2nd week here, failed miserably during the weekend :/

annalynne88 Posts: 12 Member
edited October 2 in Introduce Yourself
Hello all,
This is my 2nd week on here. I did alright the first week. I actually lost 3 pounds somehow...I'm guessing because I have actually began exercising again and (somewhat) counting my calories.
Anywho, my problem is this: I like to drink and have a good time on the weekends. This usually includes going out to eat with my boyfriend at least a couple of times, and I drink alot on the weekends. This Friday I tried to not eat as much to make up for the extra calories I knew I would be drinking, but it was so hard. I lost count and just gave up, figuring I would go over my limit anyway.
Plus, I went to the Rangers game on Saturday and of course, I had to have nachos and a couple drinks. What do you do to enjoy yourself? I want to still be able to drink...but I don't get to feeling very "good" until I have had a lot..I have quite a high tolerance.


  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Im not perfect, i love to enjoy my weekends and they pretty much involved good food and wine... so as long as im good for 5 days and relax a bit on the weekend im not going to loose too much sleep about it... as long as i go to the gym on Monday i will feel great again!! Good luck!!!
  • Brownski860
    Brownski860 Posts: 361 Member
    2-3 drink max.... do i hard workout the day of and the next day.... alcohol has ALOT of sugar which puts weight on and then you get the munchies on top of it.... bring your own snacks to the games if possible. Also, your going to have to stop going out to dinner, limit your self to once a week. The rest of the days invite him over or cook something healthy together at his place
  • Brooke1542
    Brooke1542 Posts: 115 Member
    I like to drink too, and usually drink a lot on the weekends. I try and drink Vodka/water when I can and if I know it's going to be a really bad weekend, I do a longer or more intense workout to earn back extra calories.
  • soniak78
    soniak78 Posts: 74 Member
    Hi there,

    The weekends are really tough for me too! I love Kettle crisps, eating out and drinking and thats my downfall. When eating out, I usually have a starter. If we go to McDonalds, I have a crispy chicken salad with Balsamic dressing. Also, I love Budwieser or any other type of lager. I have sadly :0( changed my tipple to vodka and diet coke for 55 calories so u can have many drinks for fewer calories. At the weekend, I do try not to eat as many calories so I can drink them. This is especially the case on a FRiday night!

    This weekend, I did 2 workouts for an hour in the morning so I knew that I would have extra calorie. I am going to try and do this every weekend now....... thats my thinking but it may not happen lol

    Good luck finding your weekend cure :0)
  • Aegelis
    Aegelis Posts: 237 Member
    Join the "Failed Miserably During the Weekend Club". I've been trying to drop my membership for some time now, but have 'skipped a few meetings' by still eating what I want, just at reduced portions after typing it into the food diary before I eat it. There's a My Fitness Pal mobile app. that helps too. Found out the buffalo wings were a mistake, way too many calories for way too little food.
  • hey, even if that happened just let it go! you keep saying to yourself you can achieve things in life and you will work hard xx hope im making you feel better!=] ps: keep trying and it will pay off
  • mariabee
    mariabee Posts: 212 Member
    I do the same thing as you, minus the drinking, I usually just go crazy on calories because during the week I am so good I feel like I need a treat, which ends up lasting from Friday, 5pm until Sunday night.

    BUT, don't beat yourself up about it, and just move forward. Drink A TON OF WATER TODAY to try to flush out all the sodium and booze from your system, and just get back into your normal healthy routine NOW.

