I need your advice

I started my journey in January and as to date April 1st I’ve only lost 12 pounds. I work a desk job and am thinking about using a food delivery service to help me along more. I’m 5’5 220lbs and have 60 more to go. I also have a friends wedding coming up so I’m trying lose the weight fast. Any advice would be great!


  • vanmep
    vanmep Posts: 410 Member
    Have you entered any of your info into the MFP calculator? Do you have any idea how many calories you need in a day or how many you actually eat? I started by just tracking without trying to reach any goals for the bff it’s few weeks. It was very educational about what I need, what a portion size is, how many calories are in things etc
    PHOTOCHAP Posts: 104 Member
    Yep. A pound a week is really good! Best advice as always is to dive deep into tracking what you eat and log your exercise too. There's plenty of helpful people here so just take it steady and read as much as you can about food logging and ask when you have any questions. Grab yourself some food scales if you haven't already and join in the fun.
  • Janatki
    Janatki Posts: 730 Member
    Well done! 1lb per week is great! Agree with what the other’s have said ....let the wedding spur you on, but you’re the ultimate goal ❤️
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    edited April 2021
    pattyjo89 wrote: »
    Thanks everyone! The wedding is just a good motivation push but I definitely want to get back to my old self for me. I’m thinking to much and worried it’s water weight and not real weight loss but others have said they see a difference so I know it’s working. I just can’t see it yet

    I had that same kind of worry when I first started losing weight years ago. Just like my mind seemed to be in denial of the fact I'd gained a bunch of weight (" the dryer is shrinking my clothes!"), I also didn't believe at first that the weight coming off the scale was actually real until I started dropping sizes and people started commenting on my changes..(when my dad looked at me in astonishment the first time, then I was convinvced..lol). I think our minds like to mess with us sometimes.

    With that in mind, couple of things I would recommend doing now - if you didn't get a Day 1 photo, go ahead and do it today. Then take photos every 20 lbs or so and compare. That should help you start to see the difference.
    Another thing to do is check your measurements periodically. You aren't just going to be losing lbs on the scale, but inches as well! You might already even be noticing your clothes fitting a tiny bit more loosely than they used to.
    Good luck to you! You got this!
    H4WKWIND Posts: 18 Member
    pattyjo89 wrote: »
    Any advice would be great!

    You have to workout and train like you really want it. You don't mention your exercise only eating and sitting.