First 10 days - is it just water? Am I doing this right?

HI everyone,
I have restarted a healthier lifestyle and weight-loss journey after regaining what I lost a year ago due to the pandemic and very stressful events in my life. I am currently 5.4 and started 10 days ago at 141.8 lbs. Now weighing in at 137.5 lbs. I wonder if this could only be water weight? I try to be meticulous with tracking calorie intake and I do weigh myself every morning, and noticed some fluctuations on the scale. Basically I know what seems to work for me in terms of diet. I know I need to forget Keto. I need low carb, very low gluten, non-diary as much as possible. Water water water, and proteins from eggs, fish and chicken, low glycemic fruit. No bread except the occasional rice cake, no refined sugar. Honestly I think I need to stay on this type of diet for the rest of my life, since going back to other types of food, traditional desserts, bread etc just screws me up again. I am starting to add light exercise as I am very out of shape. Just trying to move more.

My goal is 115 - 120lbs which might seem low, but it has to do with gender issues, I don't want to be curvy. I don't care as much about my weight in the end if I can just lower my body fat and have a stronger body. I am in my mid 40s, and is already having back problems and get winded if I run even a short distance. Recently a person in my close family, who is very fit and 2 years younger than me, had a serious heart attack. It was a wake up call for all of us.

Any advice on what I am doing here is greatly appreciated!


  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    It's likely some water and a bit of fat.

    This is just my opinion, and you addressed it somewhat, but you need to find a way of eating that you can realistically do for the rest of your life. I would burn out, crash and binge on the diet you are describing. I have to work treats into my diet. I allow 200-300 calories every night for dessert. I eat pizza, burgers, spaghetti, etc, occasionally. Occasionally being the operative word. If you like your described diet, totally go for it. Everyone is different.