weekend = failure.

i can do so good during the week with eating well, and exercising, but once the weekend hits i suck. i lose it all, all the control, all the motivation, everything! i eat too much and exercise WAY too little. i hate this; HATE, HATE, HATE IT! and i can't really get on my laptop during the weekend, so i can't get on here. :(


  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    First off, you're not failing. You only fail when you give up, and you haven't given up. Get "fail" out of your vocabulary.

    Second, could you plan ahead for your weekend? Maybe go into your food log and plan out healthy meals for your weekend, then print it out (or write it down) and try to stick as close to the plan as possible. Don't beat yourself up if you go off-track, but sometimes having a plan can help you make better choices.

    As far as exercise goes, again, have a plan. It doesn't have to be a "workout," it can be something as simple as taking a walk around your neighborhood. Go bowling with friends, or take a hiking day-trip in a local park. Go dancing. Just do something. Sitting around the house is such an open invitation to stuff your face (believe me, I know), so don't sit around the house. Get out and do something. Pack a lunch and leave the house for the day.

    You're not a failure. You're a work in progress, just like all human beings. You'll get it figured out. Just keep at it.
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    you are not a failure. NOT.

    Also, whats helped me during the weekends (because I use the gym at work and can't use it weekends) is to get up and go for a walk IMMEDIATELY. I have been getting up early and coming to work to workout so I'm trying to do the same on the weekends. I've also done extensive meal planning.
  • Baby steps! I'm obviously not the worlds best at this either, but I can honestly say I try... Do you do a weekly weigh in? If so, try making it Monday morning - makes you think about what's going in your mouth over the weekend. Failure is such a strong word, did you gain 5 pounds over the weekend or just mad at yourself for feeling like you lost control? We ALL do it. Pick Yourself Up, Dust yourself off and Smile. Today is a New Day to do a little better. We're here for you!
  • sherab69
    sherab69 Posts: 20 Member
    The weekends are a huge challenge for me too.
    Try allowing yourself to cheat. But keep it moderate like one meal each day can be whatever you want as long as you stay on track for the other 2 meals and snacks.
    just keep trying.
  • jbeauchamp1
    jbeauchamp1 Posts: 195 Member
    You came back today so obviously you are choosing not to fail! Good for you! Dust yourself off and keep going. Weekends used to always be my downfall but here is what helps me:

    1. My weekly weigh in is on Sunday morning so that makes me stay in line Friday & Saturday because I don't want to show any gain on the scale.
    2. Plan your meals out through the weekend. I sit down on Sunday night and plan out all of our dinners for the week. I then break the recipe calories down so I know how much I need to allow for whatever I am making for dinner then I know what I have left to work with throughout the rest of the day. Planning is key!
    3. Drink lots of water.
    4. Sunday is my "off" day. I do not workout typically on Sunday and I am not as strict in my eating. This is my family day so if we choose to go out to eat I have flexibility. If I eat poorly then I know I have to make up for it in my workouts the following week.
    5. Workout: It is so easy to not want to work out on Saturdays for me because it is the one and only day I actually get to sleep in. So I still sleep in and then I get up and either get the workout over with or do it later at night. My Saturday workout is not as intense as during the week because honestly my body is tired by that day but I still work out. Any movement is something so just get up and move.

    Weekends don't have to be a downfall....trust me I know. I have consistently lost weight each week following the above methods so I know they can work you just have to do it. Hang in there and you will get something that works for you. Good luck!
  • i had a similar problem but the moment i decided to share my fitness plans with my family not only did they support me but also changed the way they live their lifes as they saw me drop 2 stone. in the early days i brought my own food round if i stayed over at a mates/family members home and knew they would be having a junk food fest. not once did they take offence or get annoyed by that. i think its a matter of getting the people around u aware of what u are doing for the support then the rest just follows. once u start getting compliments on the weight loss that'll push u on no end. good luck and keep with it x
  • Weekends I struggle, no doubt about it......, but there is a positive, I actually look forward to Mondays...lol. Just had to try and shed some light on a situation and put a smile on ppls faces - Afterall - It's MONDAY :)