    You can totally still enjoy yourself while on this new weight loss chapter of your life, just remember to drink a lot of water, try to maintain your exercise and you will feel so much better by tomorrow.
  • hey, even if that happened just let it go! you keep saying to yourself you can achieve things in life and you will work hard xx hope im making you feel better!=] ps: i might send you a friend request if you dont mind!
  • msmayor
    msmayor Posts: 362 Member
    I suffer from this also - what I do is on the weekends I work out to burn at lease 500 or more, I limit my food intake and I usully will drink merlot and I know the calorie count for that where I go wrong it the Hennessy...... but I don't do mixed drinks and no beer the next day I consume at least a gallon or more of water and again during the week I try to have a net calorie deficit to help towards the weekend - it's hard but it's about a numbers game- good luck!
  • conald
    conald Posts: 5 Member
    If I know I'm going to be having a lot of calories on a certain night, I try to work out that morning so that I'll have more net calories to work with - if you burn 400 calories running then you've earned yourself something like 4 rum & diet cokes before touching your original calorie goal. It's not always easy to schedule work outs on weekends, but if you're able to it helps a lot, and even if you do go over your calories, you'll do it less than if you hadn't worked out, and it helps keep your attitude positive. Also, sticking with a lower calorie drink (something mixed with diet soda rather than regular or sugary fruit juice, or coors light vs a heavier beer) can help as well.
  • annalynne88
    annalynne88 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks everyone! Feel free to add me as a friend and keep me accountable =)
  • Kany
    Kany Posts: 336
    I have the same problem with drinking and partying over the weekend. Like annalynne88 I have a high tolerance in alcohol and sometimes I would drink about 5 12oz of new castle just to get the buzz at the bar. I started logging my calories in for the alcohol consumption and with 5 bottles that's 750 calories. That is more than I would eat in a sitting! It makes me think twice before I reach for a liquor. Now I am limiting my drinking and hopefully quit altogether. If I plan to drink, I would log in the calories ahead of time so that I would know if this will take me way over my calories goal or not. And I would also plan my meals accordingly.
  • I know its hard Anna, I personally like good brandy. But in truth I haven't touched it. You are going to have to decide which is more important, your health (and shape) I guess or the drink. nobody is going to judge you either way, it is all about what you want. When you decide, dig your heals in and just fight hard. Alcohol is totally out when you diet. So when you go for a night out I am afraid its fizzy water for you (and me). Make sure you have one in your hand at a party even if you dont drink it, and when you feel tempted to get something stronger take a big sip and it will remind you not to. When you have finished your diet you will be able to eat and drink more but remember, you will never be able to drink or eat the same amounts as you did EVER, its weight or drink, you have to choose. I am sorry to be doom and gloom but you can get used to it, look at some of the fasion models. Good luck and best wishes John.
  • you can try to make up the calories during the rest of the week! If you know you're going to be going over Saturday and Sunday by 1000 calories then maybe burn an extra 200 calories each of the other days in the week (and don't eat those exercise calories). And maybe a little more restrictive with your food a few days before? I find that as soon as I introduce alcohol into the mix, then I conveniently forget that I have weight to lose. (Do beer goggle work even on ourselves?!) You may want to look into doing things with your friends and boyfriend that involve physical activity, such as joining a softball team. You get to run around all afternoon and then when the team hits the pub to celebrate after, you won't be doing as much harm!
  • weekends are the worst for me, so i know how you feel. this week you'll do fine. as for the upcoming weekend, just try a little harder, not a whole lot. baby steps is what i getting told, so i'm passing on that advice, :). we can do this.
  • marialynnporter
    marialynnporter Posts: 95 Member
    jeeze you sound like me. i need to drink alot too. i been better. you don't really need to drink to have fun or get tipsy to have fun. you can sip on a drink here and there. but if you can't do that try to stay with the clear drinks. so vodka with sprite or something that is clear. and ask for 100% proof. the more the % the less calories it is. :)
    so try that plus the more the proof the stronger it is so you don't need to drink so much too!
    i hope that helped. and if you want you can add me as a friend too. if you need more.
  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    I know its hard Anna, I personally like good brandy. But in truth I haven't touched it. You are going to have to decide which is more important, your health (and shape) I guess or the drink. nobody is going to judge you either way, it is all about what you want. When you decide, dig your heals in and just fight hard. Alcohol is totally out when you diet. So when you go for a night out I am afraid its fizzy water for you (and me). Make sure you have one in your hand at a party even if you dont drink it, and when you feel tempted to get something stronger take a big sip and it will remind you not to. When you have finished your diet you will be able to eat and drink more but remember, you will never be able to drink or eat the same amounts as you did EVER, its weight or drink, you have to choose. I am sorry to be doom and gloom but you can get used to it, look at some of the fasion models. Good luck and best wishes John.

    I have to agree with him. Maybe limit you drinking to once a month or so as a treat. I also second the idea about having your boyfriend over and make dinner together. And this is from your page: "My whole lifestyle needs a rude awakening. I have been lazy for too long. It is go time and I am going to do this!"
  • Thesoundofwolf
    Thesoundofwolf Posts: 378 Member
    No one's perfect! Do what you like, like what you do- but add healthy to the mix! Its what I'm trying out now!
  • msiamjan
    msiamjan Posts: 326 Member
    I know its hard Anna, I personally like good brandy. But in truth I haven't touched it. You are going to have to decide which is more important, your health (and shape) I guess or the drink. nobody is going to judge you either way, it is all about what you want. When you decide, dig your heals in and just fight hard. Alcohol is totally out when you diet. So when you go for a night out I am afraid its fizzy water for you (and me). Make sure you have one in your hand at a party even if you dont drink it, and when you feel tempted to get something stronger take a big sip and it will remind you not to. When you have finished your diet you will be able to eat and drink more but remember, you will never be able to drink or eat the same amounts as you did EVER, its weight or drink, you have to choose. I am sorry to be doom and gloom but you can get used to it, look at some of the fasion models. Good luck and best wishes John.

    "Fraid I agree too. It's a choice--and it's entirely yours. One suggestion--replace alcohol with dancing. You get some of the same effects, it's super fun and as a bonus it burns calories!
  • Hi my name is Yolanda I am new to myfitnesspal. I joined in by Fall Fit Camp with Chantel.
    I m enjoying this site. I been having a hard time with exercising and food and the few days since
    I have been here I v been able to be accountable and committed to my fitness pals. I m looking forward
    to having great results and maybe I can be of some encouragement as well. And meet new people.

    Great News since the 6th of Sept. I lost 6lbs. didn't realize it until to day. I was so concerned about what I wasn't
    doing like exercising that when I came in to day to check in I realized, Wow! I didn't loose weight and yes I did walk and
    do a work out. Now this is encouraging.....Proud of Me!
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