From couch potato to curvy fit pinup

Hi! my name is Ingrid and I'm 27 years old living in Boston. I started using my fitness pal a few months ago with my boyfriend but at the time I wasn't in a great place in my life so I started obsessing over every morsel of calories and starved myself. Needless to say, it wasn't good, I lost 5 pounds and then gained 10. I started my weight loss journey a little over a month ago on my own and I've been very motivated and changing my diet around completely, I'm in a better place now and I'm ready to get rid of all these pounds.

But doing this alone is so hard!! I have a hard time establishing a consistent diet and working out. I work long hours and I struggle to find the perfect work out. I'm 5'7 and currently around 217 lbs. I'd love to make new friends, help each other in our journey, stay positive and motivated, share tips and advice. I'll try my hardest to be there when you need me but I need people that wont give up on me either! My dream is to become a confident woman and happy with my body so I can give it a try at being a model.


  • cybersheel
    cybersheel Posts: 145 Member
    Hi! Good luck on your journey - add me if you wish.
    I'm 5'7" too, 57 years old, was 275 pounds last April now 204 with a ways to go too. Started this site a couple of months ago, it's good to be with people with similar problems.
    Losing slow and steady and changing habits has worked this time for me after years of being a yo-yo.
    What a difference being able to have a wide choice of clothes rather than wide clothes!
    Take care, be kind to yourself.
  • Hi_Im_Jess
    Hi_Im_Jess Posts: 347 Member
    I'm a little shorter (ok like 3" shorter) but not much difference in weight. I had to stop weighing myself so often because I would obsess over every pound lost or gained, it was really unhealthy so I know how you feel. I sent a friend request, maybe we can help eachother out.

    Also, I love Boston.. Except for maybe the Red Sox lol :)
  • InspiredSAM
    InspiredSAM Posts: 98 Member
    You're welcome to add me as well!

    It's easy to become obsessed with calories, especially when its so easy to log them on MFP. I personally choose the TDEE calorie method because I found starving myself ineffective. Good luck!
  • TheBeerRunner
    TheBeerRunner Posts: 2,777 Member
    The thing I find to be the most useful is to not obsess over weighing in every day, or even every week... Your body fluctuates day-to-day, and if you see +4 lbs one day and down a few the next, and back up a few pounds the day after, it gets disheartening. Lots of people rely on measurements instead of just weight to judge their progress. I use my mirror. I haven't seen much weight fall off in the past month, but I know I'm doing something right, as I dislike the reflection in the mirror a little less every day. If you can follow your calorie intake and exercise goals you will lose weight. Set some short-term goals, it helps to break up your big goal. Feel free to add me, I try to give my friends as much motivation and feedback as I can without going overboard. Best of luck.
  • MrsK20141004
    MrsK20141004 Posts: 489 Member
    You can add me if you'd like, I log daily :) I'm 5'4", 175 with a goal of 18% BF (approx 140lbs). The scale is not your friend, get a measuring tape and learn how to use it to see true progress :flowerforyou:
  • ingridisazombie
    ingridisazombie Posts: 16 Member
    The greatest battle for me is learning to love myself and accepting my little triumphs, I'm a strong believer that the scale does not define me and I try not to weigh myself much so I rely on what I see in the mirror and the way my clothes fit. I can't say I've seen a great progress but I'm getting there. I like having things organized so I struggle with finding a good work out and a good diet. I don't like going for fad diets or starvation periods but I'm kind of lost as to what things to cut down, what not to eat, and such. I don't eat refined anything anymore, no soda (pop), and I was staying away from sodium but then I learned that I need sodium anyway. So I'm struggling, struggling a lot. Thanks for your kind replies!
  • mfleeg
    mfleeg Posts: 137 Member
    I am like you where I really like organization! I am on day 44/63 of Insanity and feel as though that has been great for me. The organization of having a workout calendar to organize what my workouts should be and to cross them off as I do them has been very helpful at getting me into exercise.

    Good luck on reaching your goals! You are very pretty, so I think you can one day become the model that you want to be!
  • clobern
    clobern Posts: 341 Member
    Added! Anyone else can add me as well.

    Good luck on doing what you need to do, just make sure you're doing it the right way. Make a change to your life that will last forever!
  • ajens209
    ajens209 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm Amie and I have just begun my journey! Looking for others to help keep me motivated on the days I want to quit and to celebrate with me on the days I don't! I in turn will do the same for you. I work full time, attend school full time and I'm the mom of 3 daughters, ages 17, 7 & 5. So...finding time to exercise has been my bigget battle well other then the late night eating when I come from from class. Just wanted to introduce myself and say good luck to all! :smile:
  • Parmcat
    Parmcat Posts: 268 Member
    Hello and welcome!

    I log everyday, and work straight nights. Its then I check out my friends logs and make notes about what is working, and offer my support!

    I would love to have you add me, and share our tricks on this long journey

    All the best!

  • jhascek
    jhascek Posts: 4 Member
    I haven’t been on these boards in forever. I actually forgot about them until now! I hope everyone is closer to their goals of being a pinup! I’m down 50 lbs and right now I’m only losing very tiny small inches! I’m down from a size 24 to a large 12/14 depending on who makes the clothes!