Friends, anyone?!

Hey all!!

So, I've been around a while but I'm back full force now. After many, many attempts, diets, programs, etc. it's been one fail after another to lose weight so, my pcp and I decided the next logical step for my age, health, future was to have weight loss surgery.

I had the sleeve done on Feb 1 of this year so I'm 2 months post-op right now. Wondering if there's other WLS people out here?!

Would love to meet some new people regardless so say hey and friend request me!! I'm looking to grow my circle on here! <3


  • MaltedTea
    MaltedTea Posts: 6,286 Member
    Hi! While I'm not sure if there's a specific name for your type of weight loss surgery, you may have some luck finding relatively active (or at least recent) threads with the MFP search function...
  • BlondeButtercup127
    BlondeButtercup127 Posts: 750 Member
    Hi! While I'm not sure if there's a specific name for your type of weight loss surgery, you may have some luck finding relatively active (or at least recent) threads with the MFP search function...

    Thanks! ๐ŸŒž
  • anolette2
    anolette2 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello, I'm Amy...I've been off this app for a long time. And I've gained around 20 lbs in the past couple of years. I'm ready to get this going and need some accountability!
  • PremGandhi
    PremGandhi Posts: 115 Member
    More friends, oh yes please!!
  • SlateK9
    SlateK9 Posts: 34 Member
    Feel free to add me ๐Ÿ˜Š
  • tatib11
    tatib11 Posts: 2 Member
    friends deffinatly needed!
  • erikajane520
    erikajane520 Posts: 2 Member
    Iโ€™d love to have a new mfp friend !!
  • dboutsomsy
    dboutsomsy Posts: 2 Member
    Absolutely love to connect with people are on their journey to a better them...Gained 30lbs since 2016 since becoming a police officer even though I've been super active and lift 4 days a week and also had competed at the Arnold's 5 years in a row.....Feel free to add me...I'm also on IG as well, dboutsomsy
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,130 Member
    You are welcome to add me .... Wishing you much success :)
  • Sunnypatel93
    Sunnypatel93 Posts: 21 Member
    Would love to connect and share inspiration, motivation and methods! :)
  • BlondeButtercup127
    BlondeButtercup127 Posts: 750 Member
    Thank you all for the kind words! If I missed sending you a request, hit me up! ๐ŸŒŸ
  • nygator06
    nygator06 Posts: 22 Member
    I started my journey in the beginning of the year been doing well good luck with yours you can add me as a friend . Good luck with yours this a great community with a lot of information.
  • Okillhavecake
    Okillhavecake Posts: 4,855 Member
    Friend me away people