Tired of being a gamer stereotype!

So I am a bit of a nerd, and have a bit of a seditary life style. I need to change that. And I'd like to look a little better around the edges, if you know what I mean.

I gained a lot of 'raider weight' back when I was a pro-raider in World of Warcraft. On top of taking birthcontrol, and antidepresants, I gained almost 80lbs from my high school weight (which was on the hefty side even then, but still!). I went from a size 16/18 to a size 20/22. I'm tired of it! Enough is enough!

I'm a college kid, and an art geek. I love debating on all levels, with the power of logic (over emotions). And deep down inside, I'm a foodie too. So dieting, is kinda a challenge.

So I'm real learning my foods, how to prepare them, and make them better for myself. I'm not a fan of these drink two shakes, eat some 100 cal bag o snacks, and two bars a day. I like to eat what I make, thus why relearning food is a key to my weight loss.

Along with adding some daily activity. I'm starting out slow. 20 minuets/6 days. Either my Zumba for the xbox360, or just brisk walking (I live with a lot of hills, so it adds to the challenge!).

I would love any tips, because my problem is.. sticking to it! I have my lovely roommate working with me, and we keep udated together on this site! So at least I have a friend! :D


  • I'm new here too!

    Switch WoW for xbox games and we could be twins! I am looking for some friends on here and in the xbox sphear. My gt is my username if ya wanna add me :)

    Good luck!

    If your really interested I would love to join forces over the web with ya :)
  • cartern1
    cartern1 Posts: 270 Member
    with your power of logic over emotions you will do well
  • Thesoundofwolf
    Thesoundofwolf Posts: 378 Member
    Yesss! Lets do this Jellyfish!
  • I'm a gamer and an artist myself, so I can totally relate. I think its absolutely wonderful your roomate is working with you on this - that's important to have someone to help keep you on track; In my experience anyways. Keep up the good work, I know you can do it! :)
  • brando208
    brando208 Posts: 7 Member
    Fo sho good luck. I was there (not as extreme) not to long ago.
    Programmer + gaming can take its toll if you do not live an
    active lifestyle. Good luck for the change!
  • HolleeERL
    HolleeERL Posts: 313 Member
    I love your term "raider weight" as my husband plays EQ and struggles with his weight a bit. He actually does road biking, but not enough to offset all the beer, chips and other crap he ingests while raidiing vitrually every night!

    Best of luck to you!
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    From one gamer to another, welcome to the site!! Feel free to send me a friends request
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Ask yourself how much time, energy and effort you would put in to raising the stats on your warlock or druid or death knight? How many hours and hours of intense, hard work would it take to raise a single stat by 10%? Well, you are now working on your own stats. Consider each thing to be it's own stat...weight, waist, hips, chest, biceps, thighs, and endurance. Now work towards getting them to acceptable levels :happy:

    << Wow and EQ gamer here. Also natural foods consumer, runner, weight lifter, and boxer. And slim, now too!
  • Phera
    Phera Posts: 269 Member
    I'm a recovering WoW addict myself and can totally relate. Since quitting WoW I've gotten another degree, lost 10 lbs. and learned a couple new skills. I miss the game sometimes but I like myself more these days and it's not worth going back for me. I went cold turkey and made sure I had things on hand to keep me distracted from playing. Seeing results is a big motivator.
  • gmrgirl
    gmrgirl Posts: 50 Member
    I'm a gamer and I support creating a new gamer stereotype! I'v got a group of "Action Heroes" that I work out with and train, every one of them gamers. Some of us play D&D or Whitewolf, others MMO's, some others Magic: the Gathering and at least one of them is a LARPer.

