new and discouraged



  • anglin66
    Another way to monitor your weight loss is by measurements. measure your arms, thighs, bust, waist, hips. do this once a month. Even though the scale is hardly moving you will be surprised in the results of how your body is actually changing and the lose of inches. This is more important than what the scale says
  • Losin_N_2018
    Losin_N_2018 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm still learning myself . . . I decided this past weekend to focus on other goals instead of the # on the scale. Such as 1st month I will exercise for 30 min. Then the next month I will add to it such as I will drink no pop (even diet) or no bread or I will do 100 crunches, etc.
    I figure I can't be disapointed and fall off the wagon when I don't see the scale moving. Then weigh & measure yourself at the end of each month. Don't give up . . . . see what happens at the end of month 3.
  • JcSans
    JcSans Posts: 18 Member
    The same happened to me, but once I started looking at what I ate I realized I was not eating enough calories. I started eating smaller portions often throughout the day, more water less sodium and started losing weight again. Congrats on your weight loss by the way.
  • lorie1282
    lorie1282 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for the advice on the activity level. I did change my activity and I am hoping to see a difference. Today is a new day and I will not focus on the scale just results and getting healthier:smile:
  • khartley535
    khartley535 Posts: 151 Member
    I saw that your food diary was unlocked, so I took a peek. I hope you don't mind.

    You seem to have quite a few processed foods and not a lot of fruit or veggies. Increase those and your water intake and try to cut out the processed foods. This will also lower your sodium intake which will decrease your water retention. HTH.