Looking to start small group for weight loss support

Hi there!

I’m looking for others who want to start a small group for weight loss support. I’ve lost quite a bit of weight, twice (maybe more) in my life, and every time I’m successful versus the times that I’ve failed, the biggest difference has been having a support group. Struggling and triumphing together seems pivotal to not giving up! If you’re interested please drop a line here. We can add each other as friends and go from there. Max 25 ppl.


  • Lauren9925
    Lauren9925 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey! I’m interested!
  • Lhenderson923
    Lhenderson923 Posts: 102 Member
    I’m in! I’m currently loosing my pregnancy weight and have about 10lbs to go (I gained 50 while pregnant). Once I reach that goal, I hope to lose another 20lbs which would put me in the healthy weight category as far as BMI. I’m breastfeeding currently so I have to lose slowly to ensure my supply isn’t impacted. I lost 70lbs in the past with MFP and maintained it pretty well for two years before getting pregnant, so I know I can do it again!
  • Hunter22967
    Hunter22967 Posts: 21 Member
    I’m down to help and or help with my knowledge of a personal trainer 👍
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,244 Member
    I'm in! Have added you 😊
  • wproemm
    wproemm Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I'm interested!
  • Mandapop81
    Mandapop81 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I'm interested. Fed up of yo yo dieting. I'm not particularly big but my weight fluctuates and I need to become a bit more steady (and happier) with my weight.
  • camhollymum22
    camhollymum22 Posts: 15 Member
    Interested! Xx
  • laceyf53
    laceyf53 Posts: 110 Member
    Also interested. 😄
  • Manda_k5
    Manda_k5 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I'm interested!
    I've lost 90lbs and gained back maybe 15 (?) and I want to get it back off and keep it off.
  • NecessaryChange
    NecessaryChange Posts: 91 Member
    I'd love to join, if that's cool. This is my first time having success and I'd love to be in an accountability group where we can help each other reach our goals.
  • Ellxaitch
    Ellxaitch Posts: 1 Member
    Sign me up! 😁
  • JCardenas912
    JCardenas912 Posts: 4 Member
    Usually pretty introverted. But id be interested in joining!
  • Natalietia
    Natalietia Posts: 25 Member
    I'm interested! Since lockdown here in the UK my weight has been up and down and I've gotten into some bad habits of eating so would be great to be in a supportive group.
  • Kaken21
    Kaken21 Posts: 78 Member
    I'm interested!
  • amandah3493
    amandah3493 Posts: 55 Member
    Hope I’m not to late! I’m interested!
  • sljjjembeca
    sljjjembeca Posts: 40 Member
    Definitely interested!
  • Srrs21
    Srrs21 Posts: 5 Member
    Interested if not too late
  • julsmarshall
    julsmarshall Posts: 129 Member
    I’d love to join you! Looking for a group to help me stay accountable. Thanks!
  • HadaraDavi
    HadaraDavi Posts: 5 Member
    Let's do it :-)
  • ladychr0nic
    ladychr0nic Posts: 127 Member
    I'm in!
    I'm from BC, Canada.

    SW 221.6
    CW: 210.4
    GW: not totally sure yet