    Welcome to the fold! And if you want some healthier options for the times you indulge in your pastime, lemmie know. I've created some "Healthy Gamer Fare" for the long raids and marathon gaming weekends :D

    ETA: XBOX Gamertag is "Testmonkey5" (I'm a software QA test supervisor for a gaming company). I don't Zumba but I have Dance Central and all the DLC. I'd love to see you on my leaderboards and I'll keep ya going!
  • Thesoundofwolf
    Thesoundofwolf Posts: 378 Member
    Yeap. I call it that, because. Well, I only got it when I started seriously gaming. Before, I just gamed causally- and was 'ok'.. not great. But now I want better for myself.
  • Syntria
    Syntria Posts: 46 Member
    I'm a gamer as well, and I also operate a live-stream gaming site so keeping live gaming content upis important. I sit on my butt all the time!

    I play indie titles (MineCraft, Terraria), PC Games (League of Legends, StarCraftII) but also a ton of games on my PS3 (Resident Evil, Assassins Creed, Prototype, Infamous).

    Let's be friends. We can prove you can game and be fit as well!
  • Thesoundofwolf
    Thesoundofwolf Posts: 378 Member
    Tell me more of this Healthy Gamer Fare! I have a DnD group coming up soon, and want to encourage my players (as I am the DM mwhahahaha!) to join in on this with me. We could all use it fo'sho!
  • Thesoundofwolf
    Thesoundofwolf Posts: 378 Member
    I still play WoW, I can't lie. I just don't raid anymore, and I only play in short block periods. With friends, and we have like objectives. IE: 2-3 dungeons, or some BG's. Or a few levels on an alt. Never long period, not anymore.

    I only play mainly because of my signficant other, we're slightly long distance (get to see eachother every other weekend), so games are a way we can still hang out and connect. We try other things too, like league of legends.
  • Syntria
    Syntria Posts: 46 Member
    What's your League of Legends handle? Mine's Syntria.
  • Thesoundofwolf
    Thesoundofwolf Posts: 378 Member
    Thanks for all the love. YES!

    I have dance central- but not a lot of DLC. The DLC is on my roommate's account.
    BUT! I am up to the challenge to get better at it. But I have white girl snydrome, so I don't dance very well

    my GT is my name here. :D
  • Thesoundofwolf
    Thesoundofwolf Posts: 378 Member
    What's your League of Legends handle? Mine's Syntria.

    Sound of Wolf.

    I play mainly Chog'maw or Fiddlesticks. Havn't played in a while, since the Soraka nerf cus of my friend- he was so sad. But may play some games tonight!
  • Welcome from one gamer to another! I used to be an avid WoW player but gave it up when I started law school 4 years ago. Now, that I'm done with school, I am still a gamer but never got back into WoW. Anyway, one thing I try to make a habit of: I try not to let myself play any video game until I have done some sort of workout whether going to gym, going for a walk, or spending some time using Wii Fit and Dance Workout for the Wii. Then I limit myself to only a small amount of time at a time. Also, I sometimes like to snack while playing a game, and make an effort to grab a healthy snack. Good luck to you! If you're looking for more friends, feel free to add me!
  • Gamer and artist as well... all I can say is, you're on the right track! Use that foodie instinct to build a healthy repetoire of recipes, avoid the pull of munching food while gaming,,, and that'll help get you a long way down your path.

    For me, I always try and look at the changes I'm implementing and ask 'Is this maintainable? Do I enjoy it?' Not just whether it will get me to my goal weight. I know myself - I won't give up gaming and painting for long for exercise, so I've kept the exercise light time wise and focused more on changing what I eat.

    Oh - and if you're looking to changing cooking habits, if you don't have one, a really nice teflon wok does wonders for creating quick, tasty meals. It lowers the amount of oil needed (or none, if you use broth) and you find yourself eating a good deal of veggies, fresh and frozen. It's my number one pan used anymore. Heck, I found you can even pop popcorn in it sans oil, if you keep shaking it as it goes.
  • Syntria
    Syntria Posts: 46 Member
    added you Wolf. Looking forward to nagging each other in game about keeping active on MFP while kicking some summoner butt.

    I'm out, going for a walk. Welcome and I look forward to following your progress.