When you're feeling a bit rough

How do you cope and not completely fall off the health and fitness wagon when you're feeling a bit rough and exhausted and all you want is beige food?


  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    shazland wrote: »
    Thanks for your replies! Some good and useful advice there. Sometimes you just need a plate of oven chips and some rest. I get alot of migraines and they always throw me off course.

    I used to get a real salt craving (especially for cheese & onion crisps!) when recovering from a migraine and could sleep for England.

    If you regard your health as the main goal and losing weight as just part of that then recovering from your migraine should take priority. Hope you find a way to reduce the frequency and severity of them, keep pestering your GP until you find a better way.
  • ChickenKillerPuppy
    ChickenKillerPuppy Posts: 297 Member
    I would say the biggest thing is to try and get out of the "all or nothing" mindset (I know, easier said than done). Life is going to happen no matter what - you are going to get sick, have work emergencies, friends come in town, you may just have a really bad day, and no one can be perfect every day.

    First, if you know how many calories you need to maintain your weight (which is really important info), you can switch to maintenance calories if you are going through a rough patch. Think how much better it would be to just not gain, even if you don't lose, when you are going through a tough time. That can give you a lot of wiggle room.

    Second, if you do have a bad day or go over your calorie allowance, just get back on track the next day (which, see above, may mean just eating at maintenance calories so you can get through it). If it's a Thursday, don't tell yourself "I blew it, I guess I'll start again Monday and indulge all weekend." Just get back on plan the next day. And don't try to take a big deficit to make up for your indulgence. It's OK. Think big picture.

    You have to remember this is a lifestyle change and that life is always going to throw curve balls at you. The test is not can you avoid pitfalls. You can't. The test is how do you react afterwards. Do not let perfect be the enemy of good. It has taken me so long to really understand this, and I am still working on it, but I believe it with all my heart.

    Best of luck!
  • ExpressoLove11
    ExpressoLove11 Posts: 337 Member
    shazland wrote: »
    Thanks for your replies! Some good and useful advice there. Sometimes you just need a plate of oven chips and some rest. I get alot of migraines and they always throw me off course.

    When I get a migraine I just give my brain whatever it demands - usually toast and chocolate because they really wear me out! I've been maintaining within the same 5lbs range for 18 months and the odd day over calories here and there hasn't affected that
  • shazland
    shazland Posts: 63 Member
    Thanks for the replies and advice. How do you find out your maintenance calorie allowance? :smile:
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    shazland wrote: »
    Thanks for the replies and advice. How do you find out your maintenance calorie allowance? :smile:

    If you have selected lose 1lb a week simply add 500 cals to the number displayed as your daily goal.

    Or go to your goal set up and instead of lose x pounds a week select "maintain current weight" to get an estimate of your maintenance calories for a day with no exercise. That should be good enough for purpose.