Beachbody Workouts

How do you log beachbody Workouts? Currently not using a fitness tracker


  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Forget the brand names. That's not going to make the calorie burn estimate more accurate anyway.

    Think in terms of type of workout; the general category. Was it general aerobics, circuit training, or strength training?
  • skinnyrev2b
    skinnyrev2b Posts: 400 Member
    I would put it under calisthenics... but then, I use a Fitbit, so maybe someone more knowlegable will answer (calling @katylockett - do you have a tracker or do you log direct?)
  • katylockett
    katylockett Posts: 164 Member
    I log directly and I was actually looking at this myself this morning, as I know I haven't been logging correctly (under logging as I found out today).
    Moving forward I will be multiplying the estimated MET by my weight in kg which gives you the calories burnt per hour. So for the 1st month I calculate the warm and main workout at 10 MET then the 1st stretch and cool down at 3 MET. Therefore for month one workouts:
    Weight in kg x 10 (MET) ÷ 60 (gives you calories per minute) x 23.5 (roughly how many minutes the exercise takes) = The calories burnt for the warmup + main workout.
    Then add weight in kg x 3 (MET) ÷ 60 x 7 (roughly how many minutes the stretching takes) = The calories burnt for the first stretch + cool down.
    This total is what I will be logging from tomorrow - I know it's not 100% accurate but it's better than the stab in the dark I was logging before.
    I hope this helps and makes sense!