New member needs to get control of Type 2 Diabetes.

Hi - I just joined My Fitness Pal and hope it can help me get control of my blood sugar. Let me know if you have been able to get control and any tips you think would be helpful. Thanks.


  • 1poundatax
    1poundatax Posts: 230 Member
    I was headed toward diabetes which is what motivated me to get serious about my weight/health. I joined a program that helps you learn and implement life style changes to prevent diabetes. I have learned how important exercise is and I do some form of exercise almost every day. I use a lot of Youtube workouts for seinors, walking and yoga.
    I also have greatly reduced the amount of processed foods I eat. Instead of buying flavored yogurt I buy plain Greek yogurt and add my own fruit to it. I use a lot more fruits and vegetables. A favorite treat is a smoothie made with plain Greek yogurt, frozen fruit , 1/2 a banana and a little almond milk and sometimes some oatmeal. A cheese stick and a couple of clemetines are a snack that will hold me for quite awhile. If I eat a salad I dip a few bites into the dressing rather than putting dressing all over my salad. I find I don't crave the foods that I used to, I really want the healthy choices. I do eat treats but if I know I am going to have a treat I am more careful about other choices I make.