Drama Time - Need some perspective

kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
So, I don't know about any of you but I am sensitive when it comes to 9/11 simply because of how many innocent people died. Seeing these images of firefighters rushing to help people and later dying just breaks my heart. This has nothing political nor am I asking you to share any thoughts on politics. It's just painful to watch it and I celebrate the lives of all these people.

Now something happened yesterday that really pissed me the f%ck off. here is the back story:
Yesterday, someone on my facebook posted this: "Hoy hace 10 años los gringos se dieron kuenta k son los mas odiados y k por su kulpa mueren un chingo d inocentes.... Karma is a *****!!" (which translates to "Today, 10 years ago, the gringos realized that they were the most hated and because of that thousands of innocent people died..karma is a *****"

There was a long exchange of words and at the end of the day I ended my message saying to him "reflecting on the destructive power of all types of extremism and hate. May we all be soldiers for love and tolerance. Luis, I have nothing but respect for you but I pity your mentality. Peace." I included more to this message but I ended it on a high note.
Later this morning I get this response "la bliti blu bla the army washed well your brain in the end it is not just me who think that its a hole lot of people but if you dont want to see it its up tp you love and blessings for your family ciao" Mind you, there was a long exchange of words before this. My husband is military and I am very proud of him and the fact that he is willing to risk his life to protect each and every single one of us (Americans). So, his message just rubbed me the wrong way and seriously, if he were here I probably would get violent with him (not that it would ever happen but I am on the edge of just feeling a lot of dislike for this person).

If you read this, being an American, "Today, 10 years ago, the gringos realized that they were the most hated and because of that thousands of innocent people died..karma is a *****". I understand that there will always be haters and negative people in the world but what if this person is your friend? What would your response be? And no, you cannot just say f%ck you, what polite and civil way would you respond to horse sh&t like this?

Any perspective please? Any thoughts?


  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    First of all I want to thank you and your husband for the sacrifices you make for our country.

    And I'd delete the man and say nothing.
    I cannot stand reading words like that, it sickens me.

    Does this man live here in our country?
  • SpaceMarkus
    How good of a friend is he? If he's just a FB friend or someone you've hung out with a few times, just delete it. If he's a really good friend then I would understand that he has a perspective, too. Yes, what happened sucked. But are his words worth ending a really good friendship?
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    Ignorance does not discriminate. It comes in all shapes, sizes, colors, political affiliations, and religions. Don't let one person's ignorance effect who YOU are. Ever.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Ignorance does not discriminate. It comes in all shapes, sizes, colors, political affiliations, and religions. Don't let one person's ignorance effect who YOU are. Ever.

  • mcdonl
    mcdonl Posts: 342 Member
    I worked a very busy 24 on 9/11 and fortunately the second half was calm so I could enjoy the ceremonies on the TV with my brothers and sisters at the station.

    People like that guy are just haters... and like they say... haters are gonna hate. He probably doesnt even believe half of what he spews, and does it for dramatic effect.

    Thanks to your husband for serving. I wear an American Patch on my FF/EMS uniforms because of the fact that every single soldier who puts themselves in harmsway does it freely. For that, we all benefit.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    Wow. There really are no words. It made me sick to my stomach and extremely sad. I just LOVE how someone can live here and think these things... If it were me, I would want to rip the guys head off and spit down his throat, BUT, I would have to say that fit4life127 said it the most maturely here.

    And, to second fit4life127, I would like to give a huge THANK YOU to you and your husband for all you have done for the rest of us!!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Truthfully, I could not continue being this individual's friend. I mean, unless, he is related in some way. You shouldn't feel forced to surround yourself with such ignorance. I would not even respond to this individual because you aren't very likely to make him change his mind. I hope that if he is going to post some garbage like that he at least has enough respect to be a resident of his native country or somewhere else. Don't live in our country and then spew hatred against us. That's just not right!
  • glockster972
    glockster972 Posts: 704 Member
    I would say, "you're probably correct, America is hated by many countries in the world. Those countries are taught that we as Americans are the rich and we think we have the right to do as we please". That being said, I would also say "however, because of this horrible tragedy we have have learned much about the world and how to love people of different belief systems."

    I would tell him that I really don't appreciate the karma comment as this day is a in our history that we remember those who have fallen and sacrificed in order to give us the freedoms that we have.

    I to am a US Army vet and it would most likely piss me off if I read a comment like that.
  • ladyerin79
    ladyerin79 Posts: 97 Member
    Well, being an American, we know that everyone is entitled to their opinion in our country. However, if he is a close friend then I would let him know how much his comments offend. Better to get it out there than to continue a friendship with resentment. If he's just an acquaintance, I'd ignore his posts and/or delete him like others have said.
  • Jeepinmom4
    Jeepinmom4 Posts: 298 Member
    fitforlife said it,but yea id delete him and not give it another thougt. I know people have a rite to say whateve they want but that's just rude! My daughters science teachers parents were on one of the planes and it sickens me that he thinks they died beacouse of karma!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    If this is a "facebook friend" I would delete pronto.

    If it is someone you HAVE TO see in real life, like at work or something, then try to squash the argument, and be "civil" in person, but still delete him.

