn’t work for others but I work night shift so I typically make and eat my breakfast, and then go to the gym before work.

    The last couple weeks I have enjoyed doing 20 mins cardio before my actual workout, then finishing out the workout with 25 more mins of cardio. That’s kind of my way of knocking it out and not getting overwhelmed or too worn out.
  • CholeRoad
    CholeRoad Posts: 47 Member
    Hey guys, sorry for the late response. Didn’t realize I had anyone ever respond. Since the start point which was just off of a bad injury, hadn’t excercised in months and eating whatever. I completely started the program fresh I went and got my Resting metabolic rate test done at the army wellness center here on base as well as did the bod pod. So I found out my calories and where i was at first.

    Then came the work, 45 mins cardio 7 days a week with a push pull legs split. 3 days on, rest day with the exception of the cardio and then 3 days on again.

    Eating 100G carbs, 50G fat, 180 protein on low carb day which is Thursday and Sunday, and “high” carb days are 200G carbs 50G fats 180 protein. My macros won’t be relative to others but that’s what I do. As well as drink 1 gallon of water a day. Litterally carrying around a milk jug full of water.

    Pretty impressive to lose that % of body fat in that time period.