Ready to give up...



  • KayaSamantha
    KayaSamantha Posts: 157 Member
    I am so sorry you are going through this. I was diagnosed after I had a miscarriage in April and it was devastating! It is possible to overcome and you will do it. I might suggest looking into another opinion from a endocrinologist or naturopath to see if there are some more options for you. Also talking to your partner about it. I know it is intimidating to admit that something is "wrong" that you can't help and I was terrified that my boyfriend would blame me for the miscarriage but it all worked out and now he is my number one supporter. Good luck and lots of hugs!
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    I forgot this on my first reply. On your hands and joint aches, it would not hurt to see a dermotologist on the blister thing. If it is the beginning of Psoriasis (sp?) that is a sign of an auto immune disease. However, it could be that you are allergic to something and allergens can cause other things like joint aches. A friend of mine had a terrible breaik out of reddness and blisters around her mouth and face. The cause was tracked to the baby wipes she kept in her vehicle to wipe her mouth and face with after working out so you just never know.
  • dosesr4winners20
    Have you looked into adoption?

    This is definitely something to think about if nothing else works. I was adopted. My parents were told they couldn't have kids, so they adopted me, then 3 years later adopted my sister (she's not my biological sister), then 3 years later they got pregnant with my brother, and 2 years later with my other brother. Then they finally said ENOUGH!

    I don't know what the situation was with my biological parents, but there are lots of kids out there in horrible situations who need a home. Not just in Africa or Asia, but right here in the US.

    Obviously adoption isn't for everyone, and it can screw up a kid's head, but it's better than the situation they likely would have been in.

    I was adopted myself, along w my brother and sister. it is a great thing and probley saved me from living a terrible life. for me it is an option but i don't think so for dear hubby. i had brought it up before and he seemed resistant to it. mayeb give that idea time.
  • JoAnn73
    JoAnn73 Posts: 161 Member
    You are your family are in my prayers.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Have you looked into adoption?

    This is definitely something to think about if nothing else works. I was adopted. My parents were told they couldn't have kids, so they adopted me, then 3 years later adopted my sister (she's not my biological sister), then 3 years later they got pregnant with my brother, and 2 years later with my other brother. Then they finally said ENOUGH!

    I don't know what the situation was with my biological parents, but there are lots of kids out there in horrible situations who need a home. Not just in Africa or Asia, but right here in the US.

    Obviously adoption isn't for everyone, and it can screw up a kid's head, but it's better than the situation they likely would have been in.

    I was adopted myself, along w my brother and sister. it is a great thing and probley saved me from living a terrible life. for me it is an option but i don't think so for dear hubby. i had brought it up before and he seemed resistant to it. mayeb give that idea time.

    Ahh wonderful :) A lot of people are resistant to it, so I find myself presenting it in the light I just did, a lot. If it weren't for my adoptive parents I actually wouldn't be here, as my mom's friend worked in an abortion clinic and my biological mother was in there to get an abortion (that's all I know of the situation, I don't know why or anything of that nature). Hopefully your hubby will come around to it, if it comes to that. Hopefully it won't, but what's the saying? Prepare for the worst, hope for the best. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    In my opinion, PCOS *is* (or *can be*) an autoimmune disorder - I have had symptoms going back to the age of 4 of an insulin problem. Autoimmune disorders run in my family. My doctor also told me that unlike some women, who have more of an acute onset of PCOS that can easily be managed, I will have symptoms/problems for my entire life. It may be you are like me.

    A few things:

    Have you spoken with your doctor(s) about Metformin?

    Have you told them you are TTC?

    Please do not blame yourself about the kids issue. I apologize for being blunt and I don't want to get into your business, but how do you know your husband also may not have issue(s) that would affect conception?

    Depression has been known to be linked to PCOS.

    I don't believe that this should provide you help, just know there are others out there like you, that you are not alone, and the inability or difficulty to conceive does not make one less of a woman in any way.
  • ajfranzen77
    My husband and I tried for 4 years before I got pregnant. Constantly thinking about it will only put stress on you making it harder to get pregnant. To tell you the truth I had given up on getting pregnant and bought a puppy, 4 months later I was pregnant. I think it was because I wasn't thinking about it anymore, rather I spent my time with the new puppy and she made me happy. I know how hard it is every month to hope and then to be disappointed. I was on the pill and it never did regulate my period. So I guess my advice would be... tell his family to back off they aren't helping by stressing you out, it will happen when it happens, two get off the pill can't get pregnant while your on that. And have fun, don't stress about having a baby. because being depressed won't help either.

    Good Luck and try to stay positive and talk to your husband about your medical issues, I'm sure he will sympathetic to your situation and what your going through.
  • vannie18
    Hi, I I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 24 years old and trying to get pregnant, I was 240 pounds.We try with a RE for 8 months with metformin, clomid and iud's and finally became pregnant just to lose the baby at 18 weeks, let me tell you after trying for so long, them having to go through that was probably the most terrible thing that can happen to someone, I gave up on having children and stop trying to, I decided to focus on my health and my body, I started working out and eating better and lost 70 pounds, then guess what I was feeling weird and decided to take a pregnancy test and I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the + sign. Now I have a 3 year old and after 14 months I became pregnant with my now 1 year old. I'll I can tell you is to never give up and never lose faith and stop trying so hard because the moment you relax and focus your energy into something else is the moment that is going to happen for you. Talk to your doctor about metformin if you are not taking it already, this help me a lot to regulate my periods and to jump start my ovulation. Good luck!!!!
  • cortycrazy
    cortycrazy Posts: 61 Member
    you can't give up hope. there's a plan for everyone, and the way i try to live day to day is knowing that everything happens for a reason. every struggle you go through is a test, and as much as they may suck you have got to keep pushing through. just know that there are so many people in your life, and on MFP that are here to at least lend a shoulder to cry on. we're all rooting for you, keep your head up. everything will work out the way it's supposed to. <3