    If it is a "friend" in real life then you should still delete him, from facebook AND your life.
  • tmiqueen
    tmiqueen Posts: 254 Member
    Honestly, I wouldn't even respond to his reply. He's not worth your time and energy. He's clearly misguided and/or disgruntled and that's his right to feel that way, but his worldview does not reflect the majority, just because he thinks it does.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I'm uber sensitive about 9/11. I don't especially like talking about it. And I can't handle those TV specials, either. I knew too many people who were there.
  • CrazyDaisysMommy
    ouch. Those words were harsh, and it must have been even worse for you because they came from someone in your social circle. You having compassion for all the lives lost on 9/11 and the heroism that you witnessed does not make you brainwashed. It makes you human. I spent a good part of my life overseas and I've been confronted by too many people to count about our foreign policy. Most people are at a level of intelligence to be able to differentiate between hating U.S. policy and hating Americans. I've lived in the Middle East and I was told regularly that no one hates Americans, but our policies make their brains explode. Then they would switch to why I wasn't married, and what about having children, and aren't my parents suffering because I'm not giving them grandchildren? :laugh:

    I think that your friend Ruis has a narrow world view and if he wants to hate, it is not worth the emotional energy to participate in his debates. You have the ability to limit his access to your posts or to unfriend him completely if you don't like what he has to say, but rest assured, comments like his do not come from a place of nuanced geo-political analysis. There will always be people who say they hate America or Americans, but there will also always be people who line up around the block in their countries trying to get visas to come here. There will always be people who risk their lives to get here and have a better life. There will always be kids around the world who wear American fashion, listen to American music, and enjoy American movies and of course, try to emulate Americans. Don't waste your time on the ignorant haters!
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Yesterday on my drive home, as soon as I hit Texas, on most all of the overpasses along I-10, I saw this


    Firefighters on the overpasses waving flags. I burst into tears seeing these people. Call me a sensitive debbie downer if you will but it was very touching and to see this man spew hatred, makes me sick to the stomach. I usually never let anyone get to me like that but it just hit close to home. And don't get me wrong, there have been MANY horrible atrocious acts throughout history that can be mentioned but right now, for me at least, I lived and saw with my own eyes the horror of 9/11.
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    what a horrible thing to say! i'm so sorry that you're having to put up with that. in all honesty, i'm not sure i could keep a friend who could say that the murder of thousands of innocents was karma. i'm sorry if that seems harsh, and i don't know how close you two are... but for me personally, my brother is a Marine (currently on permanent assignment to civilian life) and also an EMT, so like you i GET what's going on and what happened. Horrible things happen to and in every country, it's the nature of man, but I can't imagine staying friends with someone who can... idk... i guess brush off these tragedies.

    that said, i do have very dear friends who differ VASTLY from me in political views (i'm a bisexual, pagan, left wing nut job - one of my fave ppl on the planet is 81, christian conservative who thinks that Pat Robertson speaks beautiful truth), and we will talk politics, but we're ok agreeing to disagree; b/c at the end of the day we love each other anyway. even though she's so WRONG. lol.

    so it is possible to have subjects that are off limits with your friends. i think that we all have them. and it's possible for those subjects to be some of those which we hold most dear to our sense of self.
  • dipsl19
    dipsl19 Posts: 317 Member
    id unfriend him and never speak to him again.
    i hate ignorance and dont need that kind of anger in my life, and i know it would drive me crazy if he continues to post things like that.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    Theres perhaps a shred of truth to what he said but its HOW it was done and said that irks me. I dont think I would have argued with him because people like that just wont listen anyways. I just wanted to say that I LOVE your "May we all be soldiers for love and tolerance." I couldnt agree more and I think that was the perfect way to handle this.
  • Froggy1976
    I don't think I would respond anymore. You say there was quite a bit of conversation going on already. If he still insists on spreading the hate he would simply be deleted by me. I had a similar situation with an aunt of mine. She was sending out some sort of chain mail that was very anti-military. I wrote to her and told her my views on the military, (I happened to be in the military at the time). I told her I did not appreciate the email and she apologized and hasn't send me another chain email since.
    I know that this situation is different and that the disagreement continues. If he is not ok to just let it go, apologize for offending you and agree to disagree then he would no longer be my friend.
  • manenuff21
    I posted a clip of a video called "Loose Change 9/11 the greatest lie ever sold" on my page yesterday with this quote, "Dear America, I love you but I don't believe you, sincerely, Independent Thinkers of America" and me and a social buddy went back and forth for hours and ended in pages being blocked and deleted.

    I know we each feel some sort of way about the tragedy. I was told that posting the video that exposes a lot of theories that show who was really involved in the attacks and what was gained by them. It also points out several cover ups and dozens of holes in the explanation given to the general public. I know 9/11 is a day that most chose to grieve or re live the events because media forces you to, but I have lost friends and family behind this selfish act and I refuse to be sad watching all the specials on TV. People grieve differently so instead of crying and being sad I chose to expose the lies force fed to us about the attacks. I was called a douche for not respecting the day. Damn 9/11!!! I HATE that day! My pains and sorrow are not narrowed down to a day, I grieve on holidays, birthdays, every time I open my yearbook or photo albums and realize my loved ones are gone behind an "act of terror" that could have been avoided. I'm not just sad I'm angry, posting the documentary only gave me a place to direct my anger.

    What it boils down to is, some people are insensitive,some people are *kitten*, but they have a right to their opinion, if you don't like it then ignore it.