Beards & Mustaches



  • Ireshgurl
    I love a good beard and moustache. My ex fiance had one and i loved it. Now, my hubby is in the military so of course.... he can't have one :grumble: When we were moving cross country from NorCal to Key West, and he had over a month of leave, I asked him to grow out his facial hair so i could see what he looked like. I'll give him props for trying, but it was just too itchy for him so he didn't let it grow in fully :cry: I was very sad when he shaved it off.
  • toddgaines
    This is a picture of me from University, where I tended to rock out a bit more scruff than I do these days. This is actually pretty tame for that period of my life.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    I'm not really into long/thick beards. I prefer scruff or a clean shave.

    Same here. Scruffy = sexy. When my husband is on leave, I insist that he not shave. Until it gets to a certain point. Then it's gotta go.
  • waylonthornton
    waylonthornton Posts: 40 Member

    A better shot of how long my beard is. Haters gonna hate.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    I get to sport my trimmed beard for the next two weeks while my gf is away. She likes me to be clean shaven for smooching purposes.

    But I love the way it looks, so I only shave it when I see her.
  • toddgaines

    A better shot of how long my beard is. Haters gonna hate.

    You win this round my friend ... but I'll be back... with a beard the likes of which have never been seen .....
  • mamabearr
    Love beards. Not a fan of a stash unless a beard is accompanied with it. My ex was so hairy (beard, stash, hair) he looked like a modern day Jesus. I used to tell him he could hide sandwiches in that thing for later snacking. My SO now usually has a beard but keeps it clean and trimmed up, and that is quite alright with me. (his hair is blonde anyways. Brown beards FTW)
  • mamabearr

    A better shot of how long my beard is. Haters gonna hate.

    You win this round my friend ... but I'll be back... with a beard the likes of which have never been seen .....

    You guys should have a Septembeard competition.
  • toddgaines

    You guys should have a Septembeard competition.

    I like it ... I like it a little too much actually. I'm supposed to be doing Movember this year, but I currently have nothing on my facial hair schedule for September....
  • mamabearr

    You guys should have a Septembeard competition.

    I like it ... I like it a little too much actually. I'm supposed to be doing Movember this year, but I currently have nothing on my facial hair schedule for September....

    Good good. I'd join in with you, but my beard tends to be a bit patchy.
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    BEARDS ARE MY FAVORITE THING EVER. I was first attracted to my bf because of his beard and when he shaved it off I was devastated :( Luckily he's currently growing it back.
  • kristinaohno
    kristinaohno Posts: 113 Member
    i don't get why girls says it hurts their face. i've never had a problem with facial hair hurting my face unless it was scruff. my boyfriends got a tight to his face beard and i love the way it feels on my face. i've even asked him to rub it on like my arm or when he kisses my back. omg. beards.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I try to keep mine waxed, plucked or epilated but it looks good on the hubs! :)
  • ennaejay
    when i'm old and whiskered i would love to grow a very feminine goatee and put a purple bead in it.

    my man is a hairy beast and often does a scruff on his face that looks very dashing. he just grows it long enough that it's soft, and always keeps his neck well shaved. sigh. i like that guy