Halloween challenge sign-up!! (challenge will start 9/19)



  • jvinmill
    jvinmill Posts: 279 Member
    I'm in! I would need to lose 9.4 pounds by Halloween. Definitely doable!
  • My only worry is that I wont be able to do 100 miles in 6 weeks. But I will try my best to make it work!
  • sock_17
    sock_17 Posts: 99 Member
    Count me in. I doubt I'll get in 100 miles again because I want to start doing Turbo Jam a few times a week but I'd still like to check in with you guys :-)
  • I'm in!
    5% would be 9.8 by Halloween.
    Start weight -195lbs
    By Halloween - 185lbs
    :D I have never done anything like this but i think it will help greatly!
  • sock_17
    sock_17 Posts: 99 Member
    Oh and my goal will be about 9 lbs.
  • judy20in2011
    judy20in2011 Posts: 143 Member
    Count me in! Will definately give it all I can! I will need to aim for 8 lbs!
  • I'll join ^_^
    5% that is 5.5 kilos... ima try my best ;D
  • I would love to join this Challenge!

    5% would be 8.9 by Halloween.
    Start weight -177lbs
    By Halloween - 168lbs
  • shaynaree01
    shaynaree01 Posts: 1 Member
    I want to join too please :) I need the motivation :/
    5% of my weight would be 14.4lbs (a little over 2lbs a week...I can do this!)

    Starting Weight: 365
    Current Weight: 288
    Halloween Weight: 273.5
  • I would love to do this!!! 5% of my weight would be 11 pounds... sounds like a great challenge to push me to exercise more!
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    Count me in!
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    Count me in! 5% of my current weight is 12 lbs. I shouldn't have any problems getting in the 100 miles cause I love walking and riding my bike :bigsmile:
  • Count me in. My physical readiness test is the week of Halloween. So I really need to push myself. My 5% is 7.5 lbs

    Current weight: 148-146ish(I keep flucuating daily)
    Goal by Halloween: 141 (though I would like to be in the 130s)
  • As a newbie to challenges I think this one is the one for me !! Plus just in time for a 10km Race I have entered in November

    My 5% will be 9lb's

    SW 216 // CW 182.5 // Goal is 173.5
  • doriekaye
    doriekaye Posts: 55 Member
    Count me in on this one too. I've been at a plateau and need something to kick me into gear again!!
  • Shells06
    Shells06 Posts: 109 Member
    I would love to join as well if there is room!
  • elana1987
    elana1987 Posts: 135 Member
    So happy to have all of you joining me in this. :)
  • ejb245
    ejb245 Posts: 195 Member
    I'd love to join if there's room in the group. My goal would be 9 pounds. Completely doable in 6 weeks. :)
  • kmo566
    kmo566 Posts: 16 Member
    Oh! Me!
  • tilulah1304
    tilulah1304 Posts: 36 Member
    definately joining!!
    9.1lbs to lose!!
    Start weight: 182lbs
    Goal weight: 173lbs
    this is just what i need.. not sure if ill get the 100miles done but ill do my be:happy: